Pakistan will not recognise Israel


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Pakistan will not recognise Israel​

It was the Balfour Declaration of November 2, 1917 where Britain publicly pledged to establish a national home for Jews in Palestine after the dissolution of the Ottoman Empire. As a result, a large-scale migration of Jews into Palestine took place. Some 750,000 Palestinians were expelled from their homes and the declaration set the stage for the full-scale ethnic cleansing of Palestinians.

After being created a Jewish state, it fought its first war in 1948, followed by the 1956 occupation of Gaza strip and Sinai Peninsula. In 1967, Israel fought a six-day war with its neighbours, then a war of attrition in 1968 with Egypt. In 1973, Egyptian forces crossed the Suez Canal and attacked Israel, which resulted in the occupation of some Arab land and Israel expanded her border to the Suez Canal and river Jordan and also occupied Golan Heights and East Jerusalem. During the 1967 and 1973 wars, Pakistan fighter pilots shot down 10 Israeli fighter jets while fighting for Syria and Egypt.

On March 26, 1979 Israel and Egypt signed the famous peace treaty in Camp David (US) and Israeli forces vacated Sinai Peninsula. Egypt was first Arab country to recognise Israel followed by Jordan in 1994 and recently by the UAE and Bahrain. After the creation of the Israeli state, the founding Prime Minister David Ben Gurion sent a telegram to Quaid-e-Azam to establish diplomatic relations with Pakistan. No response was given to this telegram by Quaid-e-Azam. In 1950, during the visit of the first Prime Minister Liaquat Ali Khan to the US, the premier was promised all possible military and economic assistance in case Pakistan recognised Israel.

Pakistan has denounced Israel since its inception in 1948. A Pakistani cannot visit the Jewish state because its passport is “valid for all countries of the world except Israel”. The Israeli cooperation with India is at its peak since February 1950, when India recognised Israel. Israel in collaboration with India planned an attack against Pakistan’s nuclear facility in Kahuta. According to Israel Defence, Israel went as far as building a complete model of the Kahuta facility in Negev desert in south Israel to train its pilot. The attack was planned from Jamnagar in Gujrat (India) however, it did not materialise when Pakistan conveyed that this move will be taken as an act of war.

Again in 1998 there were reports that Pakistan spotted Israeli F-16s in the air days before the nuclear tests of May 1998 were carried out. Indian Mirage jets, which attacked Balakot’s trees, were armed with Israeli made SPICE 2000 smart missiles. During the Pakistan-India standoff, famous journalist Robert Fisk wrote in The Independent, “Israel is playing a big role in India’s escalating conflict with Pakistan”. Turkey was the first Muslim country in 1949 to recognise the state of Israel and both countries gave priority to their trade and diplomatic ties. With Erdogan in power, Turkey is now distancing itself from Israel and according to Erdogan, Israel is a threat to peace in the region.

There has been a shift in the Arab world’s approach in recent years. The Arab states are normalising their relations with Israel for political and economic gains. Recently the UAE and Bahrain established diplomatic relations with Israel and some other Arab countries are also likely to recognise Israel. During the time of Saudi King Abdullah, he gave the “land for peace formula” which was widely appreciated. According to the plan, Arab countries would recognise Israel after its withdrawal from the occupied territories including East Jerusalem; and a just settlement of the Palestine refugee crises.

According to a recent survey published in TRT World conducted by the Qatar-run Arab Center of Research and Policy Studies; 88 percent of Arabs disapprove of the recognition of Israel. The survey was conducted across 13 Arab states from November 2019 to September 2020.

Pakistan and Israel are two countries in the world created in the name of religion, Pakistan for Islam and Israel for Judaism.

On several occasions Prime Minister Imran Khan has made it clear that “unless a just settlement of the Palestine issue is found according to the wishes of Palestinians, Pakistan could not recognise Israel”. On another occasion, Imran Khan made it clear that “our policy on Israel is clear. Quaid-e-Azam had said that Pakistan can never accept the state of Israel until the people of Palestine get rights and an independent state”. Recently, the spokesperson of the ministry of foreign affairs refuted baseless speculations regarding the possibility of recognition by Pakistan. Famous Indian political commentator AG Noorani, in one of his articles, has mentioned a statement made by Ben Gurion “why should the Arabs make peace? If I was an Arab leader I would never make terms with Israel. That is natural; we have taken their country”. Unless the Palestine issue is addressed it is impossible for Pakistan to recognise Israel. Pakistan will only recognise Israel after the establishment of an independent Palestine state with Jerusalem as its capital.



