Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War


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I would not unequivocally state that a war of attrition is necessarily in Russia's favor. Of course, if we compare the incomparable, that is, the resources of Ukraine and Russia, then this is true. But there are other things that can change the situation in the opposite direction. Attrition requires not only resources, but also time. Yes, this is not in Ukraine's favor. But it is time (as a factor) that can bring surprises. A lot depends on who will become the owner of the White House. It is unknown what actions Trump will take. There is also Germany. If the United States refuses to help Ukraine, it cannot be ruled out that the Germans will be forced to replace them. There is also Poland, with a powerful army. Over the 880 days of the war, the situation on the fronts has changed dramatically several times. Let us remember that in February the Russians were standing near Kiev, and everyone was waiting for the capital to fall. But in March, negotiations were already underway in Istanbul. In April, the Russians were forced to retreat. In September, the Russians were driven out of Kharkov, and in November they left Kherson. The Ukrainians held out well until the unsuccessful offensive in June 2023. Then the Russians advanced constantly for a whole year. But the progress was not that significant.
That is, the positions of the parties may still change.
I think that Ukraine will be able to hold off the Russians until Trump's inauguration. And then my cards show nothing :)
I do not understand Trump. Who his advisers will be and what they will advise him is impossible to predict. But I do not rule out that NATO (or several of its Eastern European members) will be forced to send troops to Ukraine next year.
Let's remember that in December 1941, the Germans were near Moscow. Then, for 880 days, the war continued with varying success for both sides. And just 2 months after the Allied landing in Normandy, the Soviet Army reached its borders (by the way, yesterday marked the 80th anniversary of this event). Before the attack on Ukraine, who could have thought that the formidable, so-called second army of the world, objectively speaking, is no good?!... In general, the Chechen and Georgian wars showed that "the devil is not as black as he is painted". But after all, two "State programs for the rearmament of the army" were adopted in 8 years, and according to the reports it looked really powerful. But then it turned out...
It is too early to draw pessimistic conclusions. As the Ukrainians themselves sing - "Ukraine is not dead yet!" Ще не вмерла Україна!
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Footage of a Russian Su-35 aircraft attacking, presumably with a Kh-35U missile, a Ukrainian ATCR-33S radar at an airfield near Kharkov. The Kh-35U missile has a range of up to 260 kilometers and has a 145-kilogram warhead, we previously wrote about them. The ATCR-33S radar was developed in Italy and is designed to control the air traffic of aircraft at a range of up to 83 km. The radar can be equipped with a G-33 parabolic antenna or an antenna with an ALE phased array. The radar's operating range is from 2700 to 2900 MHz, and its azimuth coverage is 360 degrees. As a result of the Kh-35U missile strike, the ATCR-33S radar was completely destroyed. The video also shows the impact of another Russian Kh-35U missile, near the Ukrainian Skala-M air defense radar; the radar was possibly hit by shrapnel.



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New USA 🇺🇸 $1.7 Billion usd aid package for Ukraine, consisting of $200 million USD in PDA and $1.5 Billion in USAI. Contents of the package include the following...

- AIM-120 AMRAAM air defense missiles
- AIM-9M Sidewinder air defense missiles
- RIM-7 air defense missiles (FrankenSAM)
- 155mm artillery shells
- 105mm artillery shells
- 120mm mortar rounds
- TOW missiles (Bradleys)
- Javelin anti-armor systems
- AT4 anti-armor rockets
- Small arms
- Electronic warfare equipment
- Demolitions equipment
- Secure communications
- Commercial satellite imagery services
- Spare parts, maintenance and sustainment equipment



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Germany 🇩🇪 updated it's list of military aid for Ukraine today, after making another delivery. The package delivered consists of the following:

- 8 Leopard 1A5 MBTs
- 21,000 rounds of Gepard ammunition
- 10 sea drones
- 2 Bergepanzer 2 recovery vehicles
- 10 Ground surveillance radars
- 25,000 combat helmets
- 1 Field hospital


mehmed beg

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Only to be replaced by Ukrainian colonists.

Best is another independent Crimea, but how is it possible? Nobody knows
Don't talk nonsense, you support Russia so you wouldn't like to see Tatars free.
Interesting enough, In Palestinian thread you gave an example , in the light of Wagner deafat how Arab regimes would fall, weren't Ukrainians in that ambush? What one ambush means? An example to the humanity? Or every half an hour, you change your position?
Only to be replaced by the Ukrainian colonist? Not really but in any case it would be better for Tatar. OIf ofcourse you know better then them.
Naturally you know better, even few days ago you kindly explained to us , meaning of the word gambit
You even used morphology, you see as soon as you say Bismillah you know better then anyone.
Let me inform you buddy, sit and wright, you are not able to do anything at all , not now not in the future.


