Let me tell you something. It is a fact that zionist lobbies are very strong in the Netherlands. You cant do or say anything against Jews here. You will be accussed of anti-semitism. It is a big surprise that this decision came out from ICC The Hague. So Israel is definitely doing fucked up...
Did some research looks like someone willing to sell anybody even his own country for monetary & careers gains. He works together with Anti-Turkey (mostly greeks) lobbies. Disgusting. There is even a post online from 2005 that he sold out his partner from Sabancı university. Karaktersiz...
I am getting sick of these 'ummah' loving people. The only positive thing about Turkey is the defense industry and they are going to fuck up this industry aswell. Pakistan is not our brother country nor do we have anything common with them. They will not bring any benefits to this project but...
Diasporas (in germany and netherlands) will be save in their democratic western countries. Olan Turkiyedeki Turklere olacak. Onlarin umrundami? Never. They have their own benefits, interests, ideologies. fuck the Turks in Turkey right?
Thiefs and political islamists are cancer to our vatan...
Why do Turks in Netherlands vote for left parties and when it comes to Turkey they are AKP extremists?
If you love Erdogan so much, go live there with your sultan?
Tabi gitmesin, niye gidersin ki? calismadan al sosyal yardimi hollandada, Turkiyede kral gibi tatilini yap.
Turks in Germany and...
The Netherlands has free speech, justice system (trias politica) they aint an average banana middle eastern country like the current Turkey. If Rutte was shown 40 hours on NOS and the opposition 0 minutes their political career would be over and the state channel would be fined big time.
Kilicdaroglu is in the lead. AA is an AKPian institution, we have seen their perception creating ways in the previous elections aswel.
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