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Arab Barometer: 52% of Moroccans Favor China Over US, MENA countries favor China over US


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Arab Barometer: 52% of Moroccans Favor China Over US, MENA countries favor China over US

In six countries in the MENA region, fewer than a third of respondents have a “favorable” view of the US, compared significantly higher figures to China.

By Safaa Kasraoui
-Jan 15, 2021

Rabat – A new survey from Arab Barometer shows that 52% of Moroccans view China more favorably than they do the US.

The new data, which studies the US and China’s competition in the MENA, shows that only 28% of Moroccans favor the US over China.

The poll shows that fewer than a third of respondents have a favorable view of the US in the six countries in the MENA region.

In Algeria, 60% view China more favorably than the US (24%). In Tunisia, 50% of people show favorable views of China against 21% for the US.

The data shows that 34% of Libyans view China more favorably than the US (14%).

In the Middle East, 35% of Jordanians think better of China than the US (15%). The Arab Barometer study on US-China competition in the region shows that 43% people in Lebanon prefer China against 25% who prefer the US.

The Arab Barometer study explains the data, saying that the survey results “make clear that Arab publics prefer China.”

“By comparison fewer than a third have a favorable view of the US in all six countries, ranging from a high of 28 percent in Morocco to a low 14 prrcent in Libya,” the study finds.

The Arab Barometer study said that China’s focus on more socio-economic issues influences people’s opinion.

The study also said the US is more focused on politics, while China is more involved in economic related challenges.

It also revealed how people in the Arab world do not see China’s economy as a critical threat despite its leadership in the field.

Lebanese, however, are the most likely to consider China’s competition a threat, with 26%, followed by Tunisians (21%).

“Only in Morocco are citizens roughly equally concerned about the threat of Chinese vs. American economic power,” the study shows.

Arab Barometer found that 18% of Moroccans believe that the US’ economic power is a critical threat against 15% for China.

The study shows that 31% of Algerians consider the US’ economic power as a greater threat than that of China (13%). In Tunisia, 43% people believe the US’ economic power is a threat against 21% for China.

In the same region, citizens expressed positive views of the US foreign assistance.

Around 41% of Moroccans feel US foreign aid strengthens civil society, while 50% in Lebanon feel the same. Tunsians also have positive views towards US foreign assistance (46%), followed by Jordanians (40%), Algerians (35%), and Libyans (27%).



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when asked if the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) was forced to align itself with either the US or China, a majority in seven of the 10 ASEAN member countries chose China.



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China enjoys pretty good favorable rate among developing countries all across Asia, Africa and Latin America, but is hated fiercely by the western countries and their lackeys, cause China is their grave digger.


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Switzerland Correspondent
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China enjoys pretty good favorable rate among developing countries all across Asia, Africa and Latin America, but is hated fiercely by the western countries and their lackeys, cause China is their grave digger.
Would you love your grave digger?


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The Netherlands Correspondent
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China enjoys pretty good favorable rate among developing countries all across Asia, Africa and Latin America, but is hated fiercely by the western countries and their lackeys, cause China is their grave digger.

Only thing you do is give them money and when they can not pay you forcing them to give ther harbor :LOL: .

debt trap....



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Only thing you do is give them money and when they can not pay you forcing them to give ther harbor :LOL: .

debt trap....

China ranks first in debt deferrals to poorest countries
November 21, 2020

China ranked first among the Group of 20 (G20) members in terms of debt deferral amounts under the Debt Service Suspension Initiative (DSSI) for the poorest countries, Finance Minister Liu Kun said.

The country's official bilateral creditors, the China International Development Cooperation Agency and the Export-Import Bank of China, have suspended a total of 1.353 billion U.S. dollars of debt service payments, benefiting 23 countries, Liu said in an interview published Friday on the ministry's website.

The China Development Bank, as a commercial creditor, has signed agreements with DSSI beneficiaries involving 748 million dollars by the end of September, Liu said.

The G20 launched the DSSI in April to address the short-term liquidity needs of low-income countries as the COVID-19 pandemic dealt a great blow to the global economy and added to the risks of debt vulnerabilities.

The debt service payments due from May 1 to the end of the year owed by the most impoverished countries will be suspended, according to the G20 Finance Ministers and Central Bank Governors' Meeting in April.

The debt suspension was extended by another six months until June 30, 2021, the G20 finance ministers and central bank governors decided in October.

