Recent content by Baryshx

  1. Baryshx

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    It happens in politics. Until the 2028 elections, they have to come up with something. At least this kind of political show is useful for our military needs.
  2. Baryshx

    TR Navy Naval Programs

    Very good news:love:akp is only trying to do a decent job in military matters.(y) Other than that they don't exist.(n)
  3. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    It is annoying that there are only pictures. There is no information and no test. There was a delay of 1 years. Still, it is pleasing, it is one of the most important projects for our country.💪
  4. Baryshx

    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    Now, Germany and France are serious partners in such matters, sometimes going their own way. Spain also needs to chart its own path. It can build a very good partnership with Turkiye. Turkiye and Spain are countries dealing with similar problems, which brings them closer to each other.
  5. Baryshx

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    It's a pleasure to see 3 parties getting along like this :D :D The two ruling parties invite the terrorist head to parliament, while the other poor opposition chp raises its hand and asks for more. The Turk nation must punish them.
  6. Baryshx

    Breaking News Terrorist attack on the TAI/TUSAS facilities in Kahramankazan, Turkiye

    OK. If you say so, it's true. No need to investigate.
  7. Baryshx

    Breaking News Terrorist attack on the TAI/TUSAS facilities in Kahramankazan, Turkiye

    Veryan tv youtube Apo, Fethullah, attack on Tusaş | Erdem Atay - Serkan Öz video, at 01:17:00 minutes, it is said that 300 Fetöist are working at Tusaş. Mit, police, military reported this to Tusaş. Former Tusaş General Manager Temel Kotil, who was dismissed this year, did not take any action...
  8. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Most probably he will go to the east and meet with the PKK/hdp/Dem. It's a comedy...
  9. Baryshx

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Need a more impressive name, like Titanium Dome :D :p I think the person who named the Steel Dome should be dismissed😡 Such wannabe/copied names do not suit a country with a glorious and ancient history like ours. It could have been one of the guardian spirits of Turk mythology, such as...
  10. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Maybe the US uses AIM-9X and we don't know about it. They use Ram in demonstrations and exercises. And sells Ram to other countries. :sneaky:
  11. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    We need agility and performance. Price and weight are secondary, it is the safety of the ships that matters.
  12. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Is it something wrong with the forum or is it me? Do you think maybe I don't know that Sco is not a military organization? Nato was founded to oppose Russia, now it opposes both Russia and China. If you cooperate with them very seriously, the US will not be silent. Besides, why would China...
  13. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    You upset me. You think I don't know that? The members know what I mean.
  14. Baryshx

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    With hypersonic missiles, nuclear missiles, Kaan, High Altitude missiles, etc., Türkiye will no longer need NATO. Of course, I assume that we are working on these and we have them. Otherwise, Türkiye is a country in danger in terms of security. Does a country that opens its borders to the whole...
  15. Baryshx

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    In Iran, presidents are puppets. Just like in the UK... In Iran, the supreme leader has the real power.

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