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  1. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Looking at the Anies side mentioning “grey zone”, looks like they got the idea from Global Britain. And to be fair, this side is more clear with what they gonna do with defense policies. Don’t consider it as endorsement or something lol, just to be honest.
  2. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Ganjar-Mahfud part of 5.0 for sure work of Andi Widjajanto, he and Lemhannas has lot of that references. About the meaning, don’t asked me lol, looks like no one ever tried to explain that. Could also reference from 5th Generation Warfare also which Andika’s friend brother, Mike Flynn, wrote...
  3. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    No relation with it btw.
  4. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    “Tidak hanya itu, mereka juga meminta pemerintah Indonesia agar segera menutup pintu atas rencana normalisasi dengan Israel dan mendukung penuh one state solution hanya untuk negara Palestina. Selain itu, massa meminta pemerintah Indonesia untuk membantu bangsa Palestina dengan langkah-langkah...
  5. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Indonesian Strategic Industries

    This new kid on the block deserve appreciation
  6. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    If the influence pure Najdi, kind of weird, is less political, some even Madhkali like, where protest movements is wrong. Meanwhile combined it with others, you have full blown political Islam operators.
  7. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    With Saif al-Adl under Iran house arrest, it is possible for Iran to just use him. Instead of seeking refuge to Pakistan like Osama post 9/11, he and some went west to Iran, which we can see now, a better place for hiding than Pakistan. Started during Soviet Invasion of Afghanistan, when many...
  8. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations Posted few hours ago. One of the sexiest plane after Berry’s Twin Otter.
  9. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Bet IDF diversion for already depleted Hamas to go to the north, like Schwarzkopf’s tried to make Iraqi forces believe that start of coalition invasion would be amphibious, rather than from South of Kuwait initially. Pretty sure that IDF would try to take Southern part of Gaza at the early...
  10. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    The predecessor of BAIS had a name of PSiAD. During that time, Special Operation under the control of Psychological Warfare office was not weird, for example, early formation of US Army SF was under the Pentagon’s Psychological Warfare McClure’s office.
  11. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    They chose to expand their business in Asia (Asia–Pacific or SEA more specific) because of the future outlooks for sure, but not Indonesia lol, they chose Philippines even for their big investment(s). Eventhough this is just one company, but there must be reasons that this very company also...
  12. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Just wait for the update, could be just someone pretend they have bomb with them.
  13. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    About this 7:08 is when they asked about the rationality of it, which kind of like they okay with civilians killed above them, by saying those civilians also support them etc etc. But like you said, subterranean fighting by ground forces is the way to clear those tunnels. And Hamas doesn’t...
  14. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    I think countries that its nationals possibly kidnapped by Hamas also don’t want the offensive to be too soon to execute, they need to know where their people whereabouts at least.
  15. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    No joke. If they mix religion with violence like this, there is no way clearheaded productive talking can work well. Their fight strangled too much religion
  16. schuimpjes

    Live Conflict Israel-Palestine War|Regional Escalations

    Video from the Palestinian side. They took what called as Ghanimah (war loot) from dead Israeli soldiers. While they were stomped their feet at dead IDF, one guy said wayasfi suduro kaumin mukminin.
  17. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Occupation issues can be understand if talking about West Bank, sometimes Israel still coming to Area A, Jenin for example, they still arresting people there where the law there is PA law, not Israeli law. But Gaza? Israel not there anymore, and Gaza fully controlled by the PA (Hamas here after...
  18. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    An anti-western twitter account with pro-Hamas point of view. You can find it all here; German Reichsburger, Eritrean President, Traoré and social matters that in line with Russian interests in the world.
  19. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    So high, that even made him an altruist lol. What a history
  20. schuimpjes

    Indonesia Casual Discussion Warkop Indonesia

    Launch code? ICBM or what? State Department assessment, “this country not gonna make our interests in jeopardy, their defense is also our interests… blabla”, pass the executive, then wait the legislative, done. BTW, in case of Egypt, US not let them to have AIM-120 lol, limited by range. Their...

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