Kashmir news (Pakistan focus).


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SRINAGAR, India (AP) — Government investigators on Saturday exhumed the bodies of three young men in disputed Kashmir, two weeks after the Indian military in a rare admission said its soldiers exceeded their legal powers in killing the men they described as Pakistani terrorists.

A team of police and medical officials exhumed the bodies of three men in western Baramulla district and handed them over to their families for burial at their remote village in southern Rajouri district, police said.

Mohammed Yousuf, the father of one of the victims, said the three were “murdered in cold blood.”

“Our sons have been proved innocent and we are now waiting for justice,” Yousuf said. “The killers must face justice.”

The Indian army on July 18 said its soldiers killed three “unidentified Pakistani terrorists” in Kashmir's southern Shopian area. Police, who usually participate in counterinsurgency operations, said the July 18 encounter was a solo operation by the army. Police, however, later buried the bodies in a remote cemetery in Baramulla.

About a month later, three families in Rajouri identified the victims as their missing relatives using photographs of the bodies that circulated on social media. The families filed a complaint with police, accusing soldiers of killing their relatives in a staged gunbattle.

The families said the three men went to Shopian to work as laborers and were last heard from on July 17.

Police ordered an investigation, the results of which have yet to be released.

On Sept. 18, the Indian military admitted wrongdoing and said its internal probe identified the three men killed as local residents, without explaining how the military had identified them. It also said an army investigation showed the soldiers had exceeded the powers granted to them under the Armed Forces Special Powers Act.

The act gives the Indian military in Kashmir sweeping powers to search, seize and even shoot suspects on sight without fear of prosecution. Under the act, local authorities need federal approval to prosecute army or paramilitary soldiers in civilian courts.



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Srinagar: An officer of the Kashmir Administrative Service (KAS) has alleged that Kashmiri and Muslim officers have been deliberately sidelined or kept away from key positions since June 2018, when Mehbooba Mufti, the last chief minister of Jammu and Kashmir, lost power.
“This process picked up pace when the Union government abrogated Article 370 last year,” said the KAS officer who serves at the Civil Secretariat, Srinagar, on the condition of anonymity.

According to the officer, after August 5, 2019, when the Union government stripped J&K of its special status and split the erstwhile state into two union territories (UT), local Muslim officers disappeared from key positions in the secretariat.
“Today when you go into the secretariat you find non-Kashmiris and non-Muslims holding important meetings, making decisions and keeping the Muslim and Kashmiri officers away,” the officer added.

Once a state, J&K is now a Muslim-majority union territory. According to the 2011 census, Muslims constitute 68.31% of J&K’s total population of 12.5 million people and Hindus comprise 28.43%. Muslims form the majority in 17 out of the 20 districts of J&K, yet the number of local officers in the UT’s administrative services is very low.

For example, Lieutenant Governor Manoj Sinha’s secretariat does not have even a single Muslim officer. All the 13 officers in the Raj Bhavan family (members of the LG’s secretariat) are non-Muslims and non-Kashmiris.
Sinha is a former Union minister and senior BJP leader from Uttar Pradesh.
Similarly, there are no Muslim officers among the senior staff of chief secretary B.V.R. Subrahmanyam, director-general of police (DGP) Dilbagh Singh and Chief Justice Gita Mittal.

Of the four advisers to LG Sinha, two are Muslims, but they do not have roots in Kashmir Valley. Not one of the divisional commissioners or the police chiefs of J&K is a Muslim or even from the Kashmir Valley.

The last Muslim DGP in J&K was Ghulam Jeelani Pandit, who retired in December 1989. The last Kashmiri Muslim chief secretary was Mohammad Iqbal Khandey, who retired in 2015. Only two Kashmiri Muslims have served as DGP in Kashmir’s history.

Where are the locals?
On February 6 this year, the Union government abolished the J&K state cadre of the civil services and made it part of the Arunachal Pradesh, Goa and Mizoram union territories.

