MP Mahmud Ahmedi Biges statements at the General Assembly of the Iranian Parliament:
"We should have supported Armenia in the Karabakh war."
"we welcome the European Union and the US embargo against Turkey."
His speech contains many insults and accusations, clearly characterizes the Turkish state as their great enemy.
One of the biggest mistakes the Turkish state made was to work with Brazil to protect these charlatans from heavy sanctions in past.
we are talking about a nation that is clearly alike armenians.. you can say they are brother nations.. both have been raised with a massive devastating victim mentality and a clear chosen enemy.. its deeply rooted to their core..
how you cant imagine armanians to be different and friendly the same goes for persians..
they are not alike us nor where they raised like us.. compleate different positions, if people think we could have good relations like france and germany now have (by looking that they had been enemies) than its because you (a general you
Ungrateful to say the least!
see my post that is not unexpected for me..