Not only will train but also participate in the de-mining.Whats with the Allahu Ackbar
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Not only will train but also participate in the de-mining.Whats with the Allahu Ackbar
Not only that we’re already thereNot only will train but also participate in the de-mining.
Can we reach 200 lost Armenian tanks?... See you next time on 'counting with Oryx!'
As stated by @CaucasusWarReport there are soldiers of which "track was lost" from both sides. It is not exactly something to be proud of or give example with it. There are two ways for the Turkish soldier. 1 is destroy and take no prisoners and 2 is take prisoners and treat them with respect. There is no middle way. Such actions are not only shame for the Turkish soldier but also for the whole humanity. Either control shot or nothing.Not good for the 100s of Armenian POW at our custody. Would be a shame if we lost track of some of them, or maybe not...![]()
Not all the churches in Turkey share the same fate... let's not blind ourselves by our own propaganda. It's best that we stay with the truth. We have seen and still seeing how other nations blinded by their own propaganda.![]()
Yozgat'ın tarihi kilise imama emanet
Yozgat'ın Sarıkaya ilçesine bağlı Terzili Mahallesi'ndeki caminin imamı Metin Halıcı, lojmanının avlusunda bulunan tarihi Ermeni kilisesinin bakımını ve temizliğini yapı
Tarihi kilise imama emanet
14.10.2016 - 13:18Güncelleme: 14.10.2016 - 17:45
Yozgat'ın Sarıkaya ilçesine bağlı Terzili Mahallesi'ndeki caminin imamı Metin Halıcı, lojmanının avlusunda bulunan tarihi Ermeni kilisesinin bakımını ve temizliğini yapıyor
- 01
I want to remind you all of this happing around turkey old armenian churches are being hold clean by local people like this imam
armenians still visit this church!
and than we remember the armenians in karabag
You ask...I deliver!Can we reach 200 lost Armenian tanks?... See you next time on 'counting with Oryx!'
"Ladies and gentlemen, we have reached the 200!!"
What happened in the picture has nothing to do with Armenians or "Artsakh" resolution of the French senate.
Welcome to the Forum, bro!
What's with it?
Turkey should open its border to Armenia as soon as possible. Why?
1. Detach ARM independence from Russia
2. More control and influence in ARM
3. New market for Turkish goods
4. Maybe influence on ARM politics and diaspora and pkk support
We should be seen as the good guys![]()