We should have annexed 100% of the island back then. Our weakest point is that we put ourselves in reserve under pressure.
What pressure? International politics works the way those who bark the loudest are like Greece/Cyprus and France. They are under a lot of pressure, if it wasn't for that they would stay cool all the time, they don't because they have no real leverage so they are looking for some.
France has lost a lot of influence in North and Central Africa + Middle East.
Greece and Cyprus are afraid because they are facing a Turkey that can not only defend itself politically and militarily, but can also exert pressure politically, militarily and asymmetrically on other EU countries.
For example, there is no unified EU policy against Turkey, the political and economic interests are much greater than the barking of Greece/Cyprus & France, and the demand for tougher measures against Turkey.
Turkey has close economic relations with many EU countries including major countries such as Spain, Italy and Germany, the latter with an annual bilateral trade volume of 55-60 billion US dollars and rising.
In the overall trade relationship between EU <-> Turkey, Turkey ranks 5th after USA, China, UK and Switzerland.
So we are talking about a certain market power and money and that is good money that the countries do not want to lose.
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The top trading partners of the European Union (EU) in 2023, based on total trade volume (exports plus imports), are:
1. United States: Accounts for 17% of the EU's total trade volume.
2. China: Represents 15% of the EU's trade.
3. United Kingdom: Accounts for 10% of the EU's trade volume.
4. Switzerland: Represents 6% of the EU's trade.
5. Turkey: Accounts for 4% of the EU's total trade.
These figures highlight the key countries in trade relations with the EU. For the most current data, it is recommended to check updated reports from relevant statistical agencies.
Greece/Cyprus with France cannot compensate for this or offer EU Countries alternatives that trade with Turkey.
Turkey has important tools, the first weapon is the bilateral trade which is very important for the EU but also for Turkey.
The second weapon is the migration policy, sometimes I believe that Turkey has politically consciously taken in Syrians to use this weapon against the EU. The effects would be catastrophic, only right-wing populist governments would win, migration policy is the first priority for all EU countries.
The EU countries would be divided and the disintegration of the EU would even be accelerated.
The third weapon is Turkey's soft and hard power in the Middle East, EU, Africa and partly the Far East with armaments, media and economic aid.
The fourth weapon is that Turkey will be or wants to be an energy and trade hub in the future.
As a transit country, it would even have additional screws where it could exert pressure.