Many senior Indian Administrative Service (IAS) and KAS officers believe that this may demotivate Kashmiri candidates from appearing in the competitive exams for the civil services, with the result that Kashmiris may completely disappear from the administration.
The number of local officers in the IAS state cadre of J&K has seldom been high. For example, of the 58 IAS officers who had formed the state cadre of the erstwhile state of J&K in 2018-19, only seven had been Kashmiri Muslims. These included Dr Shah Faesal, who had resigned from the service in January 2019, bringing down the number to six.
Also read: J&K’s New Domicile Order: Disenfranchising Kashmiris, One Step at a Time
Today, of the 66 top bureaucrats in J&K, including those from the civil secretariat and the LG’s secretariat, 38 are from other states.
At the civil secretariat, key departments such as home, power, finance, revenue, health and environment are headed by non-Muslim officers.
The only bureaucrat from Kashmir currently in charge of a vital department is Asgar Hassan Samoon, principal secretary for school education.
According to J&K’s general administration department, there are currently five commissioner secretaries, of whom only two are Muslims. There are eight principal secretaries, but only one is Muslim. The commissioners of finance, revenue, health and medical education are all non-Muslims. Thus, of these 16 officers, only three are Muslim. And in the J&K UT at this time, of the 66 top bureaucrats, 38 are from other Indian states.
According to figures available with the J&K government, of the 20 districts of J&K, nine have Muslim deputy commissioners, but only four of them are from the Kashmir Valley.
Meanwhile, in the high court, the last Kashmiri to hold the position of chief justice was Bashir Ahmed Khan in 2007. At present, of the 12 sitting judges at the J&K high court, only two are Muslims. “This is the first time in my career of 15 years that I have seen only two Muslim judges here,” a senior advocate told The Wire. “The J&K high court should have a 50-50 ratio of Muslim and non-Muslim judges,” he added.

Of the seven deputy inspectors-general of police in J&K, two are Muslim but none are from J&K. J&K has 23 police districts, seven of which have Muslim superintendents of police (SSPs), of whom only three are from the Kashmir Valley.
And in June 2019, the then governor’s administration had sacked J&K Bank’s Muslim chairman Parvez Ahmed about four months before the end of his term, replacing him with R.K. Chibber, a Hindu. Ahmed had been accused of nepotism, financial irregularities and illegal appointments in the bank, but rejected all the accusations.
Out of balance

In an exclusive interview with The Wire on September 23, former chief minister of J&K Dr Farooq Abdullah, today a member of parliament from Srinagar constituency, had said: “Today, you have the LG who is Hindu, the DG and the two IGs are Hindus. But during our time we had representation from both communities. When we were in power – be it my father, me, my son, Mufti Sahab or others – Hindus and Muslims were equally distributed in the bureaucracy. Today, that balance is not there. There is a total wipeout. Do you think only one community has the brains and the other community does not have any brains at all?”
Also read: Where Are the Jobs the Centre Promised J&K After Revoking Article 370?
Six months ago, social media in Kashmir trended a photograph released by the office of former J&K LG Girish Chandra Murmu. The photo depicted Murmu holding a meeting with a battery of bureaucrats. Of the 19 officials in the photo, there was just one local Muslim officer – Farooq Ahmad Lone, a former IAS officer. This photograph, according to Kashmiri social media users, showed that the Union government was deliberately making demographic changes in the predominantly Muslim Kashmir Valley.
Last week, senior BJP leader Muhammad Maqbool War even claimed that in coming days, all the posts in the UT’s civil and police administration would be held by BJP supporters. He made this claim in a party convention in the Sumbal area of North Kashmir’s Bandipora district.
However, Ashok Koul, the BJP’s general secretary in J&K, denied that his party had any plan to change the demography of J&K. “The LG of J&K has clearly said that he will bring good officers in the administration and there is no mention of Muslim or Hindu. Go and see – you will find Muslim commissioner secretaries in the administration,” said Koul.

Irfan Amin Malik is a Srinagar-based reporter.



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Anti-India clashes after troops kill two rebels in Kashmir​

Two suspected insurgents killed in fighting, say police, as residents claim troops set a civilian house on fire.

