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    Turkey’s Overlooked Role in the Second Nagorno-Karabakh War

    The biggest factors were redevelopment of Special Forces, which are now the best trained and equipped in the Caucasus, possibly in the region now due to experience, massive number of loitering munitions working jointly with UCAVs, Azerbaijan managed to establish effective battlefield management...
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    Italy plans new destroyers for 2028 delivery

    I would say Turkish Frigate or Destroyer is more capable in terms of long range strikes, ability to dedicate more than 16 cells for cruise missiles, not to mention double the anti-ship missiles, not to mention maintaining such capability at 3,000 less tons.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Marines were integrated with the Army during the war and Navy Special Forces were integrated with other SOF units.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Its hard for them to admit they lost a war to Azerbaijan in a little more than a month, after their government telling them they are invincible, now they cry about Turkish support despite receiving Russian weapons for free for last 30 years.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Most secretive SOF unit "Yarasa" was shown to the public for the first time, unit is responsible for operations with Army SOFs in liberation of Shusha. Equipped with Ak-104 in Zenit kit + EOTech
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Turkey to provide Azerbaijan with 20 mine clearing UGVs
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    TB-2 Bayraktar will be shown at the parade
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    year 2024, Oryx still adding Armenian losses to the list
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Kubs are extremely outdated, probably pulled out of reserve due to desperation of having every other SAM system wiped out, doubt its due to Koral, mostly likely just old missiles not maintained properly.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Thats because unlike Syria or Libya, Azerbaijan was the first country to heavily use suicide drones, which themselves took out a lot of targets, including first combat kills on S-300, Tor-M2 and etc. If there was a threat to TB-2 in the area, loitering munitions were sent in first to clear any...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Its pretty clear your judgement of Azerbaijani success is based on not understanding the Azerbaijani strategy, Please provide these "many" ambushed convoys, I have seen about 4 to 5 ambushed convoys, thats not many ambushes in a conventional war for countries with 70,000 soldiers on one side...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Mixed? Azerbaijan got to the center of Karabakh in a month and forced Armenian forces to withdraw from Karabakh, while capturing more equipment than it has lost against an enemy that had 30 years to fortify its positions against a potential attack. Azerbaijani special forces managed to capture...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Neither corridor (Lachin and Nakhchivan) can be used for military transits, and there won't be any Armenian military in Karabakh once transition is complete, Russian peacekeepers are there to ensure the safety of ethnic Armenians for 5 years, after which they will leave.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    gonna call bs on this, Azerbaijan already controls 4 districts, and pushing on the fifth, while pushing on the capital, additionally Armenians are not gonna agree to withdrawing forces from entire Karabakh and a corridor to Nakhchivan.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    everything Aliyev said has been proven to be true time after time, while Armenia continues to deny everything, just look up Hadrut, to this day they deny Azerbaijan has taken it.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    People need to stop judging the current conflict based on limited information they have, Azerbaijan is being completely silent about its gains, movements and fightings. The only info we are hearing about Azerbaijani progress is from Armenia itself. if we compare Azerbaijan to Turkey in their...
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    That was fake news, Krashukha is not even designed to counter drones, its designed to blind enemy radars. Specifically AWACS.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Source seems to be pretty accurate, reported of Azerbaijani forces being 5kms away from Shusha before official statement by Armenia.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Azerbaijan controls a lot more territory, some gains look thin because thats the only part of territory that could be verified through videos and geolocating. These maps give a good idea of general situation but are not a 100% reality of the battlefield.

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