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I give a decade and a half at least when KSA goes Pakistan will
We eventually will especially if the Arab countries follow and pressure us to follow as well. Infact i have repeatedly highlighted that Pakistan has recognized Israel defacto but doesnt have diplomatic relations. Even this demand that that we will not recognize till Palestine is formed according to 67 borders is incorrect because this very demand is an oxymoron. How can you not recognize an entity that exited in your conditional border demand? The correct term is, we will not establish diplomatic relations till the formation of a proper Palestinian state.

As i wrote before

pakistan's official stance is not that Israel is entirely composed of Palestinian territory occupied as such but is based on the fact that Israel occupies territories of palestine and needs to go back to the pre-1967 borders immediately and cease the human rights violations in the territory of palestine. The two stands are fundamentally different and while one may argue that Pakistan never recognized Israel even before 1967, however that remains irrelevant since Pakistan has cleared its stance. This was done alongside the palestinian stance which was done in 1988.

In 1988 the Palestinian national council, the legislative body of the Palestinian liberation organization passed the Palestinian declaration of independence with 253 in favor and 46 in against and 10 abstentions. This declaration would then be officially announced on 15th november 1988 by Yassir Arafat and as he would finish the reading he would assume the title of President of Palestine from his previous designation as Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization which would be done officially through the Palestinian Central Council in April 1989. Now this is the official formation of the Palestine state which is recognized as such in the UN as well as by 71% of the member states of the UN amongst whom is Pakistan as well.

So the question is what were the borders of this new state? did palestine declare itself as the right and legitimate government of levant and Israel as a false government and false nation built on occupied lands? did they state as such and with that declare all territories under Israel as Palestine? Basically did they do what the OP is asking us to do?

No they did not. Infact they formulated their territories in their map as Gaza strip, the west bank and the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, which includes west Jerusalem. Not all of jerusalem but the western part of the divided jerusalem and it is in western jerusalem which holds our great sacred mosque. Now this independence was recognized in the UN resolution 43/177 on 15th december 1988. The most important part we need to understand is what Palestine claims and what recognition of palestine would inturn have us claim. In 1993 Palestine recognized the state of israel in line with the resolutions of 242 and 338 which dealt with the Israeli return to pre-war territories respectively where 242 deals with 1967 war and 338 deals with 1973 war and as you know that Israel has not returned West jerusalem nor has it returned the Golan heights. With this Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized as the legitimate representative of the people of palestine by the world ( even by those that dont recognize palestine) and this government of the state of Palestine,m recognized as the representative of the people of Palestine provided Dejure recognition to Israel and Israel in turn recognized PLO as the legitimate authority and representative of palestinians. Now Defacto recognition of a state is one which can be revoked under international law since the concept of Defacto recognition is that the state does not complete the essential requirements of statehood thus cannot be given dejure recognition but will be afforded with defacto recognition which can be removed. It is a custom based on factual situation on ground. Dejure recognition, on the other hand is permanent and is a legal act of lawful nature and its revocation can only happen in the even of absolute breakdown of a state to such a nature where the state ceases to function as a state. Examples of revocation of Dejure include Soviet Union or Yugoslavia. You know absolute breakdown.

So getting back, Palestine declares Israel as an official state and recognized its right to exist in peace which means that the territories of pre-1967 were no longer claimed by palestine and were now the legal and rightful territories of Israel. This was seen during the independence speech, Palestines recognition og resilution 242 and 338, the Oslo Accords and the Letters of recognition. Now if you were to read the letters of recognition then the letter sent by yasser arafat on 9th Septmeber contains the word '..The PLO recognizes the state of Israel and its right to exist peace and security. The PLO confirms to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and 338.' All of these are counted in International law. Any state that would recognize palestine would also recognize the territorial limits of the state of Palestine. They can agree or disagree to the territorial claims of Palestine but they cannot go beyond those claims meaning that by recognizing palestine, we cannot say that all of levant is palestine if palestine itself says not all of levant but the territories we claim as such. Infact one can even argue that such recognition gives defacto recognition to Israel automatically and the aspect of non-recognition is purely the states own decision to not hold diplomatic relations. Not having diplomatic relations with a nations is not synonyms with non-recognition. This is getting way too legal so i am going to bring it back a bit and highlight that Pakistan. Pakistan recognized the state of Palestine on 16th November 1988 and by 1989, had opened full diplomatic relations between the two states.