Anti-India clashes erupted in the main city in Indian-controlled Kashmir following the killing of two suspected rebels in a gunfight with government forces.
Police and paramilitary soldiers on a tip launched a counter-insurgency operation in a neighbourhood in Srinagar overnight, leading to an exchange of gunfire between trapped rebels and troops early Monday, police said in a statement.

Two suspected fighters were killed in the gun battle, police said. Residents said troops set a civilian house on fire during the fighting.
Police said one of the dead was a Pakistani insurgent who had been operating in the region since earlier this year and was responsible for at least two deadly attacks on paramilitary soldiers in Srinagar.

There was no independent confirmation of the police claim.
As the fighting ended, scores of people, chanting slogans such as “Go India, go back” and “We want freedom,” threw stones at government forces. Troops retaliated by firing tear gas and shotgun pellets. No one was immediately reported injured in the clashes.
Kashmir is divided between India and Pakistan, which both claim the region in its entirety. Most Kashmiris support the rebel goal of uniting the territory, either under Pakistani rule or as an independent country.
India calls the Kashmir unrest “Pakistan-sponsored terrorism”. Pakistan denies the accusation and most Kashmiris call it a legitimate freedom struggle.
Tens of thousands of civilians, rebels and government forces have been killed in the conflict.



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Found this documentary that I'll be watching to gain more insight.

Timestamp 40:00 - India stopped advancing when they reached a border point where ppl the held territory spoke kashmiri-punjab, beyond that point ppl spoke kashmiri-kashmiri.

Is that border still current border ?

Cease fire 31/12-1948 end of first war.

Timestamp 1:19 - impatient Pakistan, A undecisive ruler.

EDIT: Why did Sharif Musharraf start bombing Kargil after the damn treaty was signed in 1999, if Pakistan had taken the mountain tops, why reveal yourself instead of staying there and strenghtening your position ?
Last edited:


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OIC asks India to rescind illegal acts in occupied Kashmir

• Pakistan takes up visa ban issue with UAE
• CFM adopts Pakistan-sponsored resolution on Islamophobia
• Islamabad to host next CFM meeting

ISLAMABAD: Amid conflicting reports whether the Kashmir issue was on the agenda of an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s meeting in Niger, the foreign ministers of the OIC’s member states in a diplomatic victory for Pakistan unanimously reaffirmed support for the Kashmir cause.

In another landmark development, the OIC unanimously adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution urging the UN Secretary General to initiate a global dialogue to counter rising Islamophobia and promote interfaith harmony.

On the bilateral level, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who led Pakistan delegation at the 47th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Niamey, Niger, raised the issue of the ban on visas for Pakistanis recently imposed by the United Arab Emirates with the UAE’s Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimi.

According to details of the Niamey meeting released by Pakistan’s Foreign Office on Saturday, the CFM reaffirmed its strong support for the Kashmir cause. The OIC categorically rejected illegal and unilateral actions taken by India on Aug 5 last year to change the internationally recognised disputed status of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and demanded India rescind its illegal steps.

It asked India to cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris as well as other unilateral and illegal actions, including Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Order, 2020; Jammu & Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate Rules, 2020; Jammu and Kashmir Language, Bill 2020 and amendments to the landownership laws.

Also rejecting policies being pursued by the RSS-BJP regime, the 57 member countries of the OIC asked India to refrain from taking any steps to alter the demographic structure of the disputed territory.

The OIC foreign ministers condemned in the strongest possible terms human rights violations perpetrated by Indian occupation forces in held Kashmir and other such instances of terrorism that have been the source of unspeakable suffering for the innocent Kashmiri people.

The resolution condemned the state-sponsored terrorism and crimes against humanity by Indian occupation forces against the Kashmiri people.

It denounced extrajudicial killings during fake ‘encounters’ and ‘search-and-cordon’ operations and demolition of houses and private properties as a form of collective punishment;.

