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  1. Pantelis

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    Without air superiority? Not an easy target for the scalps?
  2. Pantelis

    TR UAV/UCAV Programs | Anka - series | Kızılelma | TB - series

    What turkey is planning via this drone carrier?
  3. Pantelis

    News Hellenic Navy's frigate "Salamis" in the new naval base of Egypt

    We are also happy to visit Egypt.🇪🇬 🇬🇷
  4. Pantelis

    News Hellenic Navy's frigate "Salamis" in the new naval base of Egypt

    thank you. I've been reading here for a long time. I said now is the time to join
  5. Pantelis

    News Hellenic Navy's frigate "Salamis" in the new naval base of Egypt

    The frigate "Salamis" is the first warship of our country that sailed to the new naval base named "July 3" in Gargoub, Egypt, after the completion of its mission and its replacement in the operation UNIFIL MAROPS (United Nations Interim Force In Lebanon) in the Eastern Mediterranean by the...

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