So Pakistan recognized Palestine as the state based on the resolution 43/177 and has voted as such which means that Pakistan recognized the territorial limits of Palestine as stated by Palestinian government and the true representatives of the Palestinian people. So if they recognize Palestinian territorial limits then who governs the rest of the territory in the book of pakistan? Israel then? Its true that Pakistan does not have diplomatic relations with Israel however Pakistan through its actions and in its words ( spoken by Musharraf i believe and our Foreign office although they avoid this topic), does afford a form of lesser defacto recognition and has stated that the only problem between recognition of Israel is the borders of 1967 and the absolute independence of Palestine and human rights violations.
akistan's official stance is not that Israel is entirely composed of Palestinian territory occupied as such but is based on the fact that Israel occupies territories of palestine and needs to go back to the pre-1967 borders immediately and cease the human rights violations in the territory of palestine. The two stands are fundamentally different and while one may argue that Pakistan never recognized Israel even before 1967, however that remains irrelevant since Pakistan has cleared its stance. This was done alongside the palestinian stance which was done in 1988.

In 1988 the Palestinian national council, the legislative body of the Palestinian liberation organization passed the Palestinian declaration of independence with 253 in favor and 46 in against and 10 abstentions. This declaration would then be officially announced on 15th november 1988 by Yassir Arafat and as he would finish the reading he would assume the title of President of Palestine from his previous designation as Chairman of Palestine Liberation Organization which would be done officially through the Palestinian Central Council in April 1989. Now this is the official formation of the Palestine state which is recognized as such in the UN as well as by 71% of the member states of the UN amongst whom is Pakistan as well.

So the question is what were the borders of this new state? did palestine declare itself as the right and legitimate government of levant and Israel as a false government and false nation built on occupied lands? did they state as such and with that declare all territories under Israel as Palestine? Basically did they do what the OP is asking us to do?

No they did not. Infact they formulated their territories in their map as Gaza strip, the west bank and the territories occupied by Israel in 1967, which includes west Jerusalem. Not all of jerusalem but the western part of the divided jerusalem and it is in western jerusalem which holds our great sacred mosque. Now this independence was recognized in the UN resolution 43/177 on 15th december 1988. The most important part we need to understand is what Palestine claims and what recognition of palestine would inturn have us claim. In 1993 Palestine recognized the state of israel in line with the resolutions of 242 and 338 which dealt with the Israeli return to pre-war territories respectively where 242 deals with 1967 war and 338 deals with 1973 war and as you know that Israel has not returned West jerusalem nor has it returned the Golan heights. With this Palestine Liberation Organization, recognized as the legitimate representative of the people of palestine by the world ( even by those that dont recognize palestine) and this government of the state of Palestine,m recognized as the representative of the people of Palestine provided Dejure recognition to Israel and Israel in turn recognized PLO as the legitimate authority and representative of palestinians. Now Defacto recognition of a state is one which can be revoked under international law since the concept of Defacto recognition is that the state does not complete the essential requirements of statehood thus cannot be given dejure recognition but will be afforded with defacto recognition which can be removed. It is a custom based on factual situation on ground. Dejure recognition, on the other hand is permanent and is a legal act of lawful nature and its revocation can only happen in the even of absolute breakdown of a state to such a nature where the state ceases to function as a state. Examples of revocation of Dejure include Soviet Union or Yugoslavia. You know absolute breakdown.