The unanimous resolution condemned the renewed use of pellet guns by Indian occupation forces against innocent civilians, condemned the harassment of Kashmiri women by Indian troops and deplored that India had callously exploited the current Covid-19 crisis to intensify its military crackdown and further advance its unlawful occupation.

The conference welcomed the visit of OIC Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir from March 2-6, 2020.

India was asked to adhere to its international human rights obligations and allow the OIC Special Representative on Jammu and Kashmir and the OIC Fact-finding Mission to visit occupied Kashmir and implement recommendations of the two reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Jammu & Kashmir.

The OIC asked the international community to review its engagements with India as it was violating and disregarding the international law, the international humanitarian law, and international resolutions.

It emphasised that the question of Kashmir was of utmost importance for the Ummah.

The OIC recognised that Jammu and Kashmir is the core dispute between Pakistan and India, and its resolution indispensable for realisation of the dream of peace in South Asia.

The CFM noted that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are the principal party to the dispute, and stressed that they should be included in any peace process for resolution of the dispute.

It affirmed that any political or electoral process held under foreign occupation cannot be a substitute to the exercise of the right to self-determination.

Tabled during the 47th session of the CFM, a separate resolution was drafted in the context of growing incidents of Islamophobia in various parts of the world.

The resolution expressed concern that Islamophobia, as a contemporary form of racism and religious discrimination, was on the rise. It expressed deep concern at the recent incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran and reprinting of blasphemous caricatures which hurt sentiments of more than 1.8 billion Muslims around the world.

The OIC decided to designate March 15 as the “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” each year. It authorised the OIC Permanent Missions in New York to jointly table a resolution in the UN General Assembly, calling for establishment of this day.

The resolution urged the OIC member states to organise and support various high-visibility events aimed at effectively increasing awareness at all levels about curbing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred.

Speaking on the session, Foreign Qureshi said that adoption of the resolution was a reflection of the sentiments of billions of Muslims who respected other religions and expected similar respect for Islam and the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Meanwhile, positively responding to Pakistan’s offer, the CFM meeting decided to host its 48th session in Islamabad in 2021.

As the prospective CFM Chair, Pakistan also became a member of the six-member OIC Executive Committee for the next three years.

Meetings with FMs​

Foreign Minister Qureshi in his meeting with United Arab Emirates’ Minister of State Reem Al Hashimi raised the issue of the ban imposed by the Arab country on Pakistanis.

Mr Qureshi, who spent a busy day in Niamey, holding meetings with foreign ministers of some countries, apprised Ms Hashimi of difficulties being faced by Pakistani citizens with regard to the UAE’s ban on visas.

Pakistan is among 13 Muslim majority countries facing the ban on new employment and visit visas recently placed by the UAE.

Interestingly, India is not included in these countries, and the visa on arrival facility is still available for European countries making it clear that the ban has little to do with the coronavirus.

Mr Qureshi underscored the need to address the issue at the earliest possible.'



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Found this documentary that I'll be watching to gain more insight.

Timestamp 40:00 - India stopped advancing when they reached a border point where ppl the held territory spoke kashmiri-punjab, beyond that point ppl spoke kashmiri-kashmiri.

Is that border still current border ?

Cease fire 31/12-1948 end of first war.

Timestamp 1:19 - impatient Pakistan, A undecisive ruler.

EDIT: Why did Sharif Musharraf start bombing Kargil after the damn treaty was signed in 1999, if Pakistan had taken the mountain tops, why reveal yourself instead of staying there and strenghtening your position ?
Yes. This also had to do with what Abdullah told Nehru. He was a popular leader but his writ ran mostly in the area already captured by India.


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OIC asks India to rescind illegal acts in occupied Kashmir

• Pakistan takes up visa ban issue with UAE
• CFM adopts Pakistan-sponsored resolution on Islamophobia
• Islamabad to host next CFM meeting

ISLAMABAD: Amid conflicting reports whether the Kashmir issue was on the agenda of an Organisation of Islamic Cooperation’s meeting in Niger, the foreign ministers of the OIC’s member states in a diplomatic victory for Pakistan unanimously reaffirmed support for the Kashmir cause.

