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  1. Saithan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    I doubt it does, at the end of the day all Senate has to do is delay and redirect Trumps attention to elsewhere. So in the end it all boils down to how many "friends" you got in Senate and the house. And to be honest unless WW3 breaks out. I doubt we're getting those planes before we're ready to...
  2. Saithan

    Poland Borsuk IFV in Polish Army

    Mate I am pretty envious of how your country is able to procure and renew your armed forces :)
  3. Saithan

    TR Imprisoning Istanbul mayor and it’s ramifications for defence industry

    The idea behind democracy is good and decent. And it's the better alternative to many other government forms. If you have the gall to spit out negative things about something, you should have the decency to praise some of the good parts as well. The world is not black and white. You know what...
  4. Saithan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    I think people should reign in their enthusiasm and consider the cost of things. If the american economy receives a gut wrenching punch, then we may be able to get those planes. But they will not lower the prices because we need those planes more than US needs to sell them. Considering the...
  5. Saithan

    TR Turkish Air Forces|News & Discussion

    I think we should wait and see. I think the economic woes Türkiye is in is going to hit those new fighterjets hard. I am pretty sure that many of these defense projects are going to slow down a lot. Without an economy no serial production.
  6. Saithan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    This is how TOGG is going to die, considering who is listening and harvesting data, it's quite obvious that the ropes are / will be in the hands of those rolling out these wheeled smart spy vehicles. Old cars are going to be very expensive and prized.
  7. Saithan

    TR Politics

    Very nice points by poster in Turkish.
  8. Saithan

    TR Politics

    The problem is, that the Rule of Law has been violated. The right to elect your own leaders violated. Just because AKP has been in power over 20 years and changed the laws and implementation of it according to their own whims, doesn't mean rule of law is being upheld. That is why we're...
  9. Saithan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    If we have bases in TRNC, then I can't see why we shouldn't have it there and use it. We would need to implement other AD systems as well, but it would give a pretty good coverage. But like I said, let's wait and see no need to kickstart talking just to talk. let's wait and see how some dices...
  10. Saithan

    TR Defence Exports & Updates

    Cannot donate or export as long as engine is foreign, without approval.
  11. Saithan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Let's wait and see. We're used to being fooled, so focus on what matters and that is our national security atm
  12. Saithan

    Vietnam Air-Force Vietnamese Air Force

    That doesn't leave much room for alternatives.
  13. Saithan

    Vietnam Air-Force Vietnamese Air Force

    I think it's a wise decision to diversity your procurement in Airforce like you are doing. But apart from Russian jets, which other options are your Airforce looking to procure ? Would Chinese be an option, or are you more in favor of SK fighter jet? Or any other ?
  14. Saithan

    TR Politics

    Like I said in Caybahcesi. The diplomas in Turkish Universities has lost their value as they can take it from you after so long. I mean the method and standards required to pass these exams should ensure that this kind of political attack can't happen. Now I will just assume that the...
  15. Saithan

    TR Casual Discussion Çay Bahçesi

    Malesef, benim anladigim kadariyla, Türkiyede Üniversite okumak artik, bos. Diplomani elinden alirlar. Bu kadar basit. Parasi olan yurt disinda okusun ve BSc eline alsin, sonra MSc. etc.
  16. Saithan

    Danish Armed Forces |News and updates

    The Danish Armed Forces' new hand grenades are produced by German company Rheinmetall and come in both an offensive and a defensive version. Photos: The Danish Ministry of Defence's Materiel and Procurement Agency Soldiers must choose between three different hand grenades Peter Ernstved...
  17. Saithan

    Live Conflict Military Operations Syria

    An old map from AP, but it shows where the menagh airport is.
  18. Saithan

    TR Turkiye's F-35 Project and Discussions

    Exactly this. If we can get it and have enough software code to integrate our missiles then we won't have to buy missiles and armaments for another 2-3 billion usd

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