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  1. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Another ammo depot destroyed:
  2. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    A smart guy who signs any kind of caps, t-shirts and papers. Says: "It seems EU and NATO are gathering a coalition for the war against Russia" Keep tuned Lavrov, don't lose your time and create a profile in Linkedin.
  3. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War
  4. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Couldn't resist... It's official:
  5. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Seems legit:
  6. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Why they call us orcs? Things start to step up at diplomacy level.
  7. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Thanks for the confirmation, there are contradictory sources about those incidents. On the other side It will be interesting to see if more attacks force a naval reinforcement/rescue task on Zmeiny Island... should be enough Harpoons to play with.
  8. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    It seems most probably the strike on the oil rig was mistaken for strikes on Zmeiny Island: UKR forces at Severodonetsk
  9. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Russian POW allegedy captured at Sievierodonetsk: Ru SU-25 pilot captured:
  10. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I agree with we can't afford to stop the war now . After Macron's last try for stopping the war, EU leaders are preparing population for bad times as inflation is rising a lot, for example in Spain we have around 10% just for the first 6 months of the year, and we expect gasoil prices to reach...
  11. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    I don't have problems on discussing things... but I gave you a lot of info... in the article you may read also that part of the money is going to gas infraestrucures in Palestine... I don't see Palestine saying "Hey why are you sending me your money for free before signing a single agreedment?"...
  12. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Ask them directly: I'm not going to stay in the debate about Israel-Palestine, I just want to say one can't put at the same level Europe and RF when we speak...
  13. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Yes politics are not so easy as it could look like. Israel doesn't threatens EU security from an occupied piece of land in the baltics, in fact, Israel helps to provide better security to EU, so it's an ally. Israel is a democracy and the issue between Palestine and Israel comes from many years...
  14. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    That's it, the same question is now on Moscow desks, they prefer to get resources from Israel and even our ally Venezuela again!...
  15. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Summary of the speeches from Scholz, Macron and Draghi in their visit to Kiev. Source: I've mostly like Draghi words, that is a powerful message and what it should be. Let's see how...
  16. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Good morning, while the Three Musketeers are in Kiev, beautiful messages are showing up: I could be also in favor of having a mansion close to the beach but, let's see if those words will be materialzed in closer and commited help. DPR seems to be sending some hidden message to the manager...
  17. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Iris-T from Germany to arrive in Ukraine after Oktoberfest:
  18. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Could be Visegard, but Germany, as european leader, can do much more than it's doing right now.
  19. K

    Live Conflict Ukraine-Russia War

    Here you can see a bit of Putin's technics. It's not way more different than some dark eras. And maybe threatening the lives of his own ppl who might be against him and for sure the rest of the world: "WFP’s analysis found that 276 million people worldwide were already facing acute hunger at...

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