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Don't talk nonsense, you support Russia so you wouldn't like to see Tatars free.

I support the liberation of the Ukrainian people, if the Russians are the one's willing to do that how can I object ?

At least have some basic human decency when it comes to the peril of Ukrainian people. These people are living in fear of being abducted in the middle of the day for the MIC profit, worse than that they don't have access to ballot boxes.

Interesting enough, In Palestinian thread you gave an example , in the light of Wagner deafat how Arab regimes would fall, weren't Ukrainians in that ambush? What one ambush means? An example to the humanity? Or every half an hour, you change your position?

Yes, the mostly ethno-secular state that dotted the Middle East will fall, the foundation has been laid many many years ago and the pace is accelerating as we speak. Say Hamdallah.

It will be replaced by polity led by emirs and warlords.

It will be such a beautiful day when we see dogs like MBZ, MBS or Mohammed VI and their armies met the fate those Wagnerites met in Mali

Only to be replaced by the Ukrainian colonist? Not really but in any case it would be better for Tatar. OIf ofcourse you know better then them.
Naturally you know better, even few days ago you kindly explained to us , meaning of the word gambit
You even used morphology, you see as soon as you say Bismillah you know better then anyone.
Let me inform you buddy, sit and wright, you are not able to do anything at all , not now not in the future.

The event happening in the Middle East, Europe and soon enough Asia Pacific happens to be to my liking even though I basically did nothing. Why should I do anything to disturb it ?
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Now,It would take Russian imperialists just 2 years to march towards Kyiv.

GG well played, I hope many of you will stay here for at least the next 2 years, would love to talk and share nostalgia about that one time you guys said that Ukraine can actually win.


This might be the most uninformed post by you yet... And that's saying something. Evidently, you have no concept of the type of attrition that Russia is facing and will continue to face as it advances on its offensive. The Russians haven't taken anything close to a major city since Mariupul, 2 years ago. They can't even mount an offensive that seriously threatens Kharkiv, right on the border. They've chewed up countless military supplies in their crawl towards their Donbas objective of destroying the Kramatorsk / Sloviansk stronghold. Even if they reach the defensive lines around those cities, it might take them a year (maybe even longer) to successfully assault a Metropolitan area of that size.

You think Russia is going to be able to march to Kyiv and take it? That's delusion of a level that I can't possibly fathom. An attempt to march to Kyiv would be an outright disaster. They have logistical problems 50kms from their border... You already saw what it looks like when they stretch deep into Ukraine. They get swallowed in pockets and Ukraine just ends up taking hundreds of pieces of Russian armor after it's been abandoned.

mehmed beg

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I support the liberation of the Ukrainian people, if the Russians are the one's willing to do that how can I object ?

At least have some basic human decency when it comes to the peril of Ukrainian people. These people are living in fear of being abducted in the middle of the day for the MIC profit, worse than that they don't have access to ballot boxes.

Yes, the mostly ethno-secular state that dotted the Middle East will fall, the foundation has been laid many many years ago and the pace is accelerating as we speak. Say Hamdallah.

It will be replaced by polity led by emirs and warlords.

It will be such a beautiful day when we see dogs like MBZ, MBS or Mohammed VI and their armies met the fate those Wagnerites met in Mali

The event happening in the Middle East, Europe and soon enough Asia Pacific happens to be to my liking even though I basically did nothing. Why should I do anything to disturb it ?
You are argumentative in very primitive way, I am surprised that you don't like English much more. You see English consider cheap cynicism as intelligence and the lower class considering mocking aa great fun.
Also you quoted me in regards of Tatar yet your answer is some drivel about Sputh East Asia.
Islamists in Middle East achieved Isis state , on one of their Seremons, they claimed that if Prophet Muhammad is alive he would follow them. Those are the words of apostasy, they are Islamist like you and I don't see any difference between you and them.
You behave like a kid beaten on the school yard.
" Oh , you will see one day" blah blah, no from your kind we will see nothing.
All of it looks like Hawarijj to me, in other words the same people who will join Dajjal .
You obviously know nothing about religion apart from few tiered phrases.
One thing is obvious though, Ukrainians few days ago helped Syrian rebels to eliminate your Russian brothers, Ukrainians helped Central Government in Sudan or " Islamic " rebels in Mali.
You have done nothing .
As of the rulers of Arab countries?
Hz Ali R A said " Better 100 years of tirany then, one day of anarchy " , Islamists proved time and again, that they are the nihilists.
Joulani in Syria, tthp in Pakistan, isis in Iraq and Syria, Makhdalis in Lybia and Sudan, Shabab in Somalia. In light of those factors, maybe it is better to put with Saudis then to be at the mercy of such people.


