Live Conflict Syria Civil War


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According to tweet US have refuted claims of building a base
According to the US they are also recognize "Turkish security concerns in Syria". We all know how much their words are worth. There is no actual isis threat and the "Turkish military buildup at the border" turned out to be nothing. Ergo: The americans threatend Turkey to back down and are now solidifying their threat by saying "we are totally not building a base" which will eventually turn into "its just a temporary base and its not aimed at Turkey" and then into "we are here to stay to help the fight against isis and also guarantee the longevity of our pkk proxy forces"


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I am not worried that we wont go for Ayn al Arab. We will surely take that town one way or another. But current Political approach towards Ocalan might be a problem for us later on. BTW Its good that we started to use F-16's in Syria. Now lets use them in the Eastern Syria too.


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I am not worried that we wont go for Ayn al Arab. We will surely take that town one way or another. But current Political approach towards Ocalan might be a problem for us later on. BTW Its good that we started to use F-16's in Syria. Now lets use them in the Eastern Syria too.
The current political approach is a problem this very moment and has been for a long time now. Why would the US care about Turkish security interests or non-existent red lines in regard for their pkk support when the pkks political wing is running around in Turkish parliament and even the AKP itself is more than happy to make deals with terrorists? Unless Turkey doesnt treat the pkk threat how the US treated isis, they simply wont give a fuck. After all why should they?


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While Joulanis behavior and reform to education is going in the opposite direction of modern, more into regression.

He didn't shake the womans hand and education is reforming into more sharia, I think AKP is going to help Syria turn into more islamisme before they will attempt the same in Türkiye.


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While Joulanis behavior and reform to education is going in the opposite direction of modern, more into regression.

He didn't shake the womans hand and education is reforming into more sharia, I think AKP is going to help Syria turn into more islamisme before they will attempt the same in Türkiye.
So fucking stupid, thats exactly what Israel wants. If Syria goes that way Israel will take over half the country in the future and no one will bat an eye. They will systematically destroy everything in their way, the same way they did in Palestine.


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While Joulanis behavior and reform to education is going in the opposite direction of modern, more into regression.

He didn't shake the womans hand and education is reforming into more sharia, I think AKP is going to help Syria turn into more islamisme before they will attempt the same in Türkiye.

Who gives a fak what they say, did you listened after that meeting? They are concerned about pkk, good thing that Jolani didn't gived a hand.


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Who gives a fak what they say, did you listened after that meeting? They are concerned about pkk, good thing that Jolani didn't gived a hand.
Yes, but my point is that the narrative they present to their own viewers is about what brothers them, in short selective journalism. Which focuses on their pov, their values and what they wish to convey to their readers.


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Yes, but my point is that the narrative they present to their own viewers is about what brothers them, in short selective journalism. Which focuses on their pov, their values and what they wish to convey to their readers.
Even if julani would become a atheist, lgbt-friendly leader, he would still be a brown arab in the eyes of the west. Far-right parties in the west hold the same conservative views as islamists in muslim countries, yet that doesnt change their racist or straight up fascist views towards them.


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While Joulanis behavior and reform to education is going in the opposite direction of modern, more into regression.

He didn't shake the womans hand and education is reforming into more sharia, I think AKP is going to help Syria turn into more islamisme before they will attempt the same in Türkiye.
What is wrong with not shaking her hand. The guy has his own belief and I believe that he is entitled to follow his own beliefs as long as it doesnt demean or harm the other party

Moreover, the Germans are the bloody guests; in other words, manners dictate that they follow the rules and traditions of the hosting nation and not have the audacity to criticise their host's culture and beliefs

Finally, Joulani by no means demeaned her nor it is an act of regression. The guy clearly gave a respectable and courteous bow in place of the handshake. Whats wrong with that?

Why is it always the non-Westerners who always have to change their culture and traditions to fit the Western mentality as if they were Gods or something


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So should the Syrians change their customs to please the shitty Europeans? It seems that manners have changed quite a lot these days particularly due to the fact that the Germans are the ones who are visiting Syrian lands yet have the audacity to question their beliefs

Moreover, joulani by no means insulted her, while its true that he didnt shake her hands due to his beliefs, he did provide a courteous bow as a form of respect

Fq the West along with their hypocrisy and arrogance

The fact that she even criticised such a normal deed is a sign that she came to try and screw things over and not fix it
You're not looking at the big picture.

This isn't about something as small as a handshake. It's about Syria's trajectory, what type of laws will be in place in 5 years, with what sort of idealogy will the nation be ruled?

It's not that any of this actually matters. And also, the west doesn't give a shit about democracy. It's all about the image which is portrayed to the world.

If Syria goes full Islamist, it will get pulverized by Israel just like much of Palestine has. Why? Because it can easily convince policymakers in the west that it has the right to combat "Islamic extremism".

In case you haven't realized, they have been pushing non-stop propaganda about how PKK/YPG are peace loving, feminst freedom fighters for years. And that anyone who opposes them are Islamic radicals. If the administration in Damascus actually goes radical, then Israel will bomb their way to the north, and you can bet that the current Turkish government isn't going to stop them, especially with the new peace process starting with PKK.

This is a really dangerous situation and I'm afraid that Erdogan will once again say that he has "been tricked".

The only way to secure our borders is to completely eliminate PKK presence in Syria. TSK could do this in less than a month. But the government is holding it back.


