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  1. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek Rafale Vs Turkish S400

    To demystify something you can in your comment say with sources that the other is wrong. You do not need to offend anyone, nor can this behavior be tolerated by the forum. That is why there is the possibility of publishing websites with data and sources, so that we can speak with arguments.
  2. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek Rafale Vs Turkish S400

    Be careful how you talk to others. Decent dialogue is not optional but concerns all members of the forum.
  3. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek Rafale Vs Turkish S400

    To hit the 4 Erieye EMB-145H AEW&C with a missile or to hit the 4 Turkish Boeing 737 AEW&C seems to me to be very difficult as they will be constantly protected. The war there is purely electronic and who has the best systems, which is extremely difficult to say.
  4. Foulgrim

    Greece Analysis Greek Rafale Vs Turkish S400

    One weapon system can not be compared exclusively with another as in a war they will not only face each other but there will be a number of other weapon systems that will play their own strategic role. I quote just below some issues that I think are a matter of inquiry for the officers of the...
  5. Foulgrim

    News The Greek Army is doing market research for the new rifle

    Make the topic a little better as it does not show the sources but the sites of the sources. It also slightly expanded the news to names of Greek rifles that are in the process of certification, etc.
  6. Foulgrim

    News Greece gets 1200 M117 for bargain price

    On the way the first 44 M1117 ASV Guardian, in a few hours will be in the hands of the Greek Army. The 44 M1117 ASV Guardian were US military vehicles stationed in US camps in Germany. They have never seen a battle, which makes them "new". Due to some delays regarding the receipt of the armored...
  7. Foulgrim

    Greece Navy Greek FDI HN frigates & Gowind class light frigates Programs

    The Scalp EG of the Hellenic Air Force has a range of 300 kilometers. SCALP NAVAL has a range of 1000 kilometers while GEZGIN will have 800-1200 kilometers. So how come SCALP NAVAL is not needed in the Greek arsenal?
  8. Foulgrim

    Greece Navy Greek FDI HN frigates & Gowind class light frigates Programs

    You need them if you want to have an impact range of 1000 km. The Turks will have Gezgin. What will we have?
  9. Foulgrim

    Greece Navy Greek FDI HN frigates & Gowind class light frigates Programs

    This frigate is good as a weapon system, but it lacks its main weapon of deterrence, the Scalp Naval!
  10. Foulgrim

    Greece Army Greek Hoplite MRAP

    The issue is that ELVO was sold with the result that it is not a Greek company. This vehicle does not have Greek design and technology, it is an MRAP that Israel wants to launch. At least Greece should get half of it from Plasan with transfer of know-how and co-production and the other half...
  11. Foulgrim

    News Hellenic Air Force F-16 Block 52+ fighter jet crashed

    The crash certainly did not happen during takeoff because the fighter jet was returning to the airport after a training exercise. It is certain that the accident took place during the landing and specifically while the fighter jet had landed on the runway of the airport. A team of experts from...
  12. Foulgrim

    News Hellenic Air Force F-16 Block 52+ fighter jet crashed

    According to the information, the accident happened during the landing. The fighter had landed after a training flight and was on the runway. As soon as it hit the ground, something went wrong with the braking system and it derailed.
  13. Foulgrim

    News Hellenic Air Force F-16 Block 52+ fighter jet crashed

    Certainly human life is above all, but the loss of a fighter jet worth 18.8 million $ is particularly significant. Especially when this particular fighter would take part in the modernization of F-16s in block 70/72.
  14. Foulgrim

    News Hellenic Air Force F-16 Block 52+ fighter jet crashed

    The fighter plane crashed inside the Andravida military airport during the landing at 15:40 pm. The pilot managed to activate the seat ejection system while he was taken to the hospital for precautionary reasons.
  15. Foulgrim

    Air-Force Turkey asks U.S. to buy 40 F-16 jets to upgrade Air Force

    It was a letter to the US Congress about the cancellation of the sale of 40 new F-16 Vipers in Turkey and the upgrade kits for the 80 existing fighters with a total of 11 signatures from members of the House of Representatives. Of the 11 who signed, 5 are of Greek origin. -Politician Nicole...
  16. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Greece is not an archipelago nor an island state, but it is a coastal state with Turkey and consists of two parts, the mainland and the archipelago. International Law of the Sea concerns all EU states. and those states that want to enter it (as Turkey says it wants) should respect these rules...
  17. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    The Law of the Sea has been signed by the majority of states worldwide. It is not a Greek "invention". With the appropriate geopolitical and military power, Greece can defend its legal rights.
  18. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Greece is not an Archipelago state, everyone knows that. Most of its territory is archipelago.
  19. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Greece never acted with the argument that it is an island state! Where did you read this?

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