Recent content by Super falcon

  1. Super falcon

    The State of Qatar and Qatar Armed Forces

    Is there any chance tgat qatar will buy french mistral class amphbious LHD ship as egypt and inow india is buying Qatar needs powerfull navy this might be the answer
  2. Super falcon

    United Arab Emirates Halts Discussion on $23B Purchase of Planes, Drones from U.S.

    UAE plays vsery well since hh sheikh MOHAMMAD BIN ZAYED himself pilot he knows which jet to buy These f 35 would be useless and comes woth stingvattached on them UAE should buy russian or european jets
  3. Super falcon

    India Army Artillery

    Not more than 110 for pinaka MKRS it seems
  4. Super falcon

    China showed off it's best military drones at 13th airshow: CH-6, WZ-7, WZ-8, GJ-11 and LJ-I (LJ-1)

    Chinese drones are now selling better in int market due to better perfomance
  5. Super falcon

    India Army Artillery

    Due to induction of latest artillery systems
  6. Super falcon

    India Army Artillery

    Indian army will have upper hand on pak
  7. Super falcon

    Chinese PLA's ZTL-11 Wheeled Tank

    Why chinese not inducted these VT 4 tanks thailand and pak ordered them is there any issues that china is not satisfied
  8. Super falcon

    Russia Aircraft and Aerospace Programs

    Wothout a doubt it is russian masterpiece sleek beautyfull bird
  9. Super falcon

    Russia Army Land Forces and Vehicles Programs

    India in talks with russia to buy Armata the russian jaggaurnaut
  10. Super falcon

    India Navy Future of the Indian Navy: Combatant Fleet Composition

    Indian navy in talks with frannce to buy 2 mustral class assaukt shios
  11. Super falcon

    India Navy Destroyers

    What plans to counter chinese destroyers lik type 052 and, 055 a seriois threst to ondia
  12. Super falcon

    China Unveils Wing Loong- 10 Attack Drone

    Pakistan also bought them from china
  13. Super falcon

    China Navy 31st type 054A frigate expected to launch in May

    Chinese frigates getting popularity
  14. Super falcon

    China Navy PLAN Destroyers

    Even usa now fears extreme enginering on chinese d RSS desrouers

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