TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi


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When it comes to Tengrists and Athiests critising Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Im perfectly fine with it. I find it hypocritical seeing Jews and Christians critising the F out of Islam. When 3 of the religions nearly have the exact laws.

Muslims, Christians and Jews will all critique each other. Whats even more hilarious is the similarities.

Id say this as a Muslim. I never found Jews and Christians to be honest. Unfortunately Muslims went down that rabbit hole too.

There are no doubt differences but its hilarious seeing Christians critising modesty and Muslims not eating pig.


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When it comes to Tengrists and Athiests critising Islam, Christianity and Judaism.

Im perfectly fine with it. I find it hypocritical seeing Jews and Christians critising the F out of Islam. When 3 of the religions nearly have the exact laws.

Muslims, Christians and Jews will all critique each other. Whats even more hilarious is the similarities.

Id say this as a Muslim. I never found Jews and Christians to be honest. Unfortunately Muslims went down that rabbit hole too.

There are no doubt differences but its hilarious seeing Christians critising modesty and Muslims not eating pig.

Christians are the biggest hypocrites of all.

I find it funny how they blast Muslims for being backwards, when their religion isn't much better.

Where it gets really funny is when they claim Western civilization is advanced because of Christianity.

When Turks conquered İstanbul the Byzantines took scrolls westwards, this triggered the Renaissance, or at least levelled it up. All these old scripts allowed them to think outside the constraints of religion, which made them question Christianity, made them focus on science instead. Couple that with the the Ottoman and other Turkic empires to the east, the Europeans began the age of discovery by sailing westwards. Quickly dogmatic beliefs were cast aside and for the next few hundred years the world was theirs.

Funny thing is now you can see a lot of Western youth becoming more religious all of a sudden. They attribute Western dominance to Christianity, which is absurd. I could see them eventually radicalizing just like Muslims have.


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Christians are the biggest hypocrites of all.

I find it funny how they blast Muslims for being backwards, when their religion isn't much better.

Where it gets really funny is when they claim Western civilization is advanced because of Christianity.

When Turks conquered İstanbul the Byzantines took scrolls westwards, this triggered the Renaissance, or at least levelled it up. All these old scripts allowed them to think outside the constraints of religion, which made them question Christianity, made them focus on science instead. Couple that with the the Ottoman and other Turkic empires to the east, the Europeans began the age of discovery by sailing westwards. Quickly dogmatic beliefs were cast aside and for the next few hundred years the world was theirs.

Funny thing is now you can see a lot of Western youth becoming more religious all of a sudden. They attribute Western dominance to Christianity, which is absurd. I could see them eventually radicalizing just like Muslims have.

Advanced thanks to the Industrial Revolution. I do believe the Protestant work ethic played a role.

If only we we had something similar as Muslims instead of our money going to tarikats.

If only the Kadizadelis were successfull. A lot of people believe they are proto salafists which is technically true if they broke the power of tarikats we wouldnt be having these scammers taking peoples money and having an influence in the government.

Too many people believe being in a Cemat or a Tarikat is what grants them to heaven they think as Murids their Pir would be their witness when God questions them.

This is no different to Catholics. Catholics believe their indulgences or certifcates will get them to heaven.

I watched a video of some stupid tarikat I think its Pakistan or Bangladesh where the Pir is spitting at peoples bottle of water. The dumbasses believe its holy.

This where its at the moment. They need to bring back hanging. I watched a video of Bektashis putting some fcking metal stick into their mouths. Seriously man what the fck!!

Some people even made supporting AKP as some sort of part of Islam they scaremonger people with BS that if Erdogan goes they will target Islam. Erdogan is the one who is keeping Islam safe which is bs as the Turkish constitution protects freedom of religion only religion cant influence government. Scaremongering BS same tactics CHP does while using Ataturks legacy.

Fuzuli NL

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These days are not supposed to be celebrated in Islam.
Islam has two celebrations only namely the two Bayrams or Eids.
Celebrating any other day is introduced after the death of the prophet (pbuh).
Even these shrines and mausoleums are not permitted. Prayer in mosques which contain shrines is forbidden.
Kandils, mevlids, zikir circles are just created afterwards just like tarikats.


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@Iskander ,long time no see,where have you been?
Selam. Herkese selamlar.
Forumdaki değerli bir üyemizle aramda ufak bir anlaşmazlık yaşandı.
Bir skandala yol açmamak için bir süre ara vermeye karar verdim.
Şimdi kim olduğunu hatırlamıyorum artık, çünkü her iki paylaşım da iptal edildi.
Böylesi daha iyi, çünkü kime kızacağımı bilemiyorum:LOL:

Selam. Greetings to all.
There was a small misunderstanding between me and one respected forum member.
To avoid a scandal, I decided to take a short time-out.
Now I don't even remember who it was, since both posts were deleted.
It's even better this way, since I don't know who to be offended by.