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I have no time to actually understand your miserable argument and broken English. But let it be known, that I put my whole bet that Islamist will eventually win in the Middle East, like it or not that's someone else problem.


This might be the most uninformed post by you yet... And that's saying something. Evidently, you have no concept of the type of attrition that Russia is facing and will continue to face as it advances on its offensive. The Russians haven't taken anything close to a major city since Mariupul, 2 years ago. They can't even mount an offensive that seriously threatens Kharkiv, right on the border. They've chewed up countless military supplies in their crawl towards their Donbas objective of destroying the Kramatorsk / Sloviansk stronghold. Even if they reach the defensive lines around those cities, it might take them a year (maybe even longer) to successfully assault a Metropolitan area of that size.

You think Russia is going to be able to march to Kyiv and take it? That's delusion of a level that I can't possibly fathom. An attempt to march to Kyiv would be an outright disaster. They have logistical problems 50kms from their border... You already saw what it looks like when they stretch deep into Ukraine. They get swallowed in pockets and Ukraine just ends up taking hundreds of pieces of Russian armor after it's been abandoned.

The concept of (Western) attrition involved peddling the lies that Russia is running out of X every few months or so, not surprising to me.

See, had this forum existed in 1968 or 2001, none of you guys would dare to even toy with the idea of :

  1. Whole Viet Nam will be communist
  2. Taliban will triumphantly return to power after its lightning fast collapse

You could toy with whatever you like in terms of money and equipment your miserable alliance send to Ukraine, but the underlying problem is the same, without the manpower to do the heavy lifting everything will be lost.

Think 2014, this is the year that ISAF hands over responsibility to the ANA. For many among Western security circels, it was hoped that superior American firepower and lavish equipment donation to the ANA will (hopefully) stem the Taliban after ISAF left. But this is just a pipe dream, since its inception everyone knows that money and equipment won't save Afghanistan.

Vice News, made a very popular video about the real state of the ANA a decade ago.

Basically everyone knows that it will be just a matter of time before these armies of drug addicts and child molesters will yield to the Taliban, even though at the time, the Taliban couldn't even capture a single major town. The same thing will happen to the army of draft dodgers that is now getting dragged in vans all across Ukraine.😂

The Western arguments when it comes to the pace in which Russia could occupy the whole of Ukraine rests in their delusional hope that Russia will continue to advance at that pace, while Ukraine will continue to resist as strongly as ever ad infinitum.

This is of course flawed. In Afghanistan, the it took the Taliban longer to secure the small town of Lashkar Gah (2 weeks and 1 day), than the capital of Kabul (1 day). While the Vietnamese communist took the whole of South Vietnam in just 4 months when before that it took them half a year to secure some outpost near the DMZ.
The collapse of the Ukrainian power will come first slowly, and then suddenly.

there's one quote from an American DS veteran that I still remember to this day...we (Americans) fought for the separation and survival of South Vietnam, while the communists fought for the conquest of it, over time we lose interest and let it slip under the bus. The war in Ukraine is no different, it is a war in which America tries desperately to maintain Ukrainian sovereignty that is separate from Russia, while Russia is waging war to absorb it. Just like in Viet Nam, the one with the conquest mentality eventually prevailed.

Saigon 1975


Kabul 2021


Kiev 20XX

(Soon Soon)


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"Ukraine is ready for negotiations with the Russian Federation." Interview with Podolyak - about the prerequisites and circumstances of achieving peace, as well as the impact of the elections in the USA on this

Mykhailo Podolyak, adviser of the President's Office, in an interview with Radio NV

"Russian propaganda spends a lot of money trying to create the impression that “there is a war going on, but we are ready for negotiations, Ukraine is not ready for negotiations.” No, Ukraine is ready for negotiations - this is the main point. That is, negotiations are certainly necessary, but point number two is on what conditions, on what grounds will negotiations take place. And here Ukraine clearly says: “Yes, let’s enter into negotiations on terms that are based on international law as a concept.” And the main thing from this concept is territorial integrity and subjectivity, the sovereignty of the state,” says Podolyak.
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