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As a man who is from eastern of Turkiye as you understand my Avatar name, when I look at the comments as of lately, I think I need to write something and I believe situation is not fully understood

PKK/YPG is cornered, I strongly believe that. Militarily, they cant strike targets anymore in our country, all they can do is kill civilians which is morally unacceptable in anywhere. Politically, they have no majority in Syria, Turkiye or Iraq. When look to map where majorıty of Kurds live (mostly yellow color) and do not assume majority of them support PKK. Majority of Kurds dont blindly support them even in here, if they were we would have a civil war. Yes, even those who vote for DEM, cannot be considered collectively as PKK sempatizer."Politics of Identity" is something else. I know so many people who vote for DEM, have no business about these terrorists. If you ask them why, they will answer you "when I dont, I feel I turn my back to my roots".

I dont believe PKK lay down their arms, excuse my language but they are just bunch of whores to clients with highest bidders. So, without effective diplomacy, they most likely not. We are not good at that but if there is an overall pressure in world stage against them, who knows. At the end the of the day, it was the USA who gave the Apo to us, fearing a conflict between us and Greeks. If there is a possibilty, even if 1 percent, the possibilty of laying the arms down must be fully forced, for two reasons:

1. They may actually accept to disarm, which would be very good thing and no need to clarify. Everything will be so much better and permanent wtihout arms. Also there may be a possibility inside them who is still loyal to Apo, or simply an exit point and give reason for them to so called "honorable disarmament",

2. If they dont lay down their arms, the operation immediately become justified. In a possible intervention, a lot of blood will be spilled. They will be finished in the end but we will lose some of our soldiers too unfortunately. It is important and (frankly) neccessary for any government be able to say that "we tried to avoid bloodshed, even send for Apo but there it is" to their people and to the world.

With or without bloodshet, after so many lives lost, I believe we have come to the end of PKK/YPG.I know Apo in National Assembly is a step too far, there was no need and I cant agree and accept that. Actually, I cant agree as a citizen to talk with them altogether, my childhood memory is full of PKK oppression and massacres. But that is humble me, I have every luxury to say that for I dont run the government or fight in Syria. Yet, I understand the government.

And I am praying to the efforts of prevent blood, works. If not, I am praying to Allah to protect our Soldiers



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You have to ask yourself can you live side by side with vermins that killed your citizen not matter if children, women or elders, soldiers, law enforcment in the most cruel coward way?

Don't get me wrong even if they lay down weapons, they never shall be allowed to return to Türkiye, all those listed terrorists have to DIE, no pardons, no excuses, no mercy.


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You have to ask yourself can you live side by side with vermins that killed your citizen not matter if children, women or elders, soldiers, law enforcment in the most cruel coward way?

Don't get me wrong even if they lay down weapons, they never shall be allowed to return to Türkiye, all those listed terrorists have to DIE, no pardons, no excuses, no mercy.
There is no question about that. It can not be a so called "peace process", there is nothing about it what i wrote. They will disarm or die, so simple. Those who disarm (the leaders and commit terror crime against us) may off to the otherside of the world Africa, S. America name it.


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Even if julani would become a atheist, lgbt-friendly leader, he would still be a brown arab in the eyes of the west. Far-right parties in the west hold the same conservative views as islamists in muslim countries, yet that doesnt change their racist or straight up fascist views towards them.

Exactly, Syrian revolution was something nobody did expected. They are not and never willing to accept it, so some pigs from europe came to Syria and asked if they going to sell alcohol, imagine you lost millons people and suffered. You are trying to survive and white people ask you that most important thing.

Believe me, if Saraaj turns into a gay or transeksuel, non bionair shit still they would never accept it. You will see they will put that ambargo on Syria.


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What is wrong with not shaking her hand. The guy has his own belief and I believe that he is entitled to follow his own beliefs as long as it doesnt demean or harm the other party.

Moreover, the Germans are the bloody guests; in other words, manners dictate that they follow the rules and traditions of the hosting nation and not have the audacity to criticise their host's culture and beliefs.

I have seen the video of the meeting, and even I, as a European, I feel that the German minister was the unprofessional character. She was dressed as if she was going to the minimarket to buy some groceries, despite the fact that all the other people there were dressed like state officials.

This is the big problem of women in politics in the West. They want the rights and positions of men but without the obligations. They think that dress codes are not for them, and do not feel ashamed to be the only person unproperly dressed in a room with tens of other people. Yet they accuse people of misogyny when they dismiss them as unworthy of respect.

As a diplomat, she should at least know how to dress in an official trip, and she should also be knowledgeable of the cultural specific of the host country.

Finally, Joulani by no means demeaned her nor it is an act of regression. The guy clearly gave a respectable and courteous bow in place of the handshake. Whats wrong with that?

He was more than respectful. He was clearly much more respectful than she was. She showed a total lack of respect for her hosts by coming dressed casually at a meeting with a country leader.

In diplomacy, the acceptable dress codes are either the classic black or dark grey suit (the Western / international standard for business, politics, official meetings), or a traditional costume that is used by the country’s officials (In the case of countries that still have traditional dress styles at the highest levels).

But to be dressed casually with white jeans and high heels is ridiculous, unprofessional and disrespectful. Imagine if a male top diplomat showed up in jeans to a high level meeting. Everyone would have been up in flames asking for his resignation.

Why is it always the non-Westerners who always have to change their culture and traditions to fit the Western mentality as if they were Gods or something

Actually it is not. It is normal when two cultures meet in official circumstances for both of them to show respect to the other. Jolani was clearly respectful to his guest’s culture. It was actually the German minister who was disrespectful for her own culture as well, as she was not dressed properly even by German standards.

Jolani looked like a Western official. She looked like a woman walking her dog in the park.
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