Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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I assume the Azerbaijani army is not going to buy Russian arms from now on only when absolutely necessary?
the problem was that the head of our forces couldnt even speak Azerbaijani. He was working for Russia. previous defense minister was Lezgi, who are actually speak only Russian language. the guy who was pointing ministry of interior, and head of everything was also Russian guy and were reciving medal every year,

Our president was a young guy when he came to power, they appointed him thinking that if anybody else comes, there would be huge protest in Azerbaijan and they could kick our Russian guy immidiately with help of Turkey. for example, Azerbaijan was first country who kicked our USSR forces, millions of people went against Russian forces in city without weapon, thousands died but finally Russia understood that they need to live. my dad was one of them too, they were using molotov cocktail and hunting weapons against Russian forces. so, Russia though he can come, as everybody respected his dad and were fine him being a president, and they can keep controlling the country. But, when he came, he also knew that he is weak. he first showed himself on their side, cleaned inside one by one. 3-4 years ago changed defense minister that was more into Turkey, i even said it some years ago some people might remember. some months ago he changed the government system how its ruled and simply kick out the guy who used to appoint all ministers(the russian guy). the same day when they started the war, he also arrested the head of all forces. basically he first changed defense minister for his mistakes, he put someone close, then that guy appoints all people who study in Turkey and they kick our the bigger guy. Russia was too strong in Azerbaijan, but not anymore, they lost all their trusted people, also had no support from local people as everybody wants to be with Turkey.

We still export 3 billion$ goods to Russia, which is big, when you imagine that whole Armenian economy is 2 billion$. also, if we loose it, Armenia could gain it.. the only reason armenia couldnt gain it is our Mafia is too strong in Russia, they are the head of all Mafia there. unlike other mafias, our mafia dont control drug sales, because of islamic rules. they are totally against it. but They control all Bazaar. sales of all vegetables, or import from Turkey about shoes and so on. even in Karabagh war, they kicked all armenian sellers from bazaar, even Russian government couldnt do anything about it. or, at one video, Armenians kicked 5-6 of them 1 Azerbaijani, to make him say Karabagh is Armenian, but he didnt say and got kicked so bad. the next day, hundreds of Armenians got shoot in Russia. all their cafes, restaurants destroyed(they are normally in that business) and all of them even closed their places. finally they said sorry, thousands of them, and also Russian government stepped in to stop it. as you can see, Russian cannot really do much in itself. they even wanted to make Chechen people get all the control as CHechen leader is close person of Putin, our side killed huge part of them immidiately and Chechen people officially said that they have no intention to take it anymore and they are sorry for that. our side were still not happy and Chechen people themsels killed they guy who said bad things about the head of our mafia and it stopped.
even our government used them in their favour, for example, Russia killed the head of Azerbaijani mafia, who killed all Russian, Armenian and Georgian mafia and became like a king. theyr though the is no guy to replace him. but our president immidiately freed the guy from prison who got life sentence and he again replaced him. thats when Chechens tried to got the business and got their ass kicked.
I think the main reason our mafia is too strong, our army trains thousands of SOF units every year. some of them later get off and join to mafia with huge salary. with that level training, so far, nobody in Russia even try to go against them as they killed hugeeee Russian mafias. imagien that all Russian prisons work for the mafia, send money to them too.

so, probably they will still keep relations, but not as before. they will move to Turkish systems. even our president mentioned that they will make a small version of Turkish army.. the only problem is EU and USA also has embargo on us even though our land is occupied. We want to buy armored vehicles but because of engine we cannot, we wanted to purchase 36 Firtina artillery, again engine problem, we wanted to purchase SOM missiles, again engine problem and none of them finalized. probably 2021 will be the year of difference and most probably thats what our president was waiting for..


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5th most seen episode (Azerbaijan-Armenia 2020 war, Turkish drones etc) of The Print in 2020.

(9.05 - 10.00 minutes):

Congrats to @Oryx again, was significant part of that initial episode.


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Keep on topic guys.
to write more, those independent groups, who used to speak Armenian and roads, didnt have a weapon to fight. so they needed to go to speak Armenian with Armenian soldiers, get the trust and then get weapon and kill them, thats how most of them armed themselves and didnt even report to anybody. later they were arming other forces and once Russia saw the Armenians start to kill each other and there huge panic between Armenian forces and thousands dead, they pushed us to make the ceasefire.. but instead, they officially promised us to make our Baku-Tbilisi-Ceyhan petrol pipeline which would make us rich later.

funny part, Russia still doent accept anybody from Dagestan or Chechnya to Russian army. if you live in Northen Caucasia, you are