Parliament’s Arms Committee has approved the activation of the mid-life upgrade (MLU) program for the Hellenic Navy’s four MEKO frigates.
It was approved Friday by a committee majority with ruling New Democracy, PASOK and Greek Solution voting in favor, while the representative of SYRIZA, who was not present in the Parliament, expressed the party’s positive view.
The modernization of the Hydra, Spetses, Psara and Salamis was decided Friday after discussions that began in 2009. The activation of the program will lead to negotiations with the MEKO’s German manufacturers. Given the election period and the negotiations that will follow, it is estimated that an agreement is possible within 2024.
The amount approved is about €600 million, although estimates put the final cost higher due to the impossibility of predicting any problems in various structural systems of the frigates right now.

Arms committee approves upgrade of MEKO frigates | eKathimerini.com
Parliament’s Arms Committee has approved the activation of the mid-life upgrade (MLU) program for the Hellenic Navy’s four MEKO frigates.