Ukraine About 40,000 foreign military arrive in Kyiv, separate unit created for Canadians - Canadian TV presenter


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About 40,000 foreign soldiers arrived in Kyiv, of which 500 are Canadians, for whom they created their own unit, Canadian TV presenter Dean Blundell said.

"Approximately 40,000 foreign fighters (military and ex military) have made it to Kyiv. So many Canadians, they gave them their own unit (500 and growing)," he said on Twitter Tuesday.

Could this be true?


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About 40,000 foreign soldiers arrived in Kyiv, of which 500 are Canadians, for whom they created their own unit, Canadian TV presenter Dean Blundell said.

"Approximately 40,000 foreign fighters (military and ex military) have made it to Kyiv. So many Canadians, they gave them their own unit (500 and growing)," he said on Twitter Tuesday.

Could this be true?
Not sure about the 40,000 tally (since other Ukrainian officials stated there were around 16000 "applications") but it does seem like it could become a powerful force, especially since it should be more trained than the average Ukrainian citizen

I've seen multiple sources stating 20,000 volunteers instead of 40,000. However, I don't know if that includes people who applied or only the ones who actually joined.


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I can vouch for the 500 number being approximately correct from Canada.

I know some of the guys personally involved in making plans to confront Russia (back in 2014 itself) in all manner of ways....

so 500 is just the start now... you will get the true number much later after either this war ends or has progressed to much later stages.

There is classified stuff going on in ukraine with JTF2 (already before putin decision to strike) and how canadian govt organises that w.r.t ukrainian support and strategy here. They were not diplomat protection + evac service only....I'll leave it at that.

One of my canadian-ukrainian buddies told me (back then) that putin is a megalomaniac that needs to be confronted and deterred early as he show me pictures of donetsk airport battle and explained to me each detail of the battle from google earth.

He was convincing another ukrainian-canadian mutual buddy that he should consider going to ukraine motherland to help out with armament manufacturing (which my other bud is extremely experienced in).

This was back in 2014/15 when most laypeople simply thought putin will stop at crimea and donbass (in response to yanukovych political removal etc).

I still remember that room and the gathering and heated discussions....we had other things planned for that day that we put off heh.

You have to know enough ukrainian friends to understand this conflict close enough. Canada is actually fairly good place to be to get strong sense of it if you developed contact network with enough Ukros. Ukraine in general holds quite a large soft power in Canada.

Joe Shearer

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I had quite a conversation this evening with someone whose views I respect.

He summarised the situation by saying that Putin had cause but executed his response horribly, and has guaranteed that Russia will have no friends. He thinks Russia will lose strategically, although she might win tactically.


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I had quite a conversation this evening with someone whose views I respect.

He summarised the situation by saying that Putin had cause but executed his response horribly, and has guaranteed that Russia will have no friends. He thinks Russia will lose strategically, although she might win tactically.

There is always cause for concern w.r.t neighbouring countries (esp those close in cultural ways to you over long period of time).

This is found in every corner of the Earth to some degree.

But that Kenyan rep. at the UN really said it best.....there is no cause to resolve with force and violence. No cause at all.

You can think up all (fairly close) hypothetical equivalents for this regarding say India and Bangladesh. Do they both not do things that concern the other...downstream from a joint quite visceral solidarity and triumph?....past the deeper bonds that resided much longer to begin with.

1971 was just 30 years after 1941....a mere drop in time separation....that surely must linger in the latter's soil and memory commensurate to its protracted scale and intensity....that should surely be deferred to when it comes to more blood spilling?

Past all political fights and skirmish that arise..... Life and death are the most consequential absolutes we know after all surely?

Memories reside everywhere in the afflicted land spanning many generations.... hoping it was not sacrificed in vain....sacrifice to prevent just the sort of thing coming to afflict and haunt again...

The deep brother blood pact forged (against adversary however they came to be so introduced, especially to innocents) in such times is now sadly facing this most unnecessary monstrous tempest of hewing (past the earlier fraying and contained blood letting already).

All because of a megalomaniac who has insulated himself to the degree required, yet exerts on more precise forces to larger degree needed there too.

He deserved neither, and now comes the price of him having them anyway.


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My bet most of the volunteers from western allies is Iraq and Afganistan tour veteran, they are already Forces to be reckoned with and would be acts as the spearhead against Russian invasion. There is no more doubt about their resolve and conviction as they come to battlefield by volunteering themselves and knew the risks involved since day one.

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