Recent content by Crush716

  1. C

    Israel apartheid consequences for the colonial state and geopolitics

    I strongly recommend watching this documentary to better understand how Jewish lobby has become what it is today in United States. It is called The occupation of American mind.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    It seems like the 2 wave of attacks started.
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    O shit.. it’s on like donkey Kong
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    TR Politics

    Can we get some different perspectives about the current situation in hand? For example from pro Cumhur ittifaki members like @Zafer and others on how they’re feeling right now? If my memory serves correctly there were lots of name calling and labeling during the election cycle against millet...
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Or if Israel pursues “Greater Israel” bull sh*t
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    TR Politics

    First of all we are! But all come back to that. Are you denying that Ergun Atalay made comment and accusing etkili haber of intentionally making false news? on the subject of hitting rock bottom.. why are you comparing Turkiye with such countries? Turkiye claims to be a semi advanced developed...
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    TR Politics

    Bro we are at rock bottom. It doesn’t matter which party comes to power, can’t screw up more than AKP. They literally milked every penny they can into their pockets. The country needs change regardless of which party. I’ll give you a quick example of the mentality they have. Mind you this guys...
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    TR Politics

    It is to be expected when you butcher whole entire nation Economically, socially, culturally, militarily, politically spiritually and morally. Average Joe in Türkiye has absolutely nothing to look forward to and I mean absolutely nothing.. if you say other wise, you either don’t have children or...
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Time will tell I guess
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    📌 Eurofighter CEO Mezzanatto stated that Turkey wanted to buy 40-50 Eurofighters, but Germany blocked these attempts. 📌 Italian CEO emphasized that the blockage may have been made due to Turkey's natural gas activities in the Eastern Mediterranean.
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    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    Eurofighter CEO Giancarlo Mezzanatto: "Eurofighter sales to Turkey were blocked by Germany."
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    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    “Allegedly, there was a huge explosion in Tel Aviv, the capital of Israel. It is said to be a drone attack.”
  13. C

    Breaking News Iran-Israel Tensions 🔴#SONDAKİKA | Arab agencies share that British Royal Navy warplanes will defend against UAVs advancing towards Israel. They stated that British planes took off from Southern Cyprus.
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    TR Marine Mavi Vatan (Blue Homeland) “Insolent Video from India Imaginary animation of India... In the animation shared by India; Greece fires a BrahMos supersonic guided cruise missile at a Turkish Navy frigate cruising in the Mediterranean...

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