United states politics are hijacked by Jew financial juntas, they love war so that they can sell weapons and profit, the project Isreal is their to destabilise middle east, they have learnt its a booming market, can steal oil, gas and other resources, sell weopons, because they have the money to buy, to keep the war drums alive, they destabilise,, divide, inflame unrest, the jews have mastered the way of portraying muslims, especially Arabs as barbaric, heartless warmongers, murderous, they use three bs, as ploy buy the arabs just like Egypt and Jordan, or bribe them to keep their rule, just like the gulf countries Pakistan and some other countries, or bomb them to submission like in Palestine, lebonan, Iraq, now in Syria, if you tow their line, even though you could be a psychotic terrorist, they would make you the champion liberelist, if you don't they would demonise you, so there is no way for justice, reasonability, compassion, empathy, or concern for human sufferings, they achieve all this using, human rights, just rule, authoritarian rule, dictator ship, equal rights ets., UNO is a tool for them to achieve their goals using veto power.