Fuzuli NL

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21 1,993
These days are not supposed to be celebrated in Islam.
Islam has two celebrations only namely the two Bayrams or Eids.
Celebrating any other day is introduced after the death of the prophet (pbuh).
Even these shrines and mausoleums are not permitted. Prayer in mosques which contain shrines is forbidden.
Kandils, mevlids, zikir circles are just created afterwards just like tarikats.
what is your point everything created after prophet's death even Quran !! everything we know and we assumed islamic law including how to pray are from hadith which is written 200 years after prophet's death !! what you do is cherry picking what is islamic and what is not !! if you remove hadith everything you assumed Islamic will be gone ! so its either you accept Islam as it is or rejected it ! you cant cherry pick

Fuzuli NL

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what is your point everything created after prophet's death even Quran !! everything we know and we assumed islamic law including how to pray are from hadith which is written 200 years after prophet's death !! what you do is cherry picking what is islamic and what is not !! if you remove hadith everything you assumed Islamic will be gone ! so its either you accept Islam as it is or rejected it ! you cant cherry pick
Don't talk out of your rear end about things you have zero clue about.
Your can take tail pain about Muslims and shove it right back so deep that your psychosis would heal. OK?


21 1,993
Don't talk out of your rear end about things you have zero clue about.
Your can take tail pain about Muslims and shove it right back so deep that your psychosis would heal. OK?
excuse me ?? which part is the part that i dont understand ?? be spesific ? if you are talking about quran the book, its written at the time of 3rd chaliph osman and he famously said i burn false qurans !! which given his history with power and corruption (and its also the reasons for his death) i dont trust the guy with task !!! so what ?? and if you are taking about other thing be specific !! you wanna cherry pick to what you want and what you dont want and i call on your BS. no need to show your islami culture when responding

Fuzuli NL

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excuse me ?? which part is the part that i dont understand ?? be spesific ? if you are talking about quran the book, its written at the time of 3rd chaliph osman and he famously said i burn false qurans !! which given his history with power and corruption (and its also the reasons for his death) i dont trust the guy with task !!! so what ?? and if you are taking about other thing be specific !! you wanna cherry pick to what you want and what you dont want and i call on your BS. no need to show your islami culture when responding
You need to drown your pain somewhere else. Stop spamming the forum with your Islamophobic nonsense.


21 1,993
You need to drown your pain somewhere else. Stop spamming the forum with your Islamophobic nonsense.
WHAT ?? what Islamophobic ?? you were cherry picking by saying those thing added after prophet death !! i called it on you, you told me that i talking about the thing i dont understand i made more explanation and demand clarification from you , c'mon clarify the part that i was talking and have no idea about it. no need to go off topic !

Bilge adam reis

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arkadaşlar bi sorum var neden bazı gurbetçiler almanya ya da diğer avrupa ülkelerinde yaşayıp özgürlüklerini tadıp Türkiyenin daha az özgür ve kusura bakmayın bok çukuru olmasını destekliyorlar. ekmek olmuş 20 tl et yemeye kalksan cüzdanı bırakıyorsun nasıl bir ülke olduk

Bilge adam reis

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These days are not supposed to be celebrated in Islam.
Islam has two celebrations only namely the two Bayrams or Eids.
Celebrating any other day is introduced after the death of the prophet (pbuh).
Even these shrines and mausoleums are not permitted. Prayer in mosques which contain shrines is forbidden.
Kandils, mevlids, zikir circles are just created afterwards just like tarikats.
Islam is just a updated hebrew religion this isn't anti islam every prophet, angel entity comes from the hebrew myhtology. Kaaba was a ziggurat that was used to store statues of goddeses and the so called hacca gitmek was also a paganist ritual.
Acting like jews OH ANTI SEMITISM!! whenever muslims do something fucked up and we point on it you guys bring out the islamaphobia card the ones running the country are not christians mate.


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Islam is just a updated hebrew religion this isn't anti islam every prophet, angel entity comes from the hebrew myhtology. Kaaba was a ziggurat that was used to store statues of goddeses and the so called hacca gitmek was also a paganist ritual.
Acting like jews OH ANTI SEMITISM!! whenever muslims do something fucked up and we point on it you guys bring out the islamaphobia card the ones running the country are not christians mate.
You have Sean Strickland as your profile pic, no wonder you're writing so much nonsense. You should spend less time on X/Twitter for your mental health.

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