TR Aircraft Carrier & Amphibious Ship Programs


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I know where you are going and with a mindset like that you'd leave our Navy stuck with vessels that are better left retired. Ada class goes back 90's and if it were up to you we'd move on to newer designs and scrap the ones we have.

I'm not going to talk about F35B because we pretty much know that with planes like those Anadolu would have been much better asset in our hands.

I don't think it's correct to sell Naval assets until you have delivered an alternative to the Navy. Which means it's sailing and TN has accepted it. Until then I'd consider any action selling naval assets as treason.
If only TCG Trakya was growing in my backyard and i could pluck it and deliver to the Navy this week.

People who suggests that it would be better if TCG Anadolu was sold in favor of a next ship that is already in the queue has neither of these;

- Technical knowledge and depth on ship building,
- Technical and practical knowledge on Naval strategies,
- Common sense.

No technical knowledge makes them think the ship will be delivered in 2 years, however it is not even designed yet, moreover they don't know the completion of design will at least take 2 years because Armerkom and DPO hasn't studied the feasibility yet, in fact Turkish Navy strategically hasn't decided the configuration of the 2nd ship.

No knowledge on naval strategies make then think the Navy will quickly adapt to the next ship right after its delivered, with no expertise on fixed wing naval aviation present as of now (sea launched). Also this matter makes them think Turkish Navy doesn't want or doesn't need an LHD. The rotary wing has no meaning to them, amphibious operations do not mean anything to them. They don't understand strategic value of the ship.

No common sense makes them think the Turkish Navy will let that ship go for some amount as if they are not striving to operate the ship soon as possible and expertise the amphibious operations. They also don't know how important the ship is for the TN. They can think TN may let it go and wait another 7 - 10 years until the promised ship arrives. Meanwhile 7 years TN may play with barges. They also don't know TN has planned to acquire an LPD then became LHD since 90s, and since 2010 they have shaped the future needs for an LHD. They also don't know the crew is assigned and almost trained for TCG Anadolu.


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Is the pride of the navy allocated to NATO? Critical call from Admiral Cem Gürdeniz​

The pride of the navy, Turkey's first amphibious assault ship TCG Anadolu, is aimed to be a command and control ship for NATO's High Readiness Naval Force. Evaluating this goal, which will be achieved with the Turkish High Readiness Naval Task Force (TURMARFOR) reaching full operational capability, Admiral Cem Gürdeniz said, "The decision to place such an important and prestigious platform at NATO's command in 2023, a unique year in our history, should be reviewed. The Republic Navy should not celebrate the ownership of a big ship it has dreamed of for 100 years by dedicating it to NATO.' said.​

29 December 2021 17:02Updated: 29 December 2021 17:06

Is the pride of the navy allocated to NATO?  Critical call from Admiral Cem Gürdeniz

The Turkish High Readiness Level Naval Task Force ( TURMARFOR ), which started its work on 6 July 2018 , is planned to reach full operational capability by the beginning of 2022.


In this context, it is aimed to make the multi-purpose amphibious assault ship TCG Anadolu , the first ship of the Turkish Armed Forces to transfer power , a command and control ship for NATO's High Readiness Naval Force.
In the NATO long-term commitment plan, the naval element commander in 2023 and 2028, the amphibious task force commander in 2025, and the landing force commander were assigned to Turkey.

The ruling press announced the development in question to its readers with the headline 'Deterrence will increase in the Blue Homeland '. In the news in the Sabah newspaper, 'Turkey is preparing for strategic missions within the framework of NATO with its strong naval power. Turkey, one of NATO's most valuable allies for 69 years, will also fulfill NATO's naval element command in 2023 and 2028 with TURMARFOR. expressions were used.

In line with the government's demands, Admiral Cem Gürdeniz evaluated Veryans' Tv's goal of making TCG Anadolu a command and control ship for NATO.

'THEY SHOULD NOT BE USED IN Scenarios of Proxying Turkish Marines'​

Emphasizing that TURMARFOR should be used in line with Turkey's national interests, Gürdeniz said, “TURMARFOR should serve world peace and stability. Ankara should read the new geopolitical environment well. The traditional and stereotypical NATO-oriented perspective of the foreign ministry must be balanced with the vital new geopolitical reality Turkey is facing. The world has evolved into a multipolar era. Turkey is a pivotal country in a regional power position with its capacity. We need to be aware of this power. Turkish sailors should not be a tool for the scenarios of the receding American naval power at sea to serve as a proxy force under the umbrella of NATO.” said.