In another landmark development, the OIC unanimously adopted a Pakistan-sponsored resolution urging the UN Secretary General to initiate a global dialogue to counter rising Islamophobia and promote interfaith harmony.

On the bilateral level, Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi, who led Pakistan delegation at the 47th session of the Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) in Niamey, Niger, raised the issue of the ban on visas for Pakistanis recently imposed by the United Arab Emirates with the UAE’s Minister of State for International Cooperation Reem Al Hashimi.

According to details of the Niamey meeting released by Pakistan’s Foreign Office on Saturday, the CFM reaffirmed its strong support for the Kashmir cause. The OIC categorically rejected illegal and unilateral actions taken by India on Aug 5 last year to change the internationally recognised disputed status of the Indian Illegally Occupied Jammu and Kashmir and demanded India rescind its illegal steps.

It asked India to cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris as well as other unilateral and illegal actions, including Jammu & Kashmir Reorganisation Order, 2020; Jammu & Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate Rules, 2020; Jammu and Kashmir Language, Bill 2020 and amendments to the landownership laws.

Also rejecting policies being pursued by the RSS-BJP regime, the 57 member countries of the OIC asked India to refrain from taking any steps to alter the demographic structure of the disputed territory.

The OIC foreign ministers condemned in the strongest possible terms human rights violations perpetrated by Indian occupation forces in held Kashmir and other such instances of terrorism that have been the source of unspeakable suffering for the innocent Kashmiri people.

The resolution condemned the state-sponsored terrorism and crimes against humanity by Indian occupation forces against the Kashmiri people.

It denounced extrajudicial killings during fake ‘encounters’ and ‘search-and-cordon’ operations and demolition of houses and private properties as a form of collective punishment;.

The unanimous resolution condemned the renewed use of pellet guns by Indian occupation forces against innocent civilians, condemned the harassment of Kashmiri women by Indian troops and deplored that India had callously exploited the current Covid-19 crisis to intensify its military crackdown and further advance its unlawful occupation.

The conference welcomed the visit of OIC Secretary General’s Special Envoy for Jammu and Kashmir to Pakistan and Azad Jammu and Kashmir from March 2-6, 2020.

India was asked to adhere to its international human rights obligations and allow the OIC Special Representative on Jammu and Kashmir and the OIC Fact-finding Mission to visit occupied Kashmir and implement recommendations of the two reports of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights on Jammu & Kashmir.

The OIC asked the international community to review its engagements with India as it was violating and disregarding the international law, the international humanitarian law, and international resolutions.

It emphasised that the question of Kashmir was of utmost importance for the Ummah.

The OIC recognised that Jammu and Kashmir is the core dispute between Pakistan and India, and its resolution indispensable for realisation of the dream of peace in South Asia.

The CFM noted that the people of Jammu and Kashmir are the principal party to the dispute, and stressed that they should be included in any peace process for resolution of the dispute.

It affirmed that any political or electoral process held under foreign occupation cannot be a substitute to the exercise of the right to self-determination.

Tabled during the 47th session of the CFM, a separate resolution was drafted in the context of growing incidents of Islamophobia in various parts of the world.

The resolution expressed concern that Islamophobia, as a contemporary form of racism and religious discrimination, was on the rise. It expressed deep concern at the recent incidents of desecration of the Holy Quran and reprinting of blasphemous caricatures which hurt sentiments of more than 1.8 billion Muslims around the world.

The OIC decided to designate March 15 as the “International Day to Combat Islamophobia” each year. It authorised the OIC Permanent Missions in New York to jointly table a resolution in the UN General Assembly, calling for establishment of this day.

The resolution urged the OIC member states to organise and support various high-visibility events aimed at effectively increasing awareness at all levels about curbing Islamophobia and anti-Muslim hatred.

Speaking on the session, Foreign Qureshi said that adoption of the resolution was a reflection of the sentiments of billions of Muslims who respected other religions and expected similar respect for Islam and the Prophet (peace be upon him).

