Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
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As stated by @CaucasusWarReport there are soldiers of which "track was lost" from both sides. It is not exactly something to be proud of or give example with it. There are two ways for the Turkish soldier. 1 is destroy and take no prisoners and 2 is take prisoners and treat them with respect. There is no middle way. Such actions are not only shame for the Turkish soldier but also for the whole humanity. Either control shot or nothing.
They would have to change some of their political goals. But we should not do this yet. If the diaspora has so much influence in western countries let's make the western countries come with offers to us.I've been thinking the same. If Armenia behaves, we should open the borders and allow business to commence. Our eastern provinces will win, business will win and trust can be build with Armenia. They will be given a way out of their dependence. Even now with the borders closed Turkish products make it into the supermarkets of Armenia, but paying a big premium for distributors and transport through Iran or Georgia.
I swear I thought France should give Marseille to the Armenians too. Quite an important port city/region imo.Assalamu'alaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh to Muslim
& Good day to the rest
They were going to make a new road anyway because in the ceasefire Lacin is handed over to Azerbaycan. I think they're just retelling the story again changing it slightly.Aliyev said that Baku proposes to create a new corridor connecting Nagorno-Karabakh with Armenia: transfer the city of Lachin to Azerbaijan
Раньше всех. Ну почти.
⚡️Алиев заявил, что Баку предлагает создать новый коридор, соединяющий Нагорный Карабах с Арменией: передать Азербайджану город Лачин
Turkey should open its border to Armenia as soon as possible. Why?
1. Detach ARM independence from Russia
2. More control and influence in ARM
3. New market for Turkish goods
4. Maybe influence on ARM politics and diaspora and pkk support
We should be seen as the good guys![]()
According to the New York Times' allegation based on sources in Baku, Putin gave Aliyev an ultimatum on the night of the tripartite agreement on Karabakh: Stop the operations after taking Shusha or the Russian army will intervene.
That night, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Azerbaijan announced that the Russian Mi-24 was "accidentally" shot down by Azerbaijan.
This is how Russia planned the future of the Karabakh war from the very beginning. There is nothing Azerbaijan can do against Russia. Let's not deceive ourselves in anticipation in vain. Even if Ilham Aliyev continued the operations, he would lose more than he received.So basc
So basically Russia saved armenia's skin.
This is how Russia planned the future of the Karabakh war from the very beginning. There is nothing Azerbaijan can do against Russia. Let's not deceive ourselves in anticipation in vain. Even if Ilham Aliyev continued the operations, he would lose more than he received.