Iran to form 'NATO' defence and security pact with allies


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Iranian military officials inspect the underground missile base built on the shore of the Persian Gulf in southern Iran of Hormozgan on January 8, 2021 [Sepahnews - Handout / Anadolu Agency]

The Iranian parliament announced yesterday that it is preparing a draft resolution on a "defence and security treaty for the Axis of Resistance" which it will sign with its allies, states and non-state actors alike.

Although an informal alliance already exists, the aim of the "NATO-style" treaty is to oblige members to respond collectively to any attack on any members by Israel or other hostile states.

Members of the "Axis of Resistance" are said to include Iran, Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Houthi-led government of Yemen, Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

According to Fars News Agency, the deputy of Iran's parliament, Abu Fadl Abu Trabi, said that work is currently underway to collect the necessary signatures so that the draft resolution can be approved for discussion and voting.

"When Israel attacks one of the Resistance Front countries or if Israel takes any action against this axis," he explained, "the other member states of the group must exert all of their efforts in the military, economic and political aspects to ward off the threat."

Meanwhile, Russia Today Arabic reported that the parliament in Tehran has proposed a bill obliging successive Iranian governments to "take the necessary measures that lead to the elimination of Israel by March 2041". It also prohibits "any negotiations with the United States of America on non-nuclear issues" and has an article which stipulates that Iran must work to remove US forces from the region.

The draft bill is entitled "The conditions for negotiating with Washington and supporting Tehran's allies". It has 16 articles which set out the need to work towards breaking the Israeli blockade of the Gaza Strip, the "return to Jerusalem" and "liberation of the [Syrian] Golan". The draft also obliges Tehran to provide humanitarian aid and provisions once every three months to Yemen.



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-Syrian baath republic
-Iraqi militia
-Afghan Hazara
-Pakistani shiite militia.

Yup, most are non state actors


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Pakistani shiite militia.
Be advised there is no such thing as "Pakistani Shiate Militia" within the meaning you make [based on the list you tabulated] but individuals of Shia faith who go abroad to volunteer in Iran's wars. But such individuals come from across the world and I suspect you will even find Indonesians if you have Shia population. Don't forget Pakistan has possibly 20 million Shia population.

And on the subject of this NATO thing. Only crazy mullahs can come up with such delusions.


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Be advised there is no such thing as "Pakistani Shiate Militia" within the meaning you make [based on the list you tabulated] but individuals of Shia faith who go abroad to volunteer in Iran's wars. But such individuals come from across the world and I suspect you will even find Indonesians if you have Shia population. Don't forget Pakistan has possibly 20 million Shia population.

And on the subject of this NATO thing. Only crazy mullahs can come up with such delusions.


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First thing to note. Wikipedia is a open source and thus not very reliable referance. However when it comes to Pakistan you might as well call it "Indipedia" because you can bet your last dollar some Indian has pastered it with biased garbage.

But beyond that. This Zainbiuon Brigade is not 'Pakistan' in the sense that it is ran from , based in Pakistan. As I explained to you in the earlier post Pakistan has at least 20 million Shias. Some have gone abroad and joined in terrorist entities. But then you can say the same for Indonesian citizens.

The list you tabulated has militias that are locally recruited, based in the countries where the locals hail from. So take Houthis. they are based in Yemen, ditto Iraqi militias or Hezbollah. Zainooun has nothing to do with Pakistan other than that some of it's members are from Pakistan. I hope this clarifies the matter for you.


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First thing to note. Wikipedia is a open source and thus not very reliable referance. However when it comes to Pakistan you might as well call it "Indipedia" because you can bet your last dollar some Indian has pastered it with biased garbage.

But beyond that. This Zainbiuon Brigade is not 'Pakistan' in the sense that it is ran from , based in Pakistan. As I explained to you in the earlier post Pakistan has at least 20 million Shias. Some have gone abroad and joined in terrorist entities. But then you can say the same for Indonesian citizens.

The list you tabulated has militias that are locally recruited, based in the countries where the locals hail from. So take Houthis. they are based in Yemen, ditto Iraqi militias or Hezbollah. Zainooun has nothing to do with Pakistan other than that some of it's members are from Pakistan. I hope this clarifies the matter for you.
Ok let me rectify, Iran is behind the Zeynabiun, a loyal militia to Iran which recruits it's manpower from Pakistanis. Which has nothing to do with the state of Pakistan.


