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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    imagine driving home after long day at work through rush hour LA traffic, just for these tards to block a highway. Americans don't even know where Iran is on the map, let alone give a sh*t about Azerbaijan or Armenia.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    No, its standard Armenian camo
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Seems legit, additional captured positions and Armenian soldiers .
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Telegram-channel LOL
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Israel classifies Lora as artillery rocket rather than Ballistic Missile, such classification gives them ability to avoid the 300km restriction.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Possibly TB-2 was just recording and Spike was used
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    With the success of TB-2, Azerbaijan will definitely be the first customer of Akinci Special Forces at the front line
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Azerbaijan is making silent gains, even the reporter that was filming the road was told to stop filming, which is why the video stopped.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Driving through captured positions, destroyed Armenian equipment all around.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Armenians have a total of 40 to 50 BM-21 MLRS, just today more than 10 were destroyed.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Yes, operator probably falsely identified it as a target, these loitering munitions have cheap sensors to cut costs.
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    Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions

    Harop Loitering Munition takes out Russian Repellent-1 EW system designed to take down drones, but seems to be useless in actual combat

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