Is China behind Pakistan’s plan to annex Kashmir’s Gilgit-Baltistan?



Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi (centre) unveils the updated official map of the country in August which, for the first time, included large parts of the India-administered Jammu and Kashmir region. Photo: EPAPakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi (centre) unveils the updated official map of the country in August which, for the first time, included large parts of the India-administered Jammu and Kashmir region. Photo: EPA
Pakistan’s Foreign Minister Shah Mehmood Qureshi (centre) unveils the updated official map of the country in August which, for the first time, included large parts of the India-administered Jammu and Kashmir region. Photo: EPA
Pakistan’s government is putting the finishing touches on plans to “provisionally” make the Gilgit-Baltistan region of disputed Kashmir part of the country, risking another high-stakes showdown with India that could lead to war.
Analysts focused on South Asia said the decision to grant interim provincial status to Gilgit-Baltistan – made during a meeting last week between government ministers, opposition leaders and the country’s powerful military – would at the very least exacerbate military tensions between India and Pakistan. The neighbours have fought two wars over Kashmir since attaining independence from British colonial rule in August 1947.
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A 2003 agreement on a ceasefire along the Line of Control (LOC) dividing the Pakistani- and Indian-administered parts of Kashmir has fallen apart in recent years, following the resurgence of militant separatist activity on the Indian-administered side.


Accusing the Pakistan government of being behind separatist attacks on Indian forces, Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered warplanes to cross into Pakistani airspace in February last year to destroy a militant training camp.
Diplomatic ties were all but snapped six months later, after Modi’s administration revoked the semi-autonomous status of Indian-administered Kashmir and carved out the Ladakh region bordering Tibet as a separate territorial unit.

Three Indian soldiers killed in border clash with Chinese troops
Three Indian soldiers killed in border clash with Chinese troops
Analysts told This Week In Asia that Pakistan’s move to make Gilgit-Baltistan the country’s fifth province would be seen by India – as well as the United States – as being greatly influenced by China. The region has been administered by Pakistan, though not fully part of it, since 1947.

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Since Pakistan’s prime minister Imran Khan visited Beijing last October, China has repeatedly raised India’s annexation of Kashmir at the United Nations Security Council at Islamabad’s behest, infuriating New Delhi. The subsequent deterioration in relations between Asia’s two biggest powers subsequently boiled over into a military stand-off along their disputed Ladakh border in May.
Ladakh is separated from Gilgit-Baltistan only by the Siachen Glacier – notorious from 1984 to 2003 as being the world’s highest active war zone. Most of the world’s 20 highest peaks are located in the region, where the Himalaya, Karakorum and Hindu Kush mountain ranges meet.
The mountainous region of northern Pakistan that borders China
The mountainous region of northern Pakistan that borders China
Pakistan’s move to change the status of Gilgit-Baltistan would feed Indian apprehensions that it might have to fight a high-altitude, two-front war against both China and Pakistan, the analysts said.
The region is also of key strategic importance to China. Following China’s 1962 border war with India, it struck a border settlement agreement with Pakistan, setting the stage for their close alliance.
Gilgit-Baltistan borders the Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region and has been China’s sole overland access route to the Arabian Sea, at the mouth of the oil-rich Gulf, since the completion of the Karakorum Highway linking China and Gilgit-Baltistan to the Pakistani hinterland in 1978.
Since 2015, Chinese state-owned enterprises have invested more than US$30 billion expanding and integrating Pakistan’s economic infrastructure along the overland route, which culminates at the Chinese-operated port of Gwadar.
The US$60 billion China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC), which was launched five years ago, is the single largest Belt and Road Initiative programme. India has vehemently opposed CPEC projects in Gilgit-Baltistan, which it claims as part of the broader Kashmir region.

