Recent content by Mis_TR_Like

  1. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    In case you haven't realized, AKP only cares about staying in power right now. It's selling the events in Syria as a "strategic victory" to Islamists and pseudo-nationalists. Meanwhile, not sure if you've heard but Erdoğan has kicked off a new peace process with PKK, all to get more votes from...
  2. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Server issue, has been fixed now
  3. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    I'll never stop laughing at this @Ryder
  4. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Seems like Americans are getting more religious in response to years of wokeism. Not a good thing for them at all, could see Christian extremism becoming a thing. Europeans, Canadians and Australians are more level-headed, Americans meanwhile, seem to have lost their minds. Believing in crazy...
  5. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Air-Force TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    To be completely honest I've been out of the loop with KAAN for some time, busy with work, but also frustrated with our government in Türkiye which has really taken the taste out of recent defence industry accomplishments. But the recent decline in relations between the US and European nations...
  6. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    meanwhile, Iranians are pushing Afghans to our border and helping them jump over our tiny 2m fence. Government's response:
  7. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    The USA had Biden for four years... Ukraine war kept Russia busy.. Israel had put all its force against combating Iran, Hamas and Hezbollah. We had the chance, and what did we do? Remove Assad, and replace him with HTS... Now we donate carpets for mosques in Damascus, meanwhile Israel creeps...
  8. Mis_TR_Like

    Organization of Turkic States

    What an insult. Binali Yıldırım, who was apointed as the lead "aksakal" of the OTS, wants to change the constitution to remove Turkish identity and also wants to give Kurds and others autonomy... Nothing, I'm telling you, nothing is going to improve with these idiots in charge. So much...
  9. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Politics

    "The PKK did not lay down its arms, as it has done many times before, it declared a so-called ceasefire. The umbrella structure called the KCK continues to exist. The HPG in Iraq, the YPG in Syria, the PJAK in Iran, and the PKK in Türkiye are sub-organizations of the KCK. The only thing being...
  10. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Politics

    Binali Yildirim: —There are Kurds, Turks, Assyrians, Abkhazians and Circassians in these lands; the definition of citizenship can be revised. —Authority can be transferred to local governments. —The way must be opened for Erdoğan to run for President again. @Ryder look at these traitors
  11. Mis_TR_Like

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    I'm sorry but this is just hilarious. The amount of nonsense you spit out to justify the governments failures is just obscene. I'm not going to waste my time arguing with you, but would highly recommend you stick to your own nation's politics from now on. If Türkiye wanted to it would wipe...

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