I'm sure everyone already know but just to be safe, this is a video game footage called ARMA3 (there is some news outlet that use videos from the creator's YouTube channel as a real news)
The article is talking about supplementary budget alias "anggaran tambahan" that includes the money to purchase the vls system not necessarily the money to purchase the ships. If you want to know what they going to purchase with the 6.8 billion of supplementary budget, Jane's have an article...
These are from the TNI international seminar back in March. If you guys are interested in the presentational files from the seminar, you can get them here in this GDrive. These particular slides are in the file called null.pdf
How is that count as "hate" tho? Isn't he basically just saying that the procurement scheme they use to procure FREMM is similar to other big items procurement (like Hercules or Iver) in wich we sign the contract now only to become effective 1 or 2 years later (again like Hercules and Iver) when...