Michael Kugelman, senior South Asia associate at the Wilson Centre, a Washington-based think tank, said Modi’s hardline Hindu nationalist administration would view Pakistan’s plan for Gilgit-Baltistan as something greater than just payback for India’s decision in August last year to revoke the semi-autonomous constitutional status of the parts of Kashmir it governs.
“The Modi government, with its more muscular and nationalistic approach to territorial claims, has spoken often and specifically about its strong claim to Gilgit-Baltistan,” Kugelman said. “I certainly don’t expect the Indian government would simply accept this move by Pakistan as a reciprocation of sorts for India’s … revocation. Rather, it would see it as a provocation, pure and simple.”
Harsh V. Pant, a professor of international relations at King’s College London, said that “by trying to legalise its stranglehold over Gilgit-Baltistan, Pakistan is trying to not only remove the roadblocks to Chinese investors in CPEC, but also giving Beijing greater access”.
It also made the two-front war scenario “very realistic”, Pant said. “India will certainly read that this is being done at China’s behest and Pakistan has no alternative but to become a casualty of rising Sino-Indian tensions.”
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Kugelman said that it would be easy for India and “quite possibly the US” to see a Chinese hand behind Pakistan’s move to make Gilgit-Baltistan a province, “given how free-falling relations between Beijing and New Delhi have given Pakistan and China a fresh incentive to collectively push back against India and to undermine its interests”.
“And what better way to do so than to try to snuff out India’s claim to Gilgit-Baltistan – which also happens to be a key location for CPEC, which India rejects – by turning it into a province,” Kugelman said.
On the contrary, he said it would be wrong to overstate Chinese influence over Pakistan’s decision because it had, for the past 20 years, telegraphed its desire to make Gilgit-Baltistan a province.
“In effect, Islamabad doesn’t need prodding from Beijing to make this move, given that there’s been sentiment to push forward on this for quite some time,” Kugelman said.
A member of the Indian Central Reserve Police Force lays a wreath on the coffin of a colleague killed by suspected militants in Srinagar, Kashmir. Photo: AFP
A member of the Indian Central Reserve Police Force lays a wreath on the coffin of a colleague killed by suspected militants in Srinagar, Kashmir. Photo: AFP
Ejaz Haider, a Lahore-based South Asian strategic affairs analyst and veteran participant in Pakistan’s previous informal “Track 2” dialogues with India, said the Gilgit-Baltistan issue “does not concern any external state actor”.
“It’s an internal constitutional arrangement, fulfilling the constitutional demands of the people of Gilgit-Baltistan,” he said.
Gilgit-Baltistan was not considered part of the Kashmir region until it was seized by British colonial forces in the late 19th century, to pre-empt a feared southward expansion of the Russian czarist empire into colonial India – a geopolitical competition that gave rise to the phrase “The Great Game”.
Historically, the region had little to do with Kashmir or India. Prior to British colonial rule, it was a remote area of warring principalities whose allegiances periodically shifted between Tibet, China and the Muslim empires of the Middle East and Central Asia.
Kashmir was not created until British colonialists “sold” its component territories to an Indian prince, Gulab Singh, in 1846.
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Whereas Singh was able to establish the rule of the Dogra dynasty over the easternmost areas of modern-day Gilgit-Baltistan, the rest of the territory – including the areas bordering current-day Xinjiang – continued to be loosely ruled by the British until independence in August 1947.
The Dogra dynasty did not appoint a governor for what is now Gilgit-Baltistan until July 1947, a few weeks before India and Pakistan became independent.
Gilgit-Baltistan was very briefly ruled by a transitional administration until it quickly communicated its desire to accede to Pakistan. Between 1947 and 1951, it was governed as part of northwest Pakistan.
However, it was subsequently dragged back into the Kashmir dispute under UN Security Council resolutions that laid out a road map for its resolution, following the first India-Pakistan war in 1948-49.
Pakistani troops salute while veterans of the 1965 war with India arrive to lay wreaths at a war memorial during a ceremony to mark Pakistan Defence Day in Lahore on September 6. Photo: AP
Pakistani troops salute while veterans of the 1965 war with India arrive to lay wreaths at a war memorial during a ceremony to mark Pakistan Defence Day in Lahore on September 6. Photo: AP
“People of Gilgit-Baltistan have long agitated to be part of Pakistan. Unlike occupied Jammu and Kashmir, where the population wants to secede from India [to join Pakistan], Gilgit-Baltistan wants to integrate with Pakistan,” said Haider, a former Ford Scholar with the University of Illinois’ programme on arms control, disarmament and international security.
Pakistan’s plans to make the region a provisional province would see its estimated 1.5 million residents granted fundamental rights under Pakistan’s constitution for the first time, including the right to appeal cases to its Supreme Court. Gilgit-Baltistan would also be represented by directly elected members of Pakistan’s National Assembly, and be given the same representation the four mainland provinces have in the indirectly elected Senate.
Representatives of parliamentary parties were briefed about the plan at a September 16 meeting with army chief of staff General Qamar Javed Bajwa, held at the Islamabad headquarters of the military’s Inter Services Intelligence agency.
Ministers and opposition leaders said that an agreement in principle had been reached to back requisite changes in Pakistan’s constitution. However, the opposition insisted the process should not be initiated until after elections in Gilgit-Baltistan are held on November 15 – so as to prevent Prime Minister Khan’s Pakistan Tehreek-i-Insaf (PTI) party from cashing in on the move at the ballot box.