China ranks first in debt deferrals to poorest countries -


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China, World’s Biggest Creditor, Delays Debt Repayments for 77 Nations
June 10, 2020 06:57 PM

WASHINGTON - China’s announcement this week to suspend debt repayments for 77 low-income countries as part of the G-20’s debt relief program gives Beijing a political boost with foreign allies at a time when China is under scrutiny for its role in the start of the coronavirus pandemic.

Exactly how much of a political boost remains unclear. When Chinese Vice Foreign Minister Ma Zhaoxu told reporters in Beijing on Monday that Beijing is implementing a moratorium on debt payments to 77 developing countries and regions, he did not offer details, including the beneficiaries, the amount of money involved or terms of the repayment suspension.

China is currently the largest single creditor in the world, with outstanding loans to other countries in excess of 6% of global GDP. A recent study published by the Harvard Business Review found that among the 50 developing countries with the highest levels of debt, about 15% of total obligations were owed to China.

The coronavirus pandemic has dealt a huge blow to the global economy, and China’s own finances have not been spared. In late May, at the country’s National People’s Congress, Chinese Premier Li Keqiang warned that governments at all levels must tighten budgets and the central government should take the lead.

China's official unemployment rate in April was 6%, slightly higher than that in March. However, economists estimate China's real unemployment rate to be 20.5% in April, with at least 70 million unemployed.

Li Keqiang said in response to a reporter's question at the two sessions on May 28 that the average annual income in China is around $4,250 (30,000 yuan) but 600 million people earn only $140 (1,000 yuan) a month. He also said that in a medium-sized city, it might be difficult to find rent on that salary.

Notably, officials appear so uncertain about the economy that for the first time since 1990, Beijing did not set a growth target for this year's economy.

While recent data suggest that China is emerging from an economic slowdown, the recovery won’t be easy. And on China’s tightly controlled internet, some users are questioning whether the government should prioritize other countries' interests over its own.

How long will repayments be suspended?

In the short term, creditors suspending debt repayments would help to avoid bad debts, according to Weiping Qin, an economist in the United States.

Qin told VOA : “On the debtor side, if their economies are in great trouble, if they have no way to repay the debts now, and if they do not reach an agreement with their creditors, it will easily cause bad debts to have a negative impact on both sides. Moreover, the deterioration will lead to a greater crisis. I believe that the creditors and debtors can reach an understanding and delay for, let’s say, about half a year, for both sides to find a practical solution, to at least temporarily avoid further deterioration of the situation."

Qin pointed out that debt repayment suspension can only be a short-term arrangement, with the purpose being to give debtor countries a period of time to get out of economic difficulties. If such short-term arrangements do not help the domestic economies of debtor countries improve, that could signal danger for Beijing’s balance sheets.

Specifically in China's case, he believes that the Chinese government is now in a very bad financial position because of its foreign lending. In the event of a debt default in which debtor countries are unable to meet the debt repayment, China would bear huge financial losses as well as pressure from its own public.

Analysts say the suspension of debt repayments is a needed move to avoid a pile of bad debt. In light of heightened tensions with the West, China must maintain its relations with countries in Africa and Latin America.

According to the Associated Press’s interview with Ghana’s finance minister in April, Africa’s debt to China is over $145 billion. About $8 billion in payments are required this year.

Dajun Zhong, an economic observer in Beijing, sees the payment suspension as China’s helpless option.

He told VOA: “[China] can’t get the debt payment, some countries are too poor to pay back, what can you do otherwise? The Chinese government is just giving it a name, but they are actually bad debts."

Zhong said he believes that the payment suspension is for diplomatic benefits. He said China will have to pay a heavy price if it wants to win as many political allies as possible internationally, even if they are the poor countries, while the heavy cost will eventually be passed on to the Chinese people.


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if we going to copy paste then i am going do that to...



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And the poll is for the average population, it represents what the general public think of China from the grassroots level.


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As for debt, the underdeveloped countries including China (China used to be the world biggest borrower) used to have only one choice to borrow money, that's borrowing from the west and the west can make whatever conditions cause they know that other countries don't have a choice, now poor countries have another alternative to choose from, who in their right mind will believe it's a bad thing to have another choice?


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This thread is about the poll of public opinions about China and US in the middle east, it doesn't necessorily represent their governments official stance.
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