Lokasi yang strategis itu nantinya akan mengurangi waktu reaksi armada patroli dalam menanggapi kejadian di laut dalam wilayah Alur Laut Kepulauan Indonesia II
Bakamla also have 3 fleet?Dalam catatan Dispen TNI, sebelumnya, Bakamla menerima hibah lahan untuk Pangkalan Armada Zona Maritim Tengah berlokasi di Kecamatan Gentuma Raya
Posted By : Admin, 08/10/2021 23:02 WIB, : 56 |
Kepala Staf Koarmada (Kaskoarmada) II Laksma TNI Rachmad Jayadi, M.Tr. (Han) mewakili Pangkoarmada II Laksda TNI Dr. Iwan Isnurwanto, S.H.,M.A.P.,M.Tr (Han), menerima Courtesy Call Tim Badan Perencanaan Pembangunan Nasional (Bappenas) di Satuan Kapal Selam Koarmada II, tepatnya di Gedung Bramasta ,Kamis (07/10). Kaskoarmada II didampingi sebagian Pejabat Utama Mako Koarmada II, mengucapkan selamat datang sekaligus ungkapan terima Kasih kepada rombongan Tim dari Bappenas sekaligus merasa bangga dan menyampaikan rasa hormat yang tinggi karena Koarmada II diberi kesempatan untuk memberikan penjelasan tentang kebutuhan kedepan , permasalahan yang dihadapi saat ini dan juga kebutuhan Harwat Kapal Selam TNI AL khususnya di Koarmada II. Dalam kesempatan tersebut Tim Bappenas yang diketuai oleh Bapak Fauzal Muslim Bidang Pertahanan Dithankam Bappenas didampingi oleh 6 orang Staf nya mengucapkan terimakasih atas sambutan hangat yang diberikan Kaskoarmada II beserta Staf di Koarmada II. Selanjutnya kegiatan dilanjutkan dengan paparan ruang lingkup kapal selam yang dipaparkan oleh Dansatsel Koarmada II Kolonel Laut (P) Wirawan Ady Prasetya, yang meliputi Kondisi terkini Kasel baik secara teknis dan operasional serta kebutuhan akan Pangkalan Kasel dan Kapal Rescue Kasel dihadapkan dengan kondisi strategis regional. Usai mendengarkan paparan dilanjutkan dengan sesi foto bersama dan penyerahan cinderamata sebagai penutup paparan di ruang Rupat Satsel, serta tim Bappenas beserta rombongan berkesempatan untuk mengunjungi KRI Nagapasa-403 yang berada di pangkalan Surabaya. Ditempat terpisah Pangkoarmada II berharap agar kunjungan Tim Bappenas di Koarmada II kali ini,dapat memberikan masukan yang besar dalam meningkatkan aspek pertahanan dan keamanan, dalam mewujudkan ketahanan nasional. ..:: TNI ANGKATAN LAUT ::..![]() |
2 Billion Dollar Defense Agreement from Indonesia and Turkey
A pre-purchase agreement worth 2 billion USD was signed between Turkey and Indonesia. The contract covers defense and aerospace platforms.
According to the information received by SavunmaSanayiST.com from diplomatic sources; Turkey and Indonesia signed a pre-purchase agreement in December 2019. The said pre-purchase contract is valued at US$ 2 billion; It covers the export of Offshore Patrol Ship, Armed Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (SİHA) and SİHA munitions. At the same time, a strategic partnership relationship is being developed between the two countries that will enable technology transfer, joint production and sales to third countries.
Following the pre-purchase agreement signed in the previous period, concrete steps have been taken. During TEKNOFEST 2021 held last month, Turkish Aerospace Industries Inc. (TUSAŞ) and PT Dirgantara Indonesia (PTDI) signed a cooperation memorandum (MoU).
According to the information obtained by SavunmaSanayiST.com, the MoU in question; It covers the expansion and modernization of N-219 Nurtanio Utility Aircraft production, engineering cooperation in the joint development and production of the N245 aircraft, and modernization of the Turkish CN235 fleet.
Indonesia and Turkish Defense Industry
Indonesia's interest in Turkish defense industry products is increasing day by day. Indonesia had ordered the ZOKA Acoustic Torpedo Countermeasure Jammer and Deception system from ASELSAN in the past years.
KAPLAN Medium Class Tank, ZARGANA Torpedo Countermeasure System for Submarines and ACAR Land Surveillance Radar developed by FNSS are among some Turkish defense industry products currently used by the Indonesian Army.
Indonesia shows great interest in the ANKA Medium Altitude - Long Endurance (MALE) class UAV produced by TAI and the KORKUT Self-Propelled Low Altitude Air Defense Artillery System manufactured by ASELSAN. On the other hand, it is known that similar interest is also for MİLGEM and ALTAY.
I don't know where should I put this. It's roughly translated from Turkish to English by Google Translate.
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Anyway, bu Retno is (also)* in Turkey. She already met with several officials from Turkey, including Erdogan.
*based on the pict sih Prabowo is in Turkey...
Anyway, bu Retno is (also)* in Turkey. She already met with several officials from Turkey, including Erdogan.
by the way two Billion US Dollar is quite big, there is should also another deal in the making.
Let us all hope for the best .... Win-win solution was the key here .
I dont know why he hates FREMM and prefer ah140
Well you're one of the oldies who have enough of AH bullshit from long time ago.Because he is Francophile lah, he hates the Italian who take away his supposed yearly bonus
Btw we should make a count for how many he Made nonsense twit in Twitterland. And shove it when he Made another nonsense remark
Wait, wasn't the masseur guy is canteen guard or am I missing something here?Well you're one of the oldies who have enough of AH bullshit from long time ago.
Thats why i insisted for @NEKO to make Military Leak account to silence either cateen guard, masseur guy, and students killing 3 birds with one cat in single blow.
Lol, i forget about that since he excluded scorpene from his leak in submarine programBecause he is Francophile lah, he hates the Italian who take away his supposed yearly bonus
I think there is a 3rd account in twitter leaking the arms tenderWait, wasn't the masseur guy is canteen guard or am I missing something here?
Students already "dead", Masseur practically "kill" him.Well you're one of the oldies who have enough of AH bullshit from long time ago.
Thats why i insisted for @NEKO to make Military Leak account to silence either cateen guard, masseur guy, and students killing 3 birds with one cat in single blow.
How is that count as "hate" tho? Isn't he basically just saying that the procurement scheme they use to procure FREMM is similar to other big items procurement (like Hercules or Iver) in wich we sign the contract now only to become effective 1 or 2 years later (again like Hercules and Iver) when the funds secured? He basically just saying that the contract is not effective yet and anything can happen before the contract become effective (you know, like what happen to Su35 and DSME 1400 batch 2)
I dont know why he hates FREMM and prefer ah140
I dont know why he hates FREMM and prefer ah140
Because he is Francophile lah, he hates the Italian who take away his supposed yearly bonus
Btw we should make a count for how many he Made nonsense twit in Twitterland. And shove it when he Made another nonsense remark
More from him.
"Fremm contract is an anomaly Because it was signed before budget allocation approved"
Hey dude, Rafale too you know?
What aboutAs long as it is Frenchie its good according to him
He is a bit vague about sub, but i think he never said related Aukus pact affecting ng sales in indonesia yet.What aboutsubmarine whatsoever, didn't he try to uproar this kind of stuff amidst AUKUS pact push and pull and
ngambek ?
Proyek Frigate, for ah140 only?