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  1. Tonyukuk

    TR Politics

    MHP "nationalist" party MPs son was caught trafficking refugees together with PKK
  2. Tonyukuk

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    There's two reasons for this. 1) Turks, under Atatürk's command defeated a coalition of western forces. After their victory, Atatürk modernized the nation. It's unlike any other majority-Muslim nation, many of which simply emulated these reforms, but with little success. So secularism and...
  3. Tonyukuk

    TR Foreign Policy & Geopolitics

    All Central Asian countries are starting to crack down on Islamization. This is probably due to Taliban getting ready for an ISIS style takeover. US didn't leave all those weapons for no reason. Instead of destroying them, they left them there so Taliban can cause chaos in the future.
  4. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    If this flips and RTE loses I will send a "noldu pashinyan" message to everyone who laugh reacted my serious posts.
  5. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    AKP Spokesman: We are ready to object until Tuesday if necessary
  6. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Guys, I think it's going to be a long night.
  7. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    No comment
  8. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Sinan Oğan predicting a second round...
  9. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    I think Erdoğan will win first round. But Ragip Soylu and literally every non biased source was saying this would either be neck and neck or a KK win. I don't think this is because of Sinan Oğan. Even as the worst candidate, it's undeniable that KK was supposed to be doing better.
  10. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Heaps of manipulation going on. The stat's we are seeing go completely against polls and the recent social media popularity of KK. There simply is no way that RTE has a 10% lead.
  11. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Allhumdulliah brothers 🕋🇸🇦🇦🇫 ☝️ It is through the will of ALLAH that the lies of the secular dogs come to light. Our MUSLIM BROTHERS are coming to Turkiya not because of the conspiracy that the secular dogs are spreading, but instead to spread ISLAM to the last secular strongholds of Turkiya...
  12. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    İnce fucked up the moment he betrayed Ümit Özdağ
  13. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Not Syria, Türkiye. Watch, if Erdo loses elections expect these monkeys on the streets. This is why Sedat Peker warned people not to get out and protest. When these guys start chimping out I think the military and police will step in and crush them.
  14. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    The West has been using Islamists for decades. Their current plan is obvious. Install a dictator✅️ Fill Turkey with Jihadists ✅️ Weaken Turkish identity and divide the people ✅️ Embolden Kurdish separatist terrorists ✅️ Use LGBT to errode the allure of secularism ✅️ Train and arm Islamist...
  15. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    If the nation descendeds into a civil war, watch all the RTE fans here support our homegrown Assad.
  16. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    Erdogan in an election rally: "we will die and we will also kill" Who the f is he threatening
  17. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    These political Islamists are even worse than PKK. PKK and HDP are like a small animal that keeps attacking you but will ultimately get crushed. Political Islam is like a cancer. It will be the cause of your death. It's clear that AKP doesn't want to lose power without starting a civil war...
  18. Tonyukuk

    TR 2023 Turkish presidential election

    People who are still supporting Erdoğan and will vote for him in this election are like one of those dumb girls who keep going back to their abusive boyfriend.

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