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  1. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    USA is replacing all of its f16 with steath f35 . This aircraft is really very steath and the best radars only can see them 30km away that will be too late . -I want that Turkiye to pass this problem and produce in mass if is possible huge IRST and atach them in airplanes big enough to detect...
  2. BalkanTurk90

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Can we do something about US aircraft in syria ? Where they come from ? If they come from Turkiye incirlik airbase Turkiye should ban them from flying when is doing sorties inside syria . If they come from somewhere else then can KORAL turned on and do something agaist them? The last resort is...
  3. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Yeah i think so both of them will accept but as u know head of TEI and other Turkisj officials said that Turkiye alone can build an aircraft engine for KAAN. If we ask for help from china or russia , west againt will do what iy did with S400 . Some sanctions for some components like engines of...
  4. BalkanTurk90

    Balkan Tensions

    -The terrorist this the one that kills civilians by all means to cause terror on population while that group of serbian people were there in their land to do the opposite to protect their kin , serbian population . - I know very well history and who created those manipulated history. Illirians...
  5. BalkanTurk90

    Balkan Tensions

    What terrorists man ? They were in their land for thousend of years . In their monastery and kosovo police come in front of them with weapons! This is pure provocation and big violation of Ahtisaari Plan that bring creation of kosovo , they dont respect it and of course some internationals...
  6. BalkanTurk90

    Balkan Tensions

    Very bad provocation from kosovo regime , They step on their own agreements . Kosovo police agree not to enter North kosovo and not to interfere on political matters they step on both of them . They know that north kosovo is serbian majority and people there dont recongnise kosovo police , this...
  7. BalkanTurk90

    Balkan Tensions

    Kosovo cant use bayrakyars tb2 because the airspace is under kfor control
  8. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Germany ban its engine that is used in Firtima same as with Altay tank
  9. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Why ejection seat needs tests when it comes from abroad and is already tested product ? And does TAI or others have any project for national ejection seat ?
  10. BalkanTurk90

    TR Naval Programs

    -When will be ready for service ? -And will navy equip those with SAMs and Antiship missiles ?
  11. BalkanTurk90

    TR Naval Programs

    Aslo 2+ billion lira that i dont know anymore how much in euro without using calculator 🤦‍♂️🤣
  12. BalkanTurk90

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    I hope they dont join the engine or KAAN project since its critical project for future of Turkish nation and everything should be national but i am pro to buy very cheap 4-6 tf23 frigates and upgrades them to modern warships with Turkish systems just like barboroes . If UK join the KAAN than...
  13. BalkanTurk90

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    If water did not enters electronics and engines than no major demage that cant be fixed .
  14. BalkanTurk90

    TR Air Defence Programs

    What mean by 'realization' in 2024? it will finish the productiom? Hisar O has since 3 years that start mass production but i cant find how many systems have been produced.
  15. BalkanTurk90

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Yeah now i understand , the 1200km range is for outer space when air absent and missile or its warhead can still go on with high speed and reach 13 mach and 1000+ km just like other space objects that with little force can travel indefinetely so if US navy use it inside air 10km altitude can...
  16. BalkanTurk90

    TR Air Defence Programs

    Can someone explain what tech did USA use to build SM3 that accroding to wikipedia it says have range of 1200 km altitude 1000km, mach 8-13 ! aslo can shoot down satellites and its not big only 6.5 meter and 343mm -533mm diameter very similar in size with other missiles like pac 3 , SM2 , Aster...
  17. BalkanTurk90

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    And? Did they see the ukranians war ? and other weapons west and east all their armored and other type of weapons are problematic because they are build by humans not Allah . They did test it with other vihacles and arma was the best . Its primary role is not to swim but to ride on terrain so...
  18. BalkanTurk90

    TR Libya Operations & Updates

    S 400 is better only for its longer range and anti ballistic missile capability.
  19. BalkanTurk90

    TR Navy Conceptual & Technology-Demonstration Designs

    No lossing money to upgrade this free old given scrap ship from Usa . Turkiye just needs to replace it one by one with its warship program . Siper B1/2 is almost ready . Other tech is aslo ready ,Aesa radar . Sonar radar . Combat managment computers and other warship tech Engines if Usa dont...
  20. BalkanTurk90

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Why ? The missile tests will be with no real warheads . Aslo the civilian airplanes are everywhere , they aslo are very risky for people in ground but no one stops them?! I dont see any big risky that to stop those tests even if missile breaks down then probability is very small to hit the house...

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