Ghost soldier
Tor missile system also destroyed
Is the SAM being destroyed in this video at 0:36 seconds a TOR? Can someone please take a look and ID it for us?would be nice if they publish the footage with the tor´s
Its indeed a Tor.Is the SAM being destroyed in this video at 0:36 seconds a TOR? Can someone please take a look and ID it for us?
This seems to be escalating really quickly. To be honest i assumed this was one of the many yearly border clashes between the two countries but the fact that Azerbadijan launched a military operation to actively capture territory shows me this will be much more intense. Azerbaijan has a far better armed forces but geography is on the side of Armenians so no doubt both sides will suffer heavy casualties. Shame it had to come to this.
Sorry but they have a Russian puppet as president that was blocking the liberation of Karabagh up until now; that's why they have to buy Russian junks like Mig-35 and never think about Jf-17 and Turkish weaponsWould be nice if the Azeri's invested in some JF-17s, like 2 squadrons of 18 thunders each. Equipped with Aselpod with KGK, LGK, HGK capability and even SOM capability, it would be an extra tool in the toolbox. Plus it could provide CAP and would lure the BUKs and S-300s out to be targeted.
I suppose they have......and also why we haven't seen any SOM missile in use, I know Azerbaijan operate a few examplesDoes Azerbaijan have any Turkish KORAL systems?
OIC and the Arab League are fully controlled by Israel.OIC is a joke a member state Azerbaijan is getting attacked and they are silent.
Not to mention Saudi Arabia and UAE are backing Armenia.
What a joke of an organisation. OIC needs to be dismantled replaced with something better without UAE, Saudi Arabia and Iran being part of it. Saudi arabia fears just that when Turkey, Malaysia and Pakistan have plans to form a proper OIC that maybe could be an Islamic EU perhaps?
OIC and the Arab League are fully controlled by Israel.
Even though Azerbaijan certainly spends more on Israeli weapons than Armenia, I reckon Israel will silently support Armenia in this conflict because they don't want Turks to gain even more geopolitical power.
I'm seeing signs of this in the Jew-controlled US media. They've chosen to blast Azerbaijan while they're completely silent on Armenia's illegal occupation of UN-recognized Azerbaijani NK.
US reps and senators are also piling on support for Armenia and calling on the US State Dept to get involved.