3. Glad it separated by a strait, amphibious invasion is vurnerable at sea, pew pew the LPD/lST before they embarked
4. Beware the enemies from the inside
125 bil need to be used maximally and efficienly. Especially to the AURI, atleast to faced their air wing CSG.
Any interim with 2 engines?
Or should we say hello to ET2000?
Their long range attack capabilities is not to be taken as joke. In my op they could strikes more with conventional ballistic/ cruise missiles (or even remote controlled retro jets) than Russian did to Ukrain, to overwelhm Taiwan Air Def .
Yep, opening 2nd front in Asia and wreaking US and allies, i hope their intel already have countermeasure plan.
Anyway did they get their bulk coastal harpoon missiles already?