Meanwhile, positively responding to Pakistan’s offer, the CFM meeting decided to host its 48th session in Islamabad in 2021.

As the prospective CFM Chair, Pakistan also became a member of the six-member OIC Executive Committee for the next three years.

Meetings with FMs​

Foreign Minister Qureshi in his meeting with United Arab Emirates’ Minister of State Reem Al Hashimi raised the issue of the ban imposed by the Arab country on Pakistanis.

Mr Qureshi, who spent a busy day in Niamey, holding meetings with foreign ministers of some countries, apprised Ms Hashimi of difficulties being faced by Pakistani citizens with regard to the UAE’s ban on visas.

Pakistan is among 13 Muslim majority countries facing the ban on new employment and visit visas recently placed by the UAE.

Interestingly, India is not included in these countries, and the visa on arrival facility is still available for European countries making it clear that the ban has little to do with the coronavirus.

Mr Qureshi underscored the need to address the issue at the earliest possible.'

Is there a link to an actual OIC statement? Can't see it on OIC Twitter feed.


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This sounds very constructive, but would India be interested in a solution ? Which I assume would include a referendum.

India still hasn’t moved enough indians to the region to change the voter base. ( I remember reading about such intention).
As far as India is concerned, the only dispute is the illegal occupation of Pak Occupied Kashmir in violation of the Indian Independence Act passed by the British Parliament and accepted by the Dominions of India and Pakistan according to which via Treaty of Accession, the entire erstwhile Kingdom of J&K became a part of the Dominion of India.


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OIC’s Niamey Declaration calls for Kashmir settlement as per UNSC resolutions​

ISLAMABAD: As another manifestation of its support to the cause, the Organization of Islamic Cooperation’s (OIC) 47th Session of Council of Foreign Ministers, in its declaration, called for peaceful settlement of Kashmir dispute as per United Nations (UN) Security Council’s resolutions.

Named as Niamey Declaration, the document was issued on the conclusion of the 47th Session of the OIC Council of Foreign Ministers (CFM) held in Niger on Saturday.

The document explicitly reiterated “the OIC’s principled position on the Jammu and Kashmir dispute for a peaceful settlement in accordance with the relevant UN Security Council resolutions,” said a foreign office news release.

According to the Foreign Office spokesperson, the inclusion of Jammu and Kashmir dispute in the Niamey Declaration – being an important part of the CFM’s outcome documents – “was yet another manifestation of the OIC’s consistent support to the Kashmir Cause.”

Earlier on Saturday, the CFM also unanimously adopted a resolution reaffirming its strong support for the Kashmir cause and categorically rejected illegal and unilateral actions taken by India since 5 August 2019.

The resolution demanded India to “cancel the issuance of domicile certificates to non-Kashmiris” as well as other unilateral and illegal actions, including “Jammu & Kashmir Reorganization Order 2020”, “Jammu & Kashmir Grant of Domicile Certificate Rules 2020”, “Jammu and Kashmir Language Bill 2020” and amendments to the landownership laws.

Also rejecting the policies being pursued by the RSS-BJP regime, the 57 countries of the OIC asked India to refrain from taking any steps to alter the existing demographic structure of the disputed territory.



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AJK PM directs early completion of Chikar Hospital construction.​

MUZAFFARABAD, Nov 26 (APP):prime Minister Raja Muhammad Farooq Haider Khan said that state of the art hospital will be set up at tehsil headquarter Chakkar to provide better health facilities to the people of the area.

Presiding over a high level meeting here on Thursday held in connection with the construction of tehsil headquarter hospital Chakkar, he directed the concerned officials to immediately start the construction work of the hospital.

He said the accommodation for the doctors and paramedical staff will also be arranged.

He directed the officials to accelerate the pace of work on various ongoing developmental projects and effective monitoring systems should be ensured to maintain the quality of work.

He said timely completion of the developmental projects would help in extending the basic amenities of life to the masses.

The Prime Minister said that the government attaches highest priority to the health sector and health departments have performed their duties with devotion and dedication during the corona pandemic.

