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    Azerbaijan Pakistan sold JF-17C Block-III worth 1.6 billion USD to Azerbaijan

    Unfortunately, information of this depth isn't available in public channels. That said, I do think a 'rearrangement' may be on the cards over the next several years. There's a 'JF-17 PFX' program (likely 'Pakistan Fighter Experimental'). I theorize that the PFX could be the PAF's play to bring...
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    TR Naval Programs

    IMO...I think we'll see this materialize as a continuation of Pakistan's Jinnah-class frigate program, maybe as a Batch II or Batch III set of ships (e.g., to replace the F-22Ps by 2040 or so).
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    I'm just speculating, but I think TAI will carry out major redesign work on the Hurjet platform to draw out its potential as a fighter aircraft, be it from a light (or even full-scale) aircraft carrier or from land. I can see them come up with a larger design (16-17-ton) powered by a GE...
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    What's behind Pakistan's rumoured purchase of Chinese fighter jets?

    The J-10CE news shouldn't be a surprise. In 2015, the PAF started looking for new fighters -- both new F-16s and another type. The team under ACM Sohail Aman had looked at the Su-35, Typhoon, Gripen and the J-10. The PAF told IHS Jane's in 2016 they're looking to acquire around 30-40 new...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    My comment was more in the context of establishment stability. My thesis (so to speak) was, be it authoritarian or democratic, if the economic base is satisfying enough of the population, the public resistance to the establishment generally tapers off. I highlighted Bangladesh because (at least...
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    Army Why isn't pakistan army buying left over US weapons from Afghanistan

    I can confirm that they are. In fact, the Pakistani military's policy re: Afghanistan is to minimize its armaments as much as possible. They're doing it by buying up the leftover weapons (while using trade and food access as leverage). Pakistan's next step is to invest and own Afghan energy...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    In general? No. But there's a small segment that's skeptical of China, if not hostile to it. However, they're Pan-Islamists. Ironically, despite its tolerance or acceptance of mainstream Islamic political parties, the Pakistani establishment will never engage with Pan-Islamists. The latter...
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    UAE Halcon Skyknight naval CIWS

    Hey, UAE, you're always welcome to invest in Pakistan if you need extra production capacity.
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    I think there are 2 aspects with Turkish subsystems: 1. The potential for NATO-grade equipment without NATO-level supply-side restrictions 2. Turkey likely incentivizing the purchase of Turkish subsystems with Turkish mainline systems If you're Pakistan, (1) + (2) is as good a combination as...
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    Pakistan’s New Type 054 A/P Frigate Started Sea Trials In China

    @Nilgiri The refreshing aspect of the PN is its frankness. It isn't throwing the "indigenous" card around like the Army or Air Force. Instead, it has a focus on 'original solutions' using COTS. The Sea Sultan LRMPA, J-Class Frigate, and Hangor Submarine are all great examples. They went in with...
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    Pakistan’s New Type 054 A/P Frigate Started Sea Trials In China

    I think cost-control and familiarity. However, the PN hasn't frozen the J-Class' requirements yet. We could see them switch to CODAG. They're definitely interested in inducting those types of ships (e.g., B-Class corvette has CODAG).
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    Pakistan’s New Type 054 A/P Frigate Started Sea Trials In China

    The PN is waiting on an optimal VLS solution. I don't think the SYLVER and Mk41 were available, so NHQ settled with GWS. However, I think the ships will get a VLS change in their respective MLUs (e.g., the new Turkish VLS). That said, I don't think there's a "high-end, low-end" philosophy...
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    Pakistan’s New Type 054 A/P Frigate Started Sea Trials In China

    tbh for the PN's own standards, this is an outlier of a purchase. It's underpowered relative to its size. The AAW suite is dated compared to the CAMM-ER set-up onboard the Babur-class corvette and Jinnah-class frigate. Moreover, the latter two ships will make up the majority of the PN's future...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    Pakistanis eventually realize that our biggest enemies are simply other Pakistanis. Despite what we may say with our words on forums, we expend far, far more energy squabbling with each other than any Indian, American, or Israeli. The results (or lack thereof) in our economy, industry, science...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    There's a massive 'public sector development' budget that goes into infrastructure programs. Not much goes into auditing those and explaining what the prime benefit of most that expenditure actually is. In fact, year-after-year you'll find the national auditors raise alarm bells about...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    I remember co-authoring an internal think-tank paper with a couple of Pakistani economists 12 years back arguing how to solve the account deficit issues. Simply put, we had advocated for a market protection program that forces outside brands to manufacture domestically. So, for example, if...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    The issue with Pakistan is far simpler. Think of every institution, group, or even religious entity, and then remove the best people. That's the problem. Even in the West, you'll find hardworking Pakistanis across the spectrum. I'm actually religious myself. Yet, if I go to Pakistan and talk...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    This. Shoaib Akhtar went through the exact experience of every competent Pakistani. What you see here is what happens in our institutions, armed forces, academia, political parties, and so on. If this is how you treat the subject matter experts, then, of course, you're not going to succeed. The...
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    Pakistan Economy Updates

    This is true. The country's best talent and most capable leaders are all abroad. We have Pakistani auditors with 30+ years of experience working on MNC, TNC and public sector books, but they're in Deloitte or PW&C, not in NAB. Likewise, we have PhD professors and R&D engineers working in US and...
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    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Ideally, these 'critical input industries' are ripe for multilateral investment. If Europe can build an Airbus DS, then Turkey, Malaysia, Qatar, and Pakistan ought to build their own transnational giants. Unfortunately, the business regulatory schemes across each aren't consistent (looking at...

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