India and Pakistan trade blows after militant attack in Kashmir

India and Pakistan trade blows after militant attack in Kashmir
The sticking point, according to the chairman of the Pakistan People’s Party, Bilawal Bhutto-Zardari, will be whether the military interferes to ensure the formation of a PTI government – as it reportedly did in Pakistan’s 2018 general election.
If the outcome is tarnished, the parliamentary opposition easily has the numbers to block the three constitutional amendments required to make Gilgit-Baltistan a provisional province.
Another potential obstruction is the forthcoming launch of an all-party opposition movement in opposition to long-standing military interference in Pakistan’s politics.
Meanwhile, the Pakistani move to make Gilgit-Baltistan a province would “undoubtedly add more volatility to an India-Pakistan-China triangle already experiencing ample churn”, Kugelman said.
He envisioned several impacts: India would have even more motivation to double down along the disputed border with China, known as the Line of Actual Control (LAC), with heightened prospects for another clash with Chinese troops. And the chance of intensified cross-border firing and ceasefire violations by the Indian side along the LOC with Pakistan-administered Kashmir would increase, he said.
“Amid heightened tensions along India’s two most volatile borders, the risks of miscalculations or escalations would be driven up,” Kugelman warned.
Pant, the King’s College London professor, sees a similar chance of escalation from the Chinese side if Pakistan makes Gilgit-Baltistan a province. “Escalation along the LAC remains a high probability, and few in New Delhi would discount the possibility that Pakistan would up the ante along the LOC at the behest of Beijing,” he said. ■
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China-Pakistan Economic Corridor will go on despite bumps in the road, analysts say
  • Opposition leaders in Pakistan are calling for the removal of CPEC authority chairman Asim Saleem Bajwa following allegations of corruption
  • Beijing does not like any politicisation of the CPEC, so the issue is unhelpful, observer says
Keegan Elmer

Keegan Elmer
in Beijing
Published: 6:00pm, 26 Sep, 2020

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Is China behind Pakistan’s plan to annex Kashmir’s Gilgit-Baltistan?
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Corruption allegations against Asim Saleem Bajwa, chairman of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority, are unlikely to derail the scheme, observers say. Photo: Facebook
Corruption allegations against Asim Saleem Bajwa, chairman of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority, are unlikely to derail the scheme, observers say. Photo: Facebook

Corruption allegations against Asim Saleem Bajwa, chairman of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor Authority, are unlikely to derail the scheme, observers say. Photo: Facebook
A campaign by opposition politicians in
to oust
Prime Minister Imran Khan
and the official in charge of the China-Pakistan Economic Corridor (CPEC) in Islamabad may cause some disruption but is unlikely to derail the multibillion-dollar scheme, analysts say.
Opposition party leaders on Sunday launched a joint campaign to unseat Khan and CPEC authority chairman Asim Saleem Bajwa, following allegations of corruption against the retired lieutenant general and his family.
The allegations against Bajwa, who is also an adviser to Khan, suggest a deeper problem for China’s relationship with Pakistan, said James Dorsey, a senior fellow at the S. Rajaratnam School of International Studies in
“China has had a preference for dealing with the military in Pakistan, rather than the raucous political parties,” he said.


“While the charges need to be judged on their own merit, they call into question the solidity of the military’s position.”

Among those calling for Bajwa to go is former prime minister
Nawaz Sharif
, who lives in exile in London and has accused the military of interfering in Pakistan’s political affairs.

