Seems Herops took out S-300 and some radars in first minutes and immediately after that they were followed by TB2 which took out Osas and artillery.Sounds like Harops in my ears. TB2 would be too vulnerable in that environment, unless AZ pulled a preemptive strike and caught them offguard, even then Harops would be my choice.
The report is confirmed from Armenian sources. Unfortunately interview was in Armenian:
But here some more details:
* Already on first day 27 Sep Armenians lost 50% of air defence and 40% of artillery. 10 Osa's and S-300 were destroyed on first day. This happened because drones constantly monitored our positions before the war.
* There were 6 Tors, 4 were destroyed in first 15 days.
* Artsakh had mob force of 17,500 people, but instead were mobilized only about 8,000.
* 3000 out of these 8000 deserted to Armenia.
* Armenia sent 6000-7000 instead of over 11,000.
* Over 70% of officers were not on their positions.
* Majority of our loses were in Jebrail area. We lost 2000 people there.
* After defence lines in south were penetrated the frontline turned from 280 km to 470 km. We were not ready to it.

Самвел Бабаян рассказал о причинах поражения во второй Арцахской войне — Armenia Today
Экс-глава Совета безопасности Арцаха Самвел Бабаян рассказал в интервью о причинах поражения армянской стороны во второй Арцахской войне. Он сообщил, ...

Скандальное интервью Самвела Бабаяна | Генералы не выполняли приказы
Армия обороны Арцаха в первые 15-20 минут войны потеряла 40 % техники своей артиллерии и 50 % техники сил противовоздушной обороны. Это стало возможно, потому что вражеские беспилотники в ре