Recent content by mulj

  1. mulj

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    so that part of body is citizenship proof :ROFLMAO: on the topic, operation is finally happening, i am not completely satisfied with the scope of it but Manbij and Tel Rifat are also not small area and if everything goes well and as predicted it will somehow extend self reliance of north and...
  2. mulj

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    This situation is nightmare for turkish liberals and lefties they do not know how to approach it without being exposed as total fools and traitors :ROFLMAO:. i hope state position will remain firm and not bound to the pressure, at end your reasons are completely legitimate.
  3. mulj

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    it is obvious fact that whole agression of russia on ukraina is opportunity to settle some scores from past in syria but your blow should be decisive and fast executed with long term impact, but question is did you undergo with preparations for such scenario in within military deployment...
  4. mulj

    TR Propulsion Systems

    I have impression that Kale will become more significant engines developer then TEI due ownership structure.
  5. mulj

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Eid mubarak/Bajram barecula, hope you all had blessed and easy Ramadan.
  6. mulj

    TR Turkey expects to lay ground for Kanal Istanbul project in summer

    Ok, stop the project out of the fear of possible complains... Make passage trough straits costly in term of time which is undisputable so easy to do and all according to the contracts and obligations of Tyrkie Republic, no one will bother with it anymore once the canal is built and available.
  7. mulj

    TR Turkey expects to lay ground for Kanal Istanbul project in summer

    Paper can suffer anything, pharaphrasing common wisdom, meaning you can present your case also with regulaation, lets say that you can create burocrasy forest for forwarder and at the same time respecting treaty, i am sure that there are many creative mechanisms to motivate ships to use new...
  8. mulj

    TR Turkey expects to lay ground for Kanal Istanbul project in summer

    you can restrict and regulate it that much that ship forwarders will pay in advance for the canal passage service, it is win win project.
  9. mulj

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    not aware of switch kill option in tb2 .
  10. mulj

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    well, you do not know serbs then, they are not that kind of people, they respect only brute force. fine tuning is not their kind of thing. with eventual selling of tb2 systems to them they will get offensive potential which could not be matched by bosnian side in eventual war scenario.
  11. mulj

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    wel, no problem with that, do what you want but in that case all reamaining good will and history connections consider evaporated.
  12. mulj

    World Energy Market

    there is no concern, europe is screwed for at least 10 years, in that time they need to invest a lot in infrastructure and new energy routes if decided that russia is ditched for good, consequences will be recession and social disruptions for while until new sources stabilize demands.
  13. mulj

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    was inactive for while, lot of happened in month, now it seems that war will be decided in east, in overall disastrous perfomance of russian military regardless of final outcome. they need to build their military from scratch, so many gaps exposed in this conflict when opponent has at least...
  14. mulj

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Left one is competent but non harismatic bosniac representative without charisma, in translation "aparatcik". Second one serb leader with all baggage of their nationalism on exiting doors, basicaly putin's pawn but with high self preservance instinct, so if non noticed he can continue to be...
  15. mulj

    NATO Time to lift 'unjust' sanctions on Turkey's defence industry, Erdogan tells Biden

    You can ask almost whatever you want in order to rectify injust policy both from USA and EU. I would add also canceling pkk support and free hands in Syria, that would be minimum for considering any hostile move towards russia.

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