Saudi cooperation would be huge. Shouldn't get stuck in rumors tho, might be just a play to make the Japanese change their minds re Saudi entrance into GCAP.
If they have an ounce of brain, they should support KAAN's development with everything they have. Especially the development of TF35K. Arab world does not realize this yet but if they want to stand a chance against Israel in the future, they have to invest in Turkish MIC. We could give them benefits like local production and some ToT. It's win-win.Saudi cooperation would be huge. Shouldn't get stuck in rumors tho, might be just a play to make the Japanese change their minds re Saudi entrance into GCAP.
If they have an ounce of brain, they should support KAAN's development with everything they have. Especially the development of TF35K. Arab world does not realize this yet but if they want to stand a chance against Israel in the future, they have to invest in Turkish MIC. We could give them benefits like local production and some ToT. It's win-win.
Saudi cooperation would be huge. Shouldn't get stuck in rumors tho, might be just a play to make the Japanese change their minds re Saudi entrance into GCAP.
Because British are hemorrhaging money and they need all the dollars they can find to fund their main defence program of the next 3 decades. They are still actively campaigning to let Saudis in in some form or another, Italians are similar.why would they let them in?
The main combatant jet, along with perhaps one or two other systems, is the most foreign policy/relations dependent of all a country's defense needs. It is not enough just to pay for it, the conditions that come with it have to be compatible with the interests of the country.
So I hope for some progress in the near future in aligning KSA's interests with TR and providing a common perspective. There are no insurmountable points of disagreement between KSA and TR at the moment. As for the UAE, a complex set of problems starting from Syria and even extending to Sudan, Libya and Somalia is an important political barrier. There are still deep divisions in our hinterland and in our shared spheres of influence, some of which are really difficult to manage and therefore have the potential to escalate quickly.
making and validating different versions of hardware for export is not worth the trouble. what you would do is to limit the performance of the system through software. the hardware could be the same but the output would be defined by the variables in the software.What about export models ? Radar and EW systems must be diffirent than our own planes right ?
It is easier nowadays. Aselsan/TUSAŞ can limit output power, wide band coverage etc via software. TUSAŞ can say look it is the same hardware you are getting the same hardware.What about export models ? Radar and EW systems must be diffirent than our own planes right ?
What UAE really wanted was the defence agreement with US and being labeled a "Major Non-NATO Ally", not necessarily just the F-35s. Few months ago they were labeled a "Major Defense Partner", not yet where they want to be. Both Saudi and UAE are still on track to receive it under Trump. If we can bag the Saudi participation before that decision is made, it'd be lovely.Oh most certainly, but if the UAE was willingly to sign the Abraham accords with Israel to get their hands on the F-35's then it means they are willing to make serious concessions to get their hands on fifth gen jets
Maybe a message to Trump administration.If I were the Saudis, I would try to buy both the F-35 and Kaan if only to diversify sources and not be subject to whims of a single supplier. They can certainly afford it.