Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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Really hope that it will be truly meaningful sanctions, since Putin may have akready factored such sanctions before taking such a decision

And knowing the incompetent West, I think they will release a list of shitty weak sanctions just to keep legitimising the import of cheap delicious Russian gas


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They are also cutting Ukraine's share in the Black Sea. I see a lot of headaches for our navy in the Black Sea, because Russia likes claiming everything. If they annex also Transnistria, Abchazia and South Osetia then the Black Sea will turn into a Russian lake.

Whats the next step, Istanbul (like some Russian politicians, analysts and historicus say this city is their faiths heritage) ?

We must be prepared to this. They are drunk enough to claim Antalya because a lot of Russians bought property there.

The US should attacked and partitioned them when they had the chance after the fall of the Soviet Union. Now its to late. What a mess, i never believed that a time will come where Russia is more imperialist than the US.

Yeah I think the Turkish navy should be bolstered to cope with the increase Russian naval presence there. The Black Sea fleet had been revitalized and expanded greatly since 2014.

If Ukraine did not survive this crisis, those Ada class they ordered should be inducted to the TN instead. Russia will not stop in Ukraine, next they will go for the Baltics and eventually Turkey.


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Yeah I think the Turkish navy should be bolstered to cope with the increase Russian naval presence there. The Black Sea fleet had been revitalized and expanded greatly since 2014.

If Ukraine did not survive this crisis, those Ada class they ordered should be inducted to the TN instead. Russia will not stop in Ukraine, next they will go for the Baltics and eventually Turkey.

Nope, Turkiye is to big for Russia these days, no longer the 40's and 50's when the population was low, there was no economy and a weak army.

They will definitive not stop tho and annex the baltics and parts of scandinavia imo.


Yeah I think the Turkish navy should be bolstered to cope with the increase Russian naval presence there. The Black Sea fleet had been revitalized and expanded greatly since 2014.

If Ukraine did not survive this crisis, those Ada class they ordered should be inducted to the TN instead. Russia will not stop in Ukraine, next they will go for the Baltics and eventually Turkey.
Thats probably whats going to happen


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Remember Turkey should train the Crimean Tatars and Crimean Turks.

We should be using them to bleed russia.

Remember these are our historical lands also the Russians killed 30 to 40 Turkish soldiers.

Payback is way overdue to be honest. Not to mention we have defence and trade ties and those scumbag bears are gonna ruin it all.


Azerbaijan Moderator
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You still control the access point. So it means the Russians control it, but they can't break out of it. Russia couldn't take Istanbul, the worry would really be Russians power in the Balkans, turning Bulgaria and Romania into a alliance against Turkey. The US did attack and partition them, and they recovered over the next 30 years. The Germans attacked and partitioned them, they recovered 20 years later.

How is Russian imperialist? It hasn't invaded anyone, just claimed people who want to be part of Russia and that's it. Its like the UK with Gibraltar and Northern Ireland. You Turkey with Cyprus. Turkish is the rising power here, you demographics are excellent, you have stronger allies around you, you have weak nations around you. Only after you have made them bend the knee could to move onto the big bear and carve it up. So don't be so worried about Russia, it is a declining power in its last throws trying to salvage what it can and hunker down to survive. It has no proper alliances which it isn't having to directly support.

So the Russians are greatly over hyped as a threat to anyone. So is China. I view Turkey and Japan and India and France as the rising powers in Eur-Asia. Which is why I want Britain to have nothing to do with Eur-Asia for the next 100 years or so until it dies down a bit.
Look, I'm not gonna get into this whole shitflinging contest of Russia Bad vs. Russia Good but you are incorrect about several point:

1) Access point means nothing if the Black Sea becomes Russia's plaything. At that point, Turkey either bows to pressure or gets ready to fight for everything they've got. And while I'm sure that Turkey could put a good fight, Russia has nukes and they know how to negotiate hardball.

2) By your logic, if Kurds in south-eastern Turkey want to join Iran tomorrow, then Iran is completely justified to invade Turkey and annex that territory. Also, don't fall for the Russian propaganda that people who speak Russian = ethnic Russians or people who like Russia. In Azerbaijan, for example, there are a fair amount of people who speak Russian better than Azerbaijani due to family circumstances. I assure you they don't want to join Russia.

3) Neither the US nor Germany partitioned Russia. The US never fought Russia directly save for sending some US marines to support the Whites against the Reds during the Russian Civil War. Germany tried to fight Russia directly and was defeated.


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Us Turks are suppose to like wolves in our foreign policy.

We are not cold or calculated or pragmatic.


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Russia will summon an army of 5 million and attack Türkiye in 3 months. The army will come in hordes and conquer castles in the south and eat and drink the blood out of the country. They will take prisoners and take them to Russia and work them in construction camps in there. This will keep repeating over many years and there is no escape from this invasion. But still Türkiye can make it costly for the Russians.


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This is a warning to Azerbaijan. Kick the russians out of Karabakh NOW! They are already providing citizenship to the Armenian terrorists there. Finish the job now as Russia is busy elsewhere!
Well, they just signed strategic partnership with Russia,


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Lesson of the day for the future and what should be done, you should go to Pakistan and request/beg nuclear armed missiles, no matter what.
That would be sacrifice of this generation for future ones.


Lesson of the day for the future and what should be done, you should go to Pakistan and request/beg nuclear armed missiles, no matter what.
That would be sacrifice of this generation for future ones.
it means nothing without methods to deliver such warheads to anywhere in the world like Russia does.


Experienced member
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
it means nothing without methods to deliver such warheads to anywhere in the world like Russia does.
it means everything, plenty of targets beside intercontinental capabilities but what is most important it means full autonomy and seat by table.
actually it would be best if besides Türkiye, Iran, SA, Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria also go full in that direction under some OIC or similar umbrella.
As you see it is obvious that no one gives a shit about international laws and norms when armed like that.
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it means everything, plenty of targets beside intercontinental capabilities but what is most important it means full autonomy and seat by table.
actually it would be best if besides Türkiye, Iran, SA, Egypt, Indonesia, Algeria also go full in that direction under some OIC or similar umbrella.
As you see it is obvious that no one gives a shit about international laws and norms when armed like that.
If it meant EVERYTHING pakistan would be a superpower.


They are doing fine, i do not think it is their intention to be super power, i suppose they sleep calm knowing that they can evaporate their sworn enemies into the dust.
They aren't doing fine they have GIANT problems. Most importantly Pakistani flag not flying over Kashmir.

You can't sleep easy when your enemies can evaporate you too.

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