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  1. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Subterranean warfare operator dari Zeni IDF, Yahalom.
  2. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Brought to you by Ulrich Wegener’s GSG9 with love. Before US Army had the so-called Delta Force, Detachment A in West Berlin was trained by GSG9 for counterterrorism when Baader-Meinhof and its friends were so active. GSG9 was only in Mainland West Germany (Sankt Augustin–Hangelar, near West...
  3. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Kerjasama maritim (perikanan sama migas) China–Indonesia di EEZ Indonesia utara Natuna yang juga tumpang tindih sama klaim sepihak China salah banget sih itu. Anggep aja karena China suka gangguin Filipina di BRP Sierra Madre (Second Thomas Shoal), akhirnya Filipina ngasih izin ke China untuk...
  4. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia Berita 1 November. Thailand, negara yang terlibat di ILRS Rusia–China ngumumin akan tanda tangan Artemis Accords (Artemis program) juga. What a maverick wkwk...
  5. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Untung kemungkinan yang mau dibawa ke kabinet yang kayak gini, kalo MAGA Republicans full isolationists gak pasti banget masa depan BTW, lol
  6. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Baru tau kalo intelijen Meksiko dulu, DFS, sekacau itu. Disebut kalo Kartel Guadalajara dulu bisa beroperasi karena DFS jadi centeng. Orang penting dari kartel ini Felix Gallardo, anggota Polisi Pengadilan Federal Meksiko, yang juga disebut Godfather (bapak baptis) kartel-kartel, karena dia yang...
  7. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Masa-masa security mindedness masih lacking di Eropa. Entah itu dua pipa Nord Stream meledak disengaja apa gak, yang ngeledakin entah siapa, pasukan Ukraina mungkin atau siapa, that was a good thing for long term. Jaman Trump kedepan mungkin Eropa agak lebih diteken Trump untuk beli migas dari...
  8. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Bedanya “strategic autonomy” Eropa sama bebas-aktif Indonesia dalam pelaksanaan, bebas-aktif lebih ke bebas minta-minta kemana aja, strategic autonomy, merdeka dengan martabat yang mana mereka cukup punya basis untuk menuhi kebutuhan mereka sendiri, walaupun sekarang masih kurang.
  9. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Welcome back Charles De Gaulle. Kalo misal Trump bener-bener lebih lepas tangan atau gak antusias di Eropa dan lebih spesifik Ukraina, hal itu buat negara-negara sekutu AS di Eropa gak bisa jamin AS bakal hadir seperti yang diekspektasikan, dan mereka bener-bener harus berdiri di kaki sendiri...
  10. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    Time for Ukraine and EU countries to be less reliant to US. Let’s see if the so-called ‘Trump whisperer’ Mark Rutte can help Ukraine get assistance from US more than expected. Less value based policies, more pragmatic ‘as long it benefiting US’ policies for Mark Rutte to speak with US.
  11. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    Looks like Dearborn constituent has little different with Indonesian lol
  12. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    Asking democrats to take harder stance while supporting candidate that would doing nothing is quite smart and short sighted move
  13. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    They at least blocking 2000 pounder to Israel for a while to prevent it being used for Rafah Offensive by Israel. Not a big move, but expect something like that from Trump? He would let 2000 pounder to bomb West Bank (Judea and Samaria by Israeli) at will by Israel and care nothing about...
  14. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    You believe Trump presidency will put sanctions to Israel? Israeli from broad political spectrums more inclined to him because they knew Trump would not gonna put sanctions or any hardships to Israel. More or full hands off by US in Israeli-Palestinian conflict. “They’re not on our side. They...
  15. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    Whatever happen, please just don’t f*cked this world up lol. Don’t let Russia get arrogant by left Ukraine. Who’s can be sure Putin will stop after land grabbing Ukraine? China would also gonna think that US will be more reluctant in world stage, this case Indo-Pacific, see that US influence...
  16. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    I remember that lol. Post January 6th event. Quite dangerous move by Gen. Milley tho, really dangerous even. US kind of at autopilot mode after that incursion to Capitol.
  17. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    But for Turkish who wants to wiped out YPG/YPJ to create buffer zone, you have more possibilities that would happen under Trump presidency. He tried to pulled US forces out of Syria back in 2019, the decision which made Jim Mattis resigned from his position of SecDef and SDF resorted to Russia...
  18. schuimpjes

    USA US Presidential Elections 2024

    Because he represents social conservative which resonates to you? Or maybe other reason?

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