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  1. Tonyukuk

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Nice to see an update on this program. Probably one of the top 3 most important projects. With deep strike capabilities no one can f*ck with Turkey without serious consequences. Also good to see Kızılelma coming along nicely, hopefully we see it in the inventory before the end of the year.
  2. Tonyukuk

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I think PKK, SAA and Iranian miltias can be easily eliminated by TSK. The big problem is the aftermath. Our proxies love to fight each other. I think this is the whole reason behind the reluctance. I'm hoping SNA has improved, but I haven't really seen any evidence.
  3. Tonyukuk

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    Without derailing this thread, I want to ask something... If I remember correctly, you're very anti-Assad (and also a staunch supporter of Erdoğan). What are your thoughts on Erdoğan trying to make peace with Assad now?
  4. Tonyukuk

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    This should be extended to all Islamist entities, no matter where they are, they destroy what they claim to protect. In fact Mossad supported Islamists within the Palestinian resistance because they knew it would weaken them. It's a very simple cycle. Back cancerous Islamists > be anti...
  5. Tonyukuk

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    I think your bias is clouding your judgment. I can't bring it up now (I'll try to find it), but military officials at the time praised Herons and said that it made it significantly easier to carry out operations against PKK. The "evidence" you've provided is from a defence minister who served...
  6. Tonyukuk

    TR Missile & Smart Munition Programs

    Even if Turkey becomes a top 3 superpower and a joint Turkic military is established, I still don't think Turkey would leave NATO. The US is nervous about rising Turkish military power, but at the same time it needs Turkey in the alliance. The truth is that the longer Turkey is in NATO the more...
  7. Tonyukuk

    USA The assassination of Trump is very different

    It's honestly hard to tell, could've easily been a lone wolf attack. But Trump does really annoy the so called globalists because he's an isolationist. He can't be controlled like Biden, therefore he ruffles a lot of feathers. Dangerous times for the US, the divide between left and right, plus...
  8. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Islamists being Islamists 🤦‍♂️
  9. Tonyukuk

    TR TF-X KAAN Fighter Jet

    Well theoretically the Kaan should dominate. Especially in that scenario because they will be dogfighting without firing. Kaan should be more maneuverable. That said, I don't see them being deployed in such a scenario, 4th gen fighters will be preferred in peace times to keep the element of...
  10. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    So Syrians are celebrating Turkey's football defeat... I say send them all to Europe. Put microwave and acoustic weapons on the European border and tear down the gates. Give them thousands of boats. Simultaneously bomb the shit out of YPG and demand a safe zone. Hopefully these talks with...
  11. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Canik 2 - 1 Glock
  12. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Migration should always have a limit. You should only allow a certain amount of each group, otherwise you run into serious problems. In Türkiye's case, Syrians and Afghans have far exceeded the tolerable number. These people will never integrate. Just like Kurds, they will form their own...
  13. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    We are living on the verge of WW3 and we have 13 million Afghans, Syrians, etc. in the the country, many of whom are radicalized and have no loyalty to to the Turkish nation. Despite protecting and fighting for them, we saw how the Syrian opposition attacked Turkish trucks and destroyed...
  14. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    You sure are trying your best to divert attention away from the fact that Turkey has 13 million refugees who in 20 years will more than double and put the country into a demographic catastrophe. It's worse than 100 nukes falling on the nation.
  15. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    So these people, most of who voted for AKP, had criminal records and were let off and were free. Yet all of a sudden they are most wanted criminals because they protested against the biggest refugee invasion in the world which has resulted in countless rapes and murders. You're not making any...
  16. Tonyukuk

    TR Refugee Problem|News & Discussions

    Right. I searched the writing in the tweet and the same exact words have been repeatedly shared by hundreds of FETÖ accounts.
  17. Tonyukuk

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Bozan please do some more research before making such bold claims. The picture with Atatürk is a copy of an older one...
  18. Tonyukuk

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    They were part of TAKM but I don't think that's around anymore.
  19. Tonyukuk

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    Bro, things change I agree. But this government isn't going to amend the constitution for a good reason. We all know they use it to facilitate their corruption.
  20. Tonyukuk

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    You're trying to save face. A simple look at your post history unveils that you have no problem with Turkey becoming a refugee dumping ground. Thank f*** you don't run this forum. We're staring down the barrel of a shit storm because of the refugee crisis, but you care more about changing...

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