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Members of the "Axis of Resistance" are said to include Iran, Syria, Lebanon's Hezbollah, the Houthi-led government of Yemen, Iraq's Popular Mobilisation Forces (PMF), Hamas and Palestinian Islamic Jihad.

"When Israel attacks one of the Resistance Front countries or if Israel takes any action against this axis," he explained, "the other member states of the group must exert all of their efforts in the military, economic and political aspects to ward off the threat."
They might as well rephrasing those "military, economic, and political" into a single word, "Terrorism"


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-Syrian baath republic
-Iraqi militia
-Afghan Hazara
-Pakistani shiite militia.

Yup, most are non state actors
Hamas also get Iran's support though. Although Hamas is Sunni but, Iran seems don't care about that. What is matter is that certain actors are fight against Israel.


They might as well rephrasing those "military, economic, and political" into a single word, "Terrorism"

Perhaps, one of the most frequently abused term in today's geopolitical environment is "terrorist".

An oft repeated adage is "One man's terrorist is another man's freedom fighter".

The Iranian regime is also guilty of such abuse.

A casual look at the millions upon millions of innocent Syrian civilians and their popular representatives, and how they have been treated and depicted by the Iranian regime and their operatives would confirm this observation.

Popular representatives of the majority of Syrians have been labeled "terrorists" by the same Iranian regime, their mercenaries and operatives.

In this sense, it is not inappropriate to label the Iranian regime and their 'allies' as 'terrorists'.

However, a note of caution is in order. Hamas and Hizbollah have won popular elections. The case of the Houthis deserves more investigation. When it comes to the Assad regime that seized power through a coup d'etat, we can say fairly comfortably, that they are a usurper in the same mould as the Sisi regime in Egypt, or the many other regimes that are the products and byproducts of coup d'etats.

Such examples include the regime of Pervez Musharraf in Pakistan in the past and the current regime in Bangladesh, for examples.

All said and done, I expect nothing much to come out of this announcement by the Iranian regime. A regime that claims to be "independent" and accuses most other regimes of subservience to the United States, then goes on to sign the JCPOA and alters its behaviour in fear of some sanctions and an unstable president in Donald Trump.

Such a regime can hardly be called "independent".

To be fair, the North Korean regime is far more independent as it has shown the ability to test ICBM and nuclear bombs irrespective of any threats of war or sanctions imposed by the USA or its lackeys, and irrespective of the president in charge of the USA at any given time.

We could also argue countries like Pakistan, Turkey, Indonesia, Saudi Arabia, Egypt and many others are far less independent than the North Korean regime.

That might be topic for another discussion, however. There is very little of worth that we might expect to see from the Iranian regime despite this supposed pact.

Fuzuli NL

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It's not like Hizbollah would deploy destroyers, and Iraqi militia their nuclear submarines when Iran asks for a "NATO-like" response.


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It's not like Hizbollah would deploy destroyers, and Iraqi militia their nuclear submarines when Iran asks for a "NATO-like" response.
It's more like, if Israel or other actors attack Hezbollah or Hamas, Iran will response to that. So attack that Iranian backed groups are same as attack Iran. But, I don't know is this "NATO-like" Organization will happen or not, or maybe always just become a plan without realization.

Fuzuli NL

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It's more like, if Israel or other actors attack Hezbollah or Hamas, Iran will response to that. So attack that Iranian backed groups are same as attack Iran. But, I don't know is this "NATO-like" Organization will happen or not, or maybe always just become a plan without realization.
It could also be the other way round, namely, attack Iran and these mulla loyal groups would take actions on the attacker's bases around the world.
This one is more likely since Iran didn't do anything after the obliteration of Suleimani and another one I don't remember his name.
It was mulla-loyal Iraqi militia who attacked US bases in Iraq.


It's more like, if Israel or other actors attack Hezbollah or Hamas, Iran will response to that. So attack that Iranian backed groups are same as attack Iran. But, I don't know is this "NATO-like" Organization will happen or not, or maybe always just become a plan without realization.

Iran can't and won't respond to anything. They only make threats, burn flags and chant slogans.


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Fuzuli NL

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Threatening Trump directly by posting an image with him playing golf with an emerging shadow which looks like a bomber and with the phrase "Revenge is Inevitable".

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