He said the government has launched free health emergency service and extended health facilities to the people of the state.

Meanwhile The senior Minister of Azad Kashmir Ch.Tariq Farooq,Health Minister Dr.Najeeb Naqi and Minister for Higher Education Col (Rtd) Waqar Ahmed Noor met the Prime Minister here on Thursday. Matters regarding the ongoing developmental projects and mutual interest came under discussions.



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Five Day Anti-polio Drive To Be Commenced In AJK From Monday​

MIRPUR (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Nov, 2020 ) : Nov 29 (APP):All set to start nation-wide five day anti-polio drive in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from Monday (November 30) under which about seven lac children of under 5 year of age would be administered anti-polio drops.

The campaign will continue till December 04, without any break. Only in AJK's capital town - Muzaffarabad, the target of 110,137 children was set to be administered the anti-Polio vaccines and Vitamin -drops. About 438 mobile teams have been constituted and 63 fixed sites have been set up by the State Polio Eradication Committee. A total of 31 zones have been demarcated for conducting door to door drive under the supervision of 114 area in charges.

The state health department's Polio Eradication Committee had made adequate arrangement to executive the polio-eradication campaign in a befitting manner.

Devised SOPs to avert any harm of the pandemic, especially fastening mask and using sanitizer will be strictly implemented by both mobile teams para-medical teams and the parents during the campaign.

Parents have been advised to fully cooperate the mobile teams by getting their children administered with the polio-vaccine by the mobile paramedical staff teams.



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OIC must intervene to stop ethnic cleansing of Kashmiris: AJK president​

Indian Occupied Kashmir witnessing worst Islamophobia in the world, says Masood Khan

Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) President Sardar Masood Khan has called upon the Organisation of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) to intervene to stop ethnic cleansing of Kashmiri people and state terrorism and oppressive settler-colonialism of India.

Speaking as the true representative of the Kashmiri people at the second working session of the 47th OIC Foreign Ministers Council in Niger on Saturday, he said, “Kashmiri people are looking towards 1.8 billion Muslims and 57 Islamic states for help to rescue them from the evil clutches of an aggressor country which is poised to eliminate them en-mass.”

At present, Kashmir is burning and the genocide of Kashmiri people is on the climax as the people demanding freedom and dignity are being massacred, injured, maimed and deprived of their eyesight, he remarked.

The AJK president further said that the Kashmiri people were being illegally arrested in Indian Occupied Kashmir and subjected to the worst torture. The youth were being kidnapped and forcibly disappeared. At present, he maintained, that 20,000 Kashmiri people were languishing in different prisons and detention camps across Indian, facing a grave threat to their lives.

Sardar Masood Khan said that crimes against mankind were being committed on an industrial scale in the length and cranny of the held territory, and the game of death and destructions continues in every street and corner.

He said that India's fascist regime was bringing Indian citizens from all across the country to the held territory, and is unlawfully settling them in order to turn Occupied Kashmir into its colony. In this way, he asserted, a Muslim state was being forcibly turned into a Hindu state.

While describing the Kashmiri people as the victims of the worst state terrorism, the AJK president said that India's one million troops were perpetrating a reign of terror against the innocent subjects of held Kashmir, and were also subjecting the citizens of Azad Kashmir to the worst aggression on daily basis.

“Women, children and old aged citizens were being martyred, injured or disabled. At present, the worst Islamophobia in the world is being witnessed in Occupied Jammu and Kashmir where the Muslims are being eliminated en masse because of their ideology and faith."

The state president thanked the OIC for demanding the cessation of human rights violations in Occupied Kashmir, lifting of India's illegal occupation and granting the right to self-determination to the Kashmiri people for decades together.

He pointed out that India's fanatic BJP regime, under its Hindutva agenda, had merged Occupied Jammu and Kashmir into the Indian Union without the consent of Kashmiri people, and this action is the flagrant violation of the UN Security Council resolutions.