So getting back, Palestine declares Israel as an official state and recognized its right to exist in peace which means that the territories of pre-1967 were no longer claimed by palestine and were now the legal and rightful territories of Israel. This was seen during the independence speech, Palestines recognition og resilution 242 and 338, the Oslo Accords and the Letters of recognition. Now if you were to read the letters of recognition then the letter sent by yasser arafat on 9th Septmeber contains the word '..The PLO recognizes the state of Israel and its right to exist peace and security. The PLO confirms to the United Nations Security Council Resolution 242 and 338.' All of these are counted in International law. Any state that would recognize palestine would also recognize the territorial limits of the state of Palestine. They can agree or disagree to the territorial claims of Palestine but they cannot go beyond those claims meaning that by recognizing palestine, we cannot say that all of levant is palestine if palestine itself says not all of levant but the territories we claim as such. Infact one can even argue that such recognition gives defacto recognition to Israel automatically and the aspect of non-recognition is purely the states own decision to not hold diplomatic relations. Not having diplomatic relations with a nations is not synonyms with non-recognition. This is getting way too legal so i am going to bring it back a bit and highlight that Pakistan. Pakistan recognized the state of Palestine on 16th November 1988 and by 1989, had opened full diplomatic relations between the two states.

So Pakistan recognized Palestine as the state based on the resolution 43/177 and has voted as such which means that Pakistan recognized the territorial limits of Palestine as stated by Palestinian government and the true representatives of the Palestinian people. So if they recognize Palestinian territorial limits then who governs the rest of the territory in the book of pakistan? Israel then? Its true that Pakistan does not have diplomatic relations with Israel however Pakistan through its actions and in its words ( spoken by Musharraf i believe and our Foreign office although they avoid this topic), does afford a form of lesser defacto recognition and has stated that the only problem between recognition of Israel is the borders of 1967 and the absolute independence of Palestine and human rights violations.


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Couldn't care less about what Pak's Israel relation. However why bring India into this? Difficult to believe that Israel was helping India when Pakistan was busy filling Israeli coffers by buying weapons from Israel.

Fact is India has always and steadfastly supported the Palestinian cause. Infact India did not even establish formal relations with Israel till 1992 - how would it plan strikes in the 1980s?


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According to Israel Defence, Israel went as far as building a complete model of the Kahuta facility in Negev desert in south Israel to train its pilot. The attack was planned from Jamnagar in Gujrat (India) however, it did not materialise when Pakistan conveyed that this move will be taken as an act of war.

Incidents such as this along with the repeated intelligence of strikes being planned and shelved led to the 1988 non-aggression nuclear treaty between Pakistan and India, one of those treaties that have always survived the worst of hostilities. This treaty barred both Pakistan and India on assisting any foreign power in the target of the others nuclear facility and would exchange civilian and military nuclear facilities. I guess even the worst of incidents can bring some positive outcomes.


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Israel tried to sabotage Pakistan's nuclear program.

Israel will always be a threat to Muslims until we get stronger we have to deal with them later.


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Any proof of that allegation other than hearsay?



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A Pakistani newspaper and the good old Abraham Ait? Isdatallugot? :D


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Mere theatrics. As long as both Israel and Pakistan understand that Pakistan's nuclear weapons are India-centric, all is well. And they do.

Honestly if Pakistan does open up relations with Israel.thats fine to be honest. Its geopolitics afterall of course Pakistan should be aware of Israel's intentions.


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Honestly if Pakistan does open up relations with Israel.thats fine to be honest. Its geopolitics afterall of course Pakistan should be aware of Israel's intentions.

I agree, given that Israel and Pakistan, for all their differences, will inevitably find it easier to live on the same planet at peace with each other rather than at war. At some point in the future, things will surely open up, as Pakistan joins a growing list of countries which have normalized relations with Israel.


Israel in collaboration with India planned an attack against Pakistan’s nuclear facility in Kahuta. According to Israel Defence, Israel went as far as building a complete model of the Kahuta facility in Negev desert in south Israel to train its pilot. The attack was planned from Jamnagar in Gujrat (India) however, it did not materialise when Pakistan conveyed that this move will be taken as an act of war.
It did not materialise because stupid Indian PM Morarji Desai literally phoned your general and got in flow and opened his mouth about Kahuta facility after which the R&AW and Mossad joint operation was halted, not because Pakistan threatened Israel.
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