Recent content by CAN_TR

  1. CAN_TR

    TR Navy Navy|News & Discussions

    Because.... Altay engine/transmission, Heckler&Koch and Sig Sauer not even selling small arms to Türkiye, delays in the Reis-class submarine, media criticizing Hensoldt (South African branch) for cooperating with Türkiye they even protested it. Roketsan managed it so why cooperating with Diehl?
  2. CAN_TR

    TR Politics

    You don't talk or negotiate with terrorists shot them in the head and move on for the next one. That monkey should have been hanged like washed laundry on the same place were Said and his son were dangling. For those monkeys talking and negotiation is taken as weakness, that's why they raise up...
  3. CAN_TR

    TR Altay Main Battle Tank & Related Programs

    Germany just added Leopard2A7 A1 into their inventory and ordered additional ~120 Leopard2A8 in 2023, there were rumors that Italy is interested and potential first customer of the KF51 Panther but at the end they ordered 132 Leoprad2A8's, so KF51 will probably not realized anytime soon and...
  4. CAN_TR

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    They wear the plate carrier over their jackets, i can see magazine pouches in the front and other bags on the side (maybe dump pouch or IFAK)...
  5. CAN_TR

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    Well training in a military base is something else then in an environment where the opponent side shoots back. But nevertheless you are correct that Special Forces should remain calm and focused in such a scenario. Fatass? That's a plate carrier.
  6. CAN_TR

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    True, actually one should have immediately cover the back, they shouldn't stand like that uncovered infront of the vehicle, communication was not good mainly failure of the commander but also the careless overreacting behaviour of the other soldiers. Taking cover, protecting your back and clear...
  7. CAN_TR

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    This is absolutely not true. There are actually nearly daily firefights, between TSK and the terrorists, UAV's play a big active role in targeting HVT's but not so much in the operations on the ground. Rightly so from the commander, you don't rush into conflict when you don't know about what's...
  8. CAN_TR

    TR Military Operations in Northern Iraq

    ÖKK kills 3 PKK terrorists in this footage, at 0:03 you can even see one going down near the tree/mast.
  9. CAN_TR

    TR Propulsion Systems

    30 people involved in the V22 project died during the development phase, so what i'm saying is rather slow and steady that fast and half assed which could result in fatal accidents.
  10. CAN_TR

    TR Propulsion Systems

    400 yes, and now search up how many accidents happened and how many people died during those tests... Only a small batch of ~20 Gökbeys were ordered so far, first delivered end of September 2024, the branches of the military will also test them, the engines and helicopter are currently forcold...
  11. CAN_TR

    TR Propulsion Systems

    Engine certifications. And serial production makes no sense when the T625 Gökbey was ordered 2024 in notable quantities. It's our first helicopter and turboshaft engine therefore it should be logical that it will take more time. The last thing you want is producing dozens and then find some...
  12. CAN_TR

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I don't know about Barracuda, but it seems Ensar has his period again, where he deletes his account for stupid reasons...
  13. CAN_TR

    TR Indigenously Made Firearms & Medium Calibre Weapons

    Yes it's in the same class, 3D printed polymere and aluminum parts are the main reason why it's lighter. The Evolys is more aimed for SOF units though.
  14. CAN_TR

    TR Indigenously Made Firearms & Medium Calibre Weapons

    Well the KALE C5 (collapsable) is unloaded 2.85kg if that is tiring you after just 5 min, hit the gym asap. FN P90 is a trash gun, with trash ergonomics (played around with a replica of it) only interesting thing is it's caliber. Probably the same guy designed the abomination called FN 2000.

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