"After the revocation of the special status of Occupied Kashmir and doing away with the symbols of the disputed status of Kashmir i.e. abolition of the separate constitution, flag and legislative assembly, the Indian government is going to stage an election farce to get its illegal occupation and actions validated," he stated.

Sardar Masood Khan said that in order to divert the world's attention from the situation prevailing in Occupied Kashmir, the Indian occupation troops were constantly committing aggression against more than half a million people living along the Line of Control in Azad Kashmir, and as a consequence, 30 innocent citizens have lost their lives this year alone.

The state president also thanked the OIC for deputing a high-level delegation to Islamabad and Muzaffarabad to examine the actual situation prevailing in Kashmir.



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Five Day Anti-polio Drive To Be Commenced In AJK From Monday​

MIRPUR (APP - UrduPoint / Pakistan Point News - 29th Nov, 2020 ) : Nov 29 (APP):All set to start nation-wide five day anti-polio drive in Azad Jammu and Kashmir (AJK) from Monday (November 30) under which about seven lac children of under 5 year of age would be administered anti-polio drops.

The campaign will continue till December 04, without any break. Only in AJK's capital town - Muzaffarabad, the target of 110,137 children was set to be administered the anti-Polio vaccines and Vitamin -drops. About 438 mobile teams have been constituted and 63 fixed sites have been set up by the State Polio Eradication Committee. A total of 31 zones have been demarcated for conducting door to door drive under the supervision of 114 area in charges.

The state health department's Polio Eradication Committee had made adequate arrangement to executive the polio-eradication campaign in a befitting manner.

Devised SOPs to avert any harm of the pandemic, especially fastening mask and using sanitizer will be strictly implemented by both mobile teams para-medical teams and the parents during the campaign.

Parents have been advised to fully cooperate the mobile teams by getting their children administered with the polio-vaccine by the mobile paramedical staff teams.

The fact that Polio is still rampant in PoK is testimony to the fact that Pakistan seems to care little about this part of India it has illegally occupied. Polio has been by and large eradicated in other parts of India - obviously PoK is an unfortunate exception.


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Pakistan needs to change approach, they should go full asimetric, well trained and equiped small teams with atgms, night vison, long range sniper rifles, small drones support will make much more difference then popular resistamce tacticts, altough i dont know if pakistan have means and will to go this way.


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Pakistan needs to change approach, they should go full asimetric, well trained and equiped small teams with atgms, night vison, long range sniper rifles, small drones support will make much more difference then popular resistamce tacticts, altough i dont know if pakistan have means and will to go this way. Time is tickimg for Kashmir, india will use more amd more tech against insurgency amd with ther planned settler invasion Kashmir cause is doomed.


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The fact that Polio is still rampant in PoK is testimony to the fact that Pakistan seems to care little about this part of India it has illegally occupied. Polio has been by and large eradicated in other parts of India - obviously PoK is an unfortunate exception.
Research is important before posting.

Polio exists in Pakistan largely due to the events in FATA and how millions of IDP went all over Pakistan which resulted in the revival of the disease in various areas and even then AJK is unaffected due to the fact that people from Pakistan can't simply move over there and the IDPs couldn't simply move there. Infact on of the major reasons behind rising cases in 2018-2019 were the started testing of IDPs and people of FATA. The provincial merger actually brought rising cases in KPK. Polio drives happen all over Pakistan and if you would care to actually research, you would notice that your 'rampant' statement is based on misinformation and preconceived notions based on mass India propaganda about the region.

Secondly polio drives are not indication of polio being rampant but a precautionary measure to provide vaccine to each and every citizen of the country to make sure polio is vanquished and stays vanquished. You gave example of India. Are you are that India also runs similar drives and only a few days ago announced that it will have to reduce the drive to high risk zones due to covid issues being the central point for officials? Are we, to then ascertain that India running polio drives is synonymous with the disease being rampant? Ofcouese not since these two are not relatable. Drives will continue for years to end polio once and for all and asbyiu can see by the immediately reduction f cases in 2020

jackdraw I get that you guys have problems with pakistan but I am afraid poor propaganda will only make your position weaker.


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