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    It's worth noting that the PN itself is calling the MILGEMs 'corvettes' now (including the VLS design). The only 'frigate' in the question is the Jinnah-class, whatever that might be. However, with its new ships, the PN called 2,000-3,000-ton ships "corvettes" (e.g., MILGEM and Yarmouk), while...
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    I think Pakistan kept changing the MILGEM contract, so the details in 2018 are different from 2020. Basically, the PN CNS confirmed that all 4 ships in the MILGEM are corvettes (but heavily modified variants of the ADA with 16-cell VLS, 2x3 AShM, etc). The Jinnah-class frigate is now a...
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    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    BTW when I say, "get Pakistan to co-fund..." Turkey shouldn't have to share technology/IP with Pakistan. Rather, it should solve Pakistan's main concern: guaranteed engine supplies. For the funding, maybe Turkey can set-up an assembly plant for the engines in Pakistan (with kits from Turkey so...
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    If the Hurjet is still a single engine design, they'll need a 20,000 lbf turbofan at least. If Turkey is planning to develop that engine, then they can split the development cost with Pakistan because Pakistan could use such an engine for Project AZM.
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    Pakistan Pakistan Navy Milgem Project

    I think with the 2x3 cell, the PN is going to use its supersonic-cruising anti-ship missile.
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    GE Signs Contract to Provide STM with LM2500 Gas Turbines to Power Pakistan Navy’s New MILGEM Corvettes

    The PN originally sought CODAD for the MILGEM-J. So, this is really interesting. It looks like they're going all-in on this program. I personally think the PN will pursue a Western SAM (CAMM-ER or Aster-30) instead of LY-80N.
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    STM: Design phase of MilDen national submarine will be finished by 2023

    If it's STM, it can't be the TS1700 (1,700-tons). It must be something else. I hope the Turkish Navy is asking for VLS -- would be an effective way to add land-attack without using up the torpedo bay capacity.
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    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    It's best to be quiet about BMs. You don't want the US to hunt down your partners. Pakistan also says it works alone on BMs, but wouldn't mind taking help, regardless of where it comes from and how.
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    China reportedly begin delivery of modern VT4 main battle tanks to Pakistan

    I wish the Chinese would spent a little more time on marketing communications. It's all export-grade stuff, but a lot of it is either at-par with PLA gear or newer. The bigger question here is how the VT4 induction will shape future Pak Army armour inductions. Things may not look good moving for...
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    Islamic Nature of Pakistan Laws

    You need a mujtahid to implement Islamic laws at a state-level. There's probably not a single one in Pakistan. Heck, let's start by counting how many Pakistanis -- be it maulvi or 'educated' types -- can define what ijtehad is and differentiate between ijmaa', qiyas and ta'zir. So, it's no...
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    A Place called Pakistan.

    ...every Pakistani abroad when someone asks them about Pakistan (and I say this as a Pakistani).
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    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Pakistan also needs to figure its stuff out. This country has a weird habit of falling over its heels for literally any one extending a branch. It's ironic because their own policy playbook (written in the 1960s) clearly argues that alliances are all capricious by nature. Yet be it USA, China...
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    STM mini-submarine for Pakistan Navy- updates

    The PN will have to think about its Agosta 90Bs in the 2030s -- ideally replace them by 2050. Let's see if Pakistan can collaborate with Turkey on the MILDEN.

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