kalau ada pembicaraan soal alutsista harusnya menhan datang lah.
sekarang Prabs ikut gak?
kalau ada pembicaraan soal alutsista harusnya menhan datang lah.
sekarang Prabs ikut gak?
ketok palunya khafaaan?F15EX plis
Not with German Leo2A6
Duhh, F-16 already has a ton of combat resume, no need to prove anything.Kalau sukses di UKR mungkin LM bakal dapat angin segar disini.
Finally, they unlocked the F16 for UkrAFKalau sukses di UKR mungkin LM bakal dapat angin segar disini.
This time is David-Goliath situation. Situation where air superiority cannot be guaranteed.Duhh, F-16 already has a ton of combat resume, no need to prove anything.
Tenggara Strategics is a business and investment research and advisory institute founded by the Centre for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), The Jakarta Post and Prasetiya Mulya University.tenggara.id
Based on these words, what i can see is TNI is in the position that they can only bow down to the MoD. I’m more in favor of the power they have, both the MoD and TNI are shared, but only in the matter of defense. More than that, it looks like ‘the military has the country’, not ‘country has the military’.While the TNI proposed F-16s, Prabowo chose French jet Rafale from Dassault instead. The source says Prabowo has in fact built a closer relationship with French arms producers like Naval Group and Dassault.
Well, can't say it was a bad choice though“Another example concerns the procurement of fighter jets. While the TNI proposed F-16s, Prabowo chose French jet Rafale from Dassault instead. The source says Prabowo has in fact built a closer relationship with French arms producers like Naval Group and Dassault.
It was choosen as Russian alternatives right?Well, can't say it was a bad choice though
Not bad, but when you have this kind of situation, all things very top-down, the decisions made gonna be what is best for the MoD, not the military. Yes, civilian leadership is a must and have to be preserves, but the decisions made have to be for the best of the military, not only what the best for the MoD. Don’t also put that fully to the military for they would be too strong without anyone checks and balance them.Well, can't say it was a bad choice though
Sesi foto formal bersama G7 sekarang aku rasa lumayan bikin kaget, you know, positioning urutan kepala negara itu kaya soft signal, menentukan seberapa penting dia bagi negara host, semakin dekat semakin penting ato istimewa.
Sesi foto formal bersama G7 sekarang aku rasa lumayan bikin kaget, you know, positioning urutan kepala negara itu kaya soft signal, menentukan seberapa penting dia bagi negara host, semakin dekat semakin penting ato istimewa.
Terus Pak Dhe datengnya terakhir dan tiba tiba ke tengah disamping PM Kishida, kesannya spesial spesial gimana gitu.