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  1. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    The Turkish Cypriots were not a minority in the northern part of Cyprus but a majority. Such deadly attacks were carried out on both sides. Also, the Greek Cypriots did not want union with Greece. Archbishop Makarios himself was against the Union. It was the Aprilian junta that sought the...
  2. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    This is not my interpretation but the reality. The 3 nautical miles only exist in your mind. The 12 nautical miles is the right of extension of the territorial waters. That is, what Turkey has done with Bulgaria, Ukraine and Russia in the Black Sea but also with the Turkish Republic of Northern...
  3. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Does the Treaty of Lausanne speak of "non-extension of territorial waters to 12 nautical miles"? So what agreement are you talking about? The Treaty of Lausanne is being violated by these Turkish geopolitical analysts and officials where they want 2/3 of Crete and a dozen Greek islands in the...
  4. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    When did Greece try to throw Turkey out of the Eastern Mediterranean? Turkey is the one that sends research vessels and drilling ships to the territorial waters of Cyprus. The extension of territorial waters to 12 nautical miles is a right of Greece according to the Law of the Sea, already...
  5. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Why can Great Britain have 12 nautical miles and Greece can not? When did Greece make an agreement with Turkey not to extend its territorial waters to 12 nautical miles? So you admit that in a pirate, violent and dishonest way Turkey is blackmailing Greece in order to deprive it of its sovereign...
  6. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    But you brought the example with the Channel Islands! I gave you the example with the Philippines. Do you have anything to say about that? These are not views from my mind but they are in the Law of the Sea. Only the British Overseas Territories without Crown Dependencies! All of these island...
  7. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    The Greek governments never demanded that Istanbul be returned to Greek rule. What fairy tales are some of you writing! Just because some imaginary nationalists have such ideas does not mean that Greece adopts them. In Turkey, however, various high-ranking Turkish officials and geopolitical...
  8. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    The Channel Islands have their own EEZ. They are independent state so the sea around them belong to them, not to UK not to France.
  9. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Law 4619/2019 of the new Penal Code and with Government Gazette 95/Α /11-6-2019 actually repeals articles 400 & 401 which concerned fishing from third countries. These articles stated the following: Article 400: 1. Whoever fishes in waters where another has the right to fish, without his...
  10. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Normally, all the naval units of Turkey that violated the 6 nautical miles of the territorial waters of Greece should be targeted and neutralized. I do not know if the Greek Navy is there, but it certainly should be. Is this how your country got to know you? To use the logic "what can be claimed...
  11. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    It is not my fault if Turkey takes unilateral action in the south of Crete by making a memorandum with Libya. Greece has never asked for territories of third countries, others are the ones claiming the islands of the Eastern Aegean! Various Turkish geopolitical analysts and officials often come...
  12. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    The Aegean Sea does not belong only to its fishes but also to the permanent residents that surround it! These people have rights in this sea. As for international waters, i answered you clearly that in the Aegean Sea they should not disappear because the free passage of many third countries is...
  13. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    I just quoted the facts that confirm that i am right and your compatriot is wrong. Is it my fault that you are wrong? I also did not talk about the islands of the Eastern Aegean but about Crete because i can understand and accept the fact that the extension of territorial waters to 12 nautical...
  14. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    According to the announcements of the Greek Armed Forces, these violations by Turkish fighter jets are an almost daily phenomenon. NATO does not want to play the role of arbitrator because it does not care.
  15. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    When i say that NATO does not recognize borders between two member states, i mean in terms of airspace.
  16. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    NATO does not recognize borders between its two member states, it considers them a "single space". So do not expect NATO to observe something that does not interest it at all.
  17. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Of course, Greece borders Egypt. The same goes for Libya where it borders us. I am waiting for you to prove to me that Turkey borders Libya in order to make transnational agreements .....!
  18. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    Why does Turkey not have responsibilities when it violates the airspace of Greece every time with overflights of fighter jets over the Greek islands of the Eastern Aegean? Turkey is the one that violates Greece's right to extend its territorial waters to 12 nautical miles. And I am not talking...
  19. Foulgrim

    News The Turkish frigate TCG Gemlik (F-492) was found less than six miles from Eastern Crete

    I understand what you mean but I did not say that exactly when i used the term "equal alliance". I mean the "equal" alliance it has with other countries such as Norway, Italy and the Netherlands. Clearly we can not have an alliance with the US as it is with Great Britain, Israel, Australia and...

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