Emphasizing that TCG Anadolu is “a great ship that the Republic Navy has dreamed of for 100 years,” Gürdeniz said, “The decision to place such an important and prestigious platform under the command of NATO in a year like 2023, which is unique in our history, should be reviewed. The Republic Navy should not celebrate the ownership of a big ship that it has dreamed of for 100 years by dedicating it to NATO. As some thinkers claim, Turkey cannot escape from its strategic isolation by allocating this platform to NATO. As long as Turkey defends its geopolitical interests, it should risk being alone. The cost of forming alliances with undermining states is high. Creating a policy knowing this cannot be explained by reason.” he said.

Emphasizing the importance of TURMARFOR)'s full operational capability for Turkey, Admiral Cem Gürdeniz talked about NATO's 'Turkey' policy:

“The news that the HRF (M) High Readiness Level Naval Force (TURMARFOR) will reach full operational capability by the beginning of 2022 took place in the media. First of all, I congratulate our navy by saying that this capability is only available in the USA, England, France, Italy and Spain among NATO countries. Without the TCG Anadolu, the amphibious assault ship, we would not have had this capability.


That's why I congratulate everyone who contributed to this project, which started as an LPD (Downloading Ship with Dock) project and later turned into an Amphibious Assault Ship by the command structure, most of which was liquidated due to conspiracy lawsuits. The Republic Navy, with its qualified personnel, will use this ship in the best way in every environment, and even more effectively and perfectly than many NATO countries.


Our wish is that this ship will be used primarily for our national interests in line with Turkey's geopolitical interests. NATO's open attitude towards Turkey's geopolitical interests is known. As a NATO member in the past, Turkey has been drawn into serious traps, especially the Rogers Plan, and has suffered great losses. He took part in the NATO Joint Task Force in 2011 and played a role in the dissolution of Libya and the start of the civil war. His record in the July 15 FETO coup attempt and in the days that followed is beyond disgrace.

The statements of the NATO Secretary General regarding our S-400 air defense system procurement are well known. In the eastern Mediterranean crisis in the summer of 2020, NATO took a completely pro-Greek stance. It has not been forgotten that NATO remained silent when our NATO ally Germany exited with piracy to a Turkish merchant ship in the open sea. NATO remained silent on the military alliance agreement between our so-called allies, the USA and France, with Greece against Turkey. In short, the view of NATO and the main NATO members towards Turkey is clear. The puppet Kurdish state in our south; the withdrawal of Turkish troops from Cyprus; Saying yes to the Map of Seville in the Mediterranean and Aegean; They want to create an atmosphere of uninterrupted provocation against Russia in the Black Sea and to dilute Montreux. Turkey only responds to NATO's malicious view of itself and fait accomplis with veto power. “



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IMHO it will be better if we have a drone mothership after 2023 probably around 2025. We should sell TCG Anadolu if there is even a slight chance. After 2023 projects like I class frigate, Gökbey light utility helicopter, T-929 heavy attack helicopter, Hürjet, MIUS will mature we should design a new drone mothership according to specs of that hardware. We are trying to patch up old AH-1Ws to put them on the deck of TCG Anadolu.


Port acceptance test of electronics has started thus they have removed the cover of the electronics.
Long way to go through the sea trials, the port acceptance may not finalize within January too.
Damn, F35B owners will be jubilant when TCG ANADOLU is active. US and Royal navies will be able to find a place for landing and take off since we are a NATO member. Especially in the Black Sea, Americans would like to make joint exercises with Turkish Navy since their LHDs can't enter the Black Sea.

USA should have paid the ANADOLU"s bill.


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Damn, F35B owners will be jubilant when TCG ANADOLU is active. US and Royal navies will be able to find a place for landing and take off since we are a NATO member. Especially in the Black Sea, Americans would like to make joint exercises with Turkish Navy since their LHDs can't enter the Black Sea.

USA should have paid the ANADOLU"s bill.
That would depend on whether Anadolu sails to Black sea. If we fill it up with choppers and leave no space they can’t come and land can they.

But I doubt TN would allow Anadolu to be used used in NATO context. I mean NATO has only access to Incirlik and not all other bases in TR.

I’m aware the politicians might promise stuff to gain something. We just need to eliminate the possibility.


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That would depend on whether Anadolu sails to Black sea. If we fill it up with choppers and leave no space they can’t come and land can they.

But I doubt TN would allow Anadolu to be used used in NATO context. I mean NATO has only access to Incirlik and not all other bases in TR.

I’m aware the politicians might promise stuff to gain something. We just need to eliminate the possibility.



