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    Pakistan Army commissions HQ-9/P air-defence system

    IMO this is likely between the vanilla FD-2000 and the newly revealed HQ-9BE. The ISPR said the range is 100+ km, but the Army wouldn't reveal such a number if it mattered. For example, they're still quiet about the range of the LY-80. I suspect the actual range of the HQ-9/P is around 200 km...
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    India HAL Tejas Program

    For a compact fighter, that's a large number of ailerons. IIRC, India developed its own flight control system, right?
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    Pakistan Air-Force Decoded: Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder

    Not accurate. The Pakistani media aren't 'anti-military' because they're critiquing the establishment, but because they play the tunes of an equally bad counter-force (i.e., the political class). Basically, the whole media angle is literally just noise; it doesn't mean anything. The only ones...
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    Pakistan Air-Force Decoded: Pakistan's JF-17 Thunder

    Having spoken to folks who did R&D work in Pakistan...indigenous proposals were laughed out of the room. The way these guys make it sound, it's as if the same stupid jokes on forums (e.g. about LCA) materialized in real life when Pakistani scientists proposed indigenous gas turbine programs...
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    I have a question. I noticed that TAI lists the Hürjet's payload at 2,721 kg. However, KAI says that it's T-50 (which uses the same engine as the Hürjet) has a payload of 3,140 kg. Is the difference in payload due to different design decisions? For example, did KAI focus on reinforcing parts...
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    Pakistan Navy has officially inducted first Long Range Maritime Patrol Aircraft Embraer Lineage 1000

    IMO if the PN's openly saying they've selected the Lineage 1000E for the LRMPA, then it means this program is now in full swing from an implementation standpoint. I can't wait to see the final result. There were some reports on Jane's about various airframe modifications (including concealed...
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    I was there at IDEAS 2018. The German delegation at the time said they had Berlin's approval to sell Type 214s to the PN. I think the issue here with specifically the German engines was the idea of pairing them to Chinese submarines. I don't think Germany was happy about losing the Type 214...
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    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    To be clear, Jane's said it. They didn't quote anyone. So, it's not 100% confirmed. But in 2016, Jane's also said stuff about the PAF buying an interim fighter (either J-10 or Su-35), and that turned out to be correct as Pakistani sources confirmed the purchase of J-10CEs.
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    PK Navy Jinnah Class Frigate Project

    It was mentioned in this article (full subscription version).
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    PK Navy Jinnah Class Frigate Project

    We need to understand the PN's doctrine. I don't think the PN ever intends to use its surface fleet to fight an enemy navy. Its main goals are to (1) police its EEZ and (2) carry out various operations like ASW. There's no aircraft carrier or fleet task force type of situation. In reality...
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    Pakistan Pakistani MALE UAV program

    Yep they have a few: Air Weapons Complex (AWC) = Shahpar II (TB2-sized) Pakistan Aeronautical Complex (PAC) = MALE UAV (Anka-sized) NESCOM = Burraq (basically CH-3) AWC and PAC are working on original designs of their own, but NESCOM seems to be open license manufacturing overseas designs. I...
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    First public appearance of Chinese VT4 tank during military parade in Pakistan

    The DG of HIT said that the al-Khalid 2 will use some things from the VT4. IMO, not surprising at all considering that the VT4 itself is, at its core, derived from the same MBT-2000 platform as the al-Khalid-series. So, I'm sure NORINCO has very detailed expertise on how to bring the al-Khalid-I...
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    Navy Turkey/Pakistan new warship program

    Seriously, with so many surface combatants, I wonder, is the PN dreaming of an aircraft carrier one day?
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    Navy Turkey/Pakistan new warship program

    Overall, the PN said it wants around 20 'major surface vessels.' Based on current ships and plans -- i.e., 4 F-22P, 4 Type 054A/P, and 4 MILGEM -- it has around 12 on the roadmap. It's possible they could fill out the remaining 6 ships with the Jinnah-class FFG, but bear in mind, from 2030...
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    Navy Turkey/Pakistan new warship program

    There were a few interactions between the Pakistan Air Force and ASFAT AS. Thus far, Pakistan has not signed onto the TFX, but I wonder if the talks with ASFAT AS have something to do with AZM. Basically, AZM could end up being a unique fighter. However, even if that was the case, I wouldn't...
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    Pakistan Pakistan Navy Milgem Project

    I suspect the PN / MBDA Italy are working to get the SYLVER. It's not a sure bet, so they're expecting the GWS. But I'm optimistic that by the time they get to integrating the weapons, we'll see SYLVER.
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    Pakistan Pakistan Navy Milgem Project

    These are PN MILGEM corvettes. The Jinnah-class will be a new class of frigates following the PN MILGEM corvettes.
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    Pakistan Pakistan Navy Milgem Project

    Yep. They've been changing the renderings with each ceremony, so maybe by the next steel-cutting or keel ceremony, we'll see SYLVER?
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    It wouldn't surprise me if this is ultimately Turkey's plan, i.e., use the TR Motor engine to design a single-engine fighter. This could potentially tie into their carrier ops aspirations too (though it'd depend on the Turkish Navy's requirements).
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    TR HÜRJET-Advanced Jet Trainer/ Light attack aircraft

    I think instead of trying to 'up-gun' the Hurjet into a fighter, it might be better to keep it as a LIFT. Rather, Turkey could look at using the TR Motor to design and develop a new single-engine medium-weight fighter. Of course, this probably can't be a thing until after the MMU.

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