Andrew Small, an analyst at the German Marshall Fund – a Washington-based think tank – said the controversy surrounding Bajwa could upset Beijing.
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“China doesn’t like any politicisation of the CPEC, so the Bajwa issue is unhelpful,” he said.

Different approaches to the CPEC within Pakistan’s ruling elite had troubled Beijing, he said in a report published on Thursday, titled “Return to the Shadows: China, Pakistan, and the Fate of CPEC”.
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Sharif oversaw the launch of the CPEC – often referred to as the flagship of China’s broader
Belt and Road Initiative
– during his time as prime minister, but Khan had slimmed down many of its projects and progress on them – partly due to financial issues – had stalled even before the coronavirus pandemic, the report said.

Though often valued at US$62 billion, only about US$25 billion worth of projects had been completed under the scheme, it said.
“China wants firm political consensus on the CPEC and has worked hard over the years to make sure that all parties are lined up behind it,” Small said.
Opposition party leaders in Pakistan have launched a campaign to unseat Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Photo: DPA

Opposition party leaders in Pakistan have launched a campaign to unseat Pakistani Prime Minister Imran Khan. Photo: DPA
The leaders of Pakistan’s major political parties all committed to the CPEC when the two sides met last year, and since then some opposition figures have been demanding more involvement in the scheme, drawn by the financial benefits and job creation opportunities it provides.

Opposition politicians in the northern region of Khyber Pakhtunkhwa this week complained about the government cancelling a local CPEC highway project, calling it a “great injustice” for the people.
“The bottom line is that even with all these stories of corruption – an inevitable and predictable by-product of such a massive project – the CPEC will still proceed,” said Claude Rakisits, an associate professor at the Asia-Pacific College of Diplomacy at the Australian National University.

“The opposition parties are totally on board with it too. Pakistan and China have already invested too much money and pride in the CPEC for it to not proceed,” he said.
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Keegan Elmer

Keegan Elmer

Keegan Elmer is a reporter at the Post covering China in world affairs, including US-China relations and China's relationship with its neighbours. He has degrees from the University of Wisconsin, Madison and the University of Helsinki.
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Is there anything China is not behind in Pakistan. I wish it was behind everything. The bloody place might see some progress. A million mullas in detention camps. Another 5 million of their followers in re-education camps. Religion removed from politics. Femal emancipation and equal rights for all. Emphasis on education, building the country than prayers etc

If only wishes were fishes ....


Is there anything China is not behind in Pakistan. I wish it was behind everything. The bloody place might see some progress. A million mullas in detention camps. Another 5 million of their followers in re-education camps. Religion removed from politics. Femal emancipation and equal rights for all. Emphasis on education, building the country than prayers etc

If only wishes were fishes ....

Chacha jee you were just in Pakistan whats your astute observation of Chinese influence in Pakistan I agree compared to many western and Indian analysis Chinese influence is quite limited only to Military and Geo-Strategic purposes Soft Power China lacks as Chinese are uber atheist Pork eaters that cant relate to a Conservative Muslim Populace like Pakistanis are but alas its only been a half a decade since BRI and CPEC has been put forth slow process but down the road the dragon will not tolerate this half baked mess in Pakistan I guarantee that


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China may seem like the hands behind it but i dont think so. Pakistan has been looking to provide governance security to the region of Azad Kashmir and Gilgit Baltistan for some time and the major reason is due to the growing disgruntlement amongst the people present that their constitutional rights are not being awarded.
While foreign papers claim china and how China wants a secure region for investment, lets not forget that China doesnt care about that because it happily invested for the Karakorum Road which looked to be an engineering nightmare and took enough lives to call into question a project on a disputed land. I dont buy the disputed land scenario and the major reason is because i have seen the difference between a colony at the mercy of the central government and provincial power with its own mandated legislative assembly.

For projects like CPEC, you need mass land for economic zones, dams, industry and so much more. It is far easier to take land in a colony where there exists no legal cover for the people present. You can empty villages and if they protest, shoot them or kidnap without a single news leaving. Not saying this ever happened in Gilgit Baltistan but just highlighting how easy it is to administer a colony. You can make deals nobody can even imagine or will hear about. If the project happens or doesnt happen, nobody knows.