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Hold on tight,
TCG Anadolu will leave the drydock today and will be floated*. We may see the images of her in water.

Most of covers on the main and second mast have been removed, the cover of the guns remain in place possibly until the port acceptance has been completed.

*It is technically floated at the moment, the dry dock has been flooded.


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This ship especially will be pretty effective when Hurjet and MIUs along Super Cobras are on it.
Super Cobras are old and a bit outdated. But they are built as sea worthy attack helicopters, and most importantly can still be very much in use.
It was stated that, now that the Turkish Army Aviation Command has numerous T-129A/B Atak assault helicopters in its inventory, it could transfer its fleet of 10 AH-1W Super Cobra helicopters to the Turkish Navy Aviation Command. The Army AH-1W fleet consists of thirteen former U.S. Marines Corps aircraft that were designed and built to serve in a naval role.
The transfer makes sense, as TCG Anadolu (L-400) is an amphibious assault ship (Landing Helicopter Dock – LHD). It was designed to host up to 8 CH-47F Chinook, 2 x S-70B Seahawk helicopters, in addition to four assault helicopters like the AH-1W or, alternatively, the T129B Atak. Since Atak is not going to be developed as a naval variant, the AH-1W would be the logical choice.
The Turkish AH-1W Super Cobras received the ASELSAN Helicopter Electronic Warfare System (HEWS) and some were fitted with the ROKETSAN Tactical Missile Launching Weapon System (TMLS), allowing them to launch UMTAS and CİRİT missiles. Despite these upgrades it is to be expected that the Turkish Navy will overhaul the aircraft before putting them in service.
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It seems that there is a plan to alter the design of TCG Anadolu so that TB3 drones can land and take off from the deck of this amphibious landing dock.
As well as extending the ski jump, the area behind the lift at the aft section is being covered and extended to the edge as shown in the illustration below.
This ship is being built with technical know how and under the supervision of Navantia of Spain. There must be some sort of a contract whereby certain penalty clauses are appended in case of delays and/or design problems. So within this framework, until Navantia have released the ship and TN has accepted the ship in full, there shouldn’t be much conversion possibility on the ship. That is true unless the whole project was renewed recently and a new contract was drawn. May be @Anmdt can enlighten us better and further.
TCG Anadolu is essentially a LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock). Because it will be able to carry T-929, Super Cobra and Seahawk helicopters that can launch MRAShM, Temren and L-Umtas missiles as well as accommodate ULAQ vessels that can launch torpedoes and medium range anti ship missiles, it is virtually an assault destroyer class ship that projects considerable fire power..
Although it was never a necessity, adding TB3s will certainly make it even more formidable.



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TCG Anadolu modified design looks handsome. I wish modifications get implemented.
The picture only shows TB3 on it but the ship is meant to carry MIUS and Hürjet as well, and possibly others.


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TCG Anadolu modified design looks handsome. I wish modifications get implemented.
The picture only shows TB3 on it but the ship is meant to carry MIUS and Hürjet as well, and possibly others.
I think you will find that unless they use an electromagnetic assisted arresting system, whereby you could adjust the arresting wire tension to different weights of planes, there is no chance of stopping a Hurjet weight class plane with hydraulic powered wires that is optimised to stop TB3. Vice Versa, if you tried to stop a TB3 with a wire system optimised for Hurjet, the TB3 would break apart.
Same problem would be there for MIUS as well.
TB3 is going to be a 1200kg weight class plane with very low landing speed. Hence the force applied to arresting wires will be a fraction of Hurjet‘s or even MIUS‘s, both of which will have empty weights of more than 6 tons and 4 tons respectively.
I would be happy to see TB3 landing and taking off from this ship.


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A variable tension electromagnetic breaking system is not that hard to make. It can be made the way regenerative braking of electric cars work. Stacks of pie type breaking alternators can be employed with as many as needed numbers of them being engaged and disengaged depending on the type of the plane to be handled.
Do we have the tech to build one?
I think it was the hydraulic arresters that were used in land based trials.


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This TCG Anadolu / Trakya new design was shared last August here, only new thing is shots from different angles.
The main point here is the fact that the ship is going to go through a major overhaul and redesign as per this picture, whereby the ski jump is going to be extended and the aft portion of the ship where the lift is, going to be covered to the edge.
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@Zafer ,
According to Selcuk Bayraktar’s statements in below article, TB3 will be able to land on TCG Anadolu without arresting wires. He is talking about arresting nets to stop it. Then adding that it will in fact land without the need of arresting nets.
Apparently the plane is getting ready for it’s first flight. We will soon find out if it needs arresting wires or not.

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