Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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According to independent countings from Vkontakte and Odnoklassniki (Russian social platforms),they counted so far at least 4300 Russian soldiers killed in Ukraine.

Some of them ;

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A good Russian is a dead Russian. If 100,000 of their sons, husbands and brothers must die for the people inside Russia to become upset, disgruntled and sick of living under a dictator, so be it.

The West must Bankrupt Russia, ruin the retirements of Russian citizens, arm Ukraine to the teeth so Russian sons don't come home, and withold food, medicine and neccessary fundamentals to Russia citizens as much as it is possible. Make the country a terrible place to live, with the goal of driving revolution. Permanently close Western businesses. Close off air travel from Russia permanently. Do not allow their citizens to travel anywhere desirable. Move away from buying their natural resources as quickly as possible. This is a proxy war that Russians should be made to pay dearly for. They must be left in ruin and blead dry.

Keep the military aid flowing to the Ukrainians. As much as it takes, for as long as it takes. At the same time, continue to cut Russia and their miserable people that live there, off from the world.

The only thing that Russia understands and respects is ruthless destruction. Bring it to them in spades!
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Brace Yourself

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I am more than sure that if bombing of Sarajevo has been going on that you would find the way to justify it. I have seen many of those, I think that you're Imran Hussain follower. It is not difficult to detect. I can write pages and pages why you are the way you are but this is not the place. Put it this way I prefer " Western hypocrisy " 100 more then your EMOTIONAL truth.
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A good Russian is a dead Russian. If 100,000 of their sons, husbands and brothers must die for the people inside Russia to become upset, disgruntled and sick of living under a dictator, so be it.

The West must Bankrupt Russia, ruin the retirements of Russian citizens, arm Ukraine to the teeth so Russian sons don't come home, and withold food, medicine and neccessary fundamentals to Russia citizens as much as it is possible. Make the country a terrible place to live, with the goal of driving revolution. Permanently close Western businesses. Close off air travel from Russia permanently. Do not allow their citizens to travel anywhere desirable. Move away from buying their natural resources as quickly as possible. This is a proxy war that Russians should be made to pay dearly for. They must be left in ruin and blead dry.

Keep the military aid flowing to the Ukrainians. As much as it takes, for as long as it takes. At the same time, continue to cut Russia and their miserable people that live there, off from the world.

The only thing that Russia understands and respects is ruthless destruction. Bring it to them in spades!
Whether it's Putin's government or the USSR or the Russian Empire, Russia is arguably as militaristic as the former Prussian kingdom was often accused of. There needs to be thorough regime change in Russia, from the top leadership all the way to the propaganda spewing Russian media. The West should maintain all sanctions on Russia until this happens and shouldn't be bound by a ceasefire deal between Ukraine and Russia.


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Whether it's Putin's government or the USSR or the Russian Empire, Russia is arguably as militaristic as the former Prussian kingdom was often accused of. There needs to be thorough regime change in Russia, from the top leadership all the way to the propaganda spewing Russian media. The West should maintain all sanctions on Russia until this happens and shouldn't be bound by a ceasefire deal between Ukraine and Russia.
Absolutely. They need to be punished for a generation. Adapt / evolve, or live miserably.

Russia, with 145 million people, has a smaller GDP than Canada, despite their immense natural resource base. That's laughable. Bleed them out until the average Russian either lives so miserably that they demand change, or die living an isolated life, cut off from the the rest of the civilized world.

Mehmed Ali

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You are not a person who established this forum to say what this forum wishes nor your subjectivity is the yardstick. If you are complaining about something feel free to quote and explain. Stop this childish merry go round. Ok? And stop inventing things and slandering or accusing people who disagree with you. I bet in Russian forums ,you will find the same outlook


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As it should be! Keep the pressure on so Ukraine can negotiate from a position of strength, as much as possible.

Then, even after the ceasefire, contnue pumping Western weapons into Ukraine, making any future Russian attempts to take their country as difficult and arduous as possible.

Sweden and Finland to NATO ASAP as well. Put Russian feet to the fire!
I'm sure the Ukrainians are smart enough to tell that these ceasefire are Russia's way to re arm and resupply their troops. We've seen this tactics multiple times in Syria.

Ukraine must prolong the ceasefire talks while pounding the Russians relentlessly and the West could do its part by resupplying more weapons.

Ukraine has no shortage of manpower but they do have a shortage of sophisticated weapons to be used.


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@Brace Yourself

Normally, I respect people who go against the mainstream hysteria and stand up for their opinion.

What I don't understand though, is how can someone advocate these horrific actions of bombing civilians and targeting residential areas.
And don't tell me there are fighters hiding in them cause it's no argument after invading their country.
Not to mention what Mr. Putin and his administration are doing with their own population.

Nobody with a working brain can claim that NATO, the EU and Ukraine are totally innocent. We have witnessed a lot of double-standard moves from these. That being said, it doesn't give you the right to simply invade another country and pretend you're liberating it.

I used to think that Mr. Putin was a strong, clever leader that has Russia's interests as top priority. Now, it looks like he's either lost his touch with reality or had naively believed the reports which were given to him just to please him.

I don't think Ukraine is completely innocent and I'm not painting my house blue and gold, neither I'm shouting "Slava Ukraini", but I can see that Russia is the aggressor at this moment, and they deserve the humiliation that they got themselves into.

So, just for the indiscriminate bombings of residential areas, everybody should condemn the Russian armed forces, and their supporters should be ashamed.

Just my two cents. Please don't bother replying, I'm not gonna drag this into a personal debate.

At one of my Malaysian forum,
majority of them support Russia
instead of Ukraine.

One of the reason is,
they believe what scholar named
Imran Hosein preached about Russia.

I'm in the minority in that forum. 😄


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They are suffering heavy casualties also I have not seen any night operations from the Russians.

Basically even if the Russians win this will be a victory with a heavy cost. Phyrric Victory at best.

After this war, Russia's military standing will be questioned by experts lots of purges will happen .
There is no night operations
No gunshot-detector equipped APCs to protect from snipers, at least to detect them
No counter-artillery radars to detect Ukrainian artillery and retaliate immediately
Weak ISR, almost no ISR.

Mehmed Ali

1 905
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Bosnia & Herzegovina
At one of my Malaysian forum,
majority of them support Russia
instead of Ukraine.

One of the reason is,
they believe what scholar named
Imran Hosein preached about Russia.

I'm in the minority in that forum. 😄
Scholar ? Imran Hussain? He is not even a Muslim, even the basic knowledge of Islam will tell you that


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Oooff, Ukraine's Su-25 down

Anyway. Ukraine's aviation still functions 3 weeks into the war instead of the 30 minutes like some pundits predict before the war.
They're going to take heavy losses. It's the reality of war. Credit the brave pilots for defending their nation against terrible, terrible odds.

God speed to that pilot. Took a missile so somebody else didn't have too!

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