L'Union africaine refuse d'accorder à Israël la qualité d'observateur
- Selon une source algérienne présente au sommet de l'UA qui n'a pas commenté cette décision dans l'immédiat. - Anadolu Ajansı

African Union refuses to grant Israel observer status
Abderrazak Boulkemh |

The African Union summit, which is being held on February 5 and 6 in Addis Ababa, rejected a draft decision allowing Israel to be granted the honorary status of "Observer country", according to a source from the Algerian delegation participating. at the top.
"It was decided not to grant the status of observer country to [the Zionist entity] within the African Union", for its part, reported the Algerian television channel.
For its part, the satellite channel "Al-Chourouk" (private), reported, according to a source among the Algerian delegation, that the summit "decided to cancel the granting to the Zionist entity the status of observer in within the African Union".
"The cancellation of this decision crowned the steps taken by Algeria and other countries," added the same source.
In addition, a committee of 7 Heads of State, namely, Algeria, Senegal, Cameroon, DRC, South Africa, Rwanda and Nigeria, has been set up to examine this case and present recommendations to the next AU summit.
The summit, whose work ends on Sunday, did not comment on the decision immediately.