A provincial autonomy holding, high court having, lawyers walking, electable looking for vote region will face more nightmares then you can imagine. For the Lahore orange train the Punjab government had to get the land and while the government can take any land it wants but it must pay compensation and everybody takes the government to court until they pay the correct amount and till then, the land is under the control of the owner. So you have the Land Acquisition Act and then the next problem was Historical building Protection acts like Monuments Act or Building Protection Act so they had to change the entire route of the project because there were buildings, houses that predated the Independence war of 1857. So there was that and then came the Zoning laws since you cant build so high, so near the shops or residential area because of any earthquake make it look like a natural disaster movie. This is just the tip of the Iceberg gents so tell me

Why would a regime that runs its country like a security state would ask Pakistan to bring parliamentary and constitutional reforms to an area that is extremely important and is connected to the CPEC in a manner greater than Gwadar?

Sounds like an Own Goal for me for what? A disputed region? where was this no changes to disputed land when they were signing 1963 Treaty or the Developments they have brought the region. Are all of these "Columnist" who developed the regions connecting China after the 2005 Earthquake? It wasnt Pakistan.

And again would making it a province make it more secure? how? would India just say "Oh well, its not disputed anymore because they made it a province. Damn. Check mated."

Pakistan has been bringing reforms over there due to major reasons.

The natural Constitutional Evolution of the country. I theorize that every country that has any form of legal system or constitutional setup would eventually witness Constitutional growth and if that growth is unimpeded then it will eventually provide the Constitutional rights to its citizens or regions eventually. The Globalization will enhance this phenomenon.

Secondly Pakistan knows that Kashmir issue will not be solved and for sometime, the growing demand for constitutional rights has made Pakistan think that ruling the region like a colony, such an important region would bring more negatives then benefits. The GB empowerment Acts 2009-2018 are evidence of this and the call to make GB a province has been ongoing since Musharraf where proposals were made and set and the original Empowerment act was to make it a provisional province before the Ministry of Kashmir Affairs and Kashmiri leaders interfered. The bureaucracy ofcourse wants a colony. Nothing like a colony to fill pockets.

The Army very much wants to provide rights to them just like post operations, before any politician even mentioned, it was the army that said bring proper governance to the region, whether in the future or now, bring it. The Army is no longer interested in internal conflicts. Sorry but China theory.


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Chinese influence

Bro we dont speak their language nor do they speak ours, dont know their culture nor do they know ours, dont know anything about them and they dont know anything about us. What can be their influence on us as a soft power? Does Chinese Food count? because we dont even do that right since we eat a very pakistanized version of it. Pretty sure we would hate their original cuisine and we are far more linked with Turkey then we are with China due to historical relations, religious similarity, racial similarity and linguistic to an extent as somebody who speaks Aseel Urdu aka high class urdu will understand some words of Turkic. Heck the script of China is itself alien to us whereas if i try hard, i will be speaking Turkic in a year.

Turkey is highlight advanced but a show on Ottoman Empire would see far more audience than a show on the three kingdoms no matter how cool Cao Cao was or how honorable Lui Bei was ( the Romantic novel not the historical one).

Let me give you another Example, I knew about the great Ottoman empire when i was five. The power of Muslim Empires, i was told when i was 7 at school, the Ottoman and the Mughal and i am pretty sure if i was born in the 60s, Safavid would have been in it as well. :p

In 6th class i am in history class with an Oxford history book reading about the Crusade history and i am told that Salahuddin was a Kurd and the Turks ( Recently accepted Islam) were attacking the Crusaders as well and driving them from anatolia and both Kurds and Turks are great Warriors. I met people who traced their history to Turkic lineage. This does not mean that Pakistanis all claim foreign descent. Not at all but i have met them. Arent Ghilzai Turkic as well? They speak Pashtu and have been based in Afghanistan for centuries but their origin is Turkic i believe.

What i am trying to say is that the Chinese will never have the influence that nations like Turkey have. Frankly communication is a huge barrier and the fact that they are not interested in talking as well. I see Chinese at Hyperstar but there is always a language barrier. I wonder if the control of CCCP has curtailed the conversational aspect of the nation like you see with americans.

anyhow the influence of Chinese on the people. Apart from that shan ad jokes, eating dogs and Chinese virus jokes and some racist jokes, nothing. Nothing at all.
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Well India done the same by taking Jammu Kashmir it makes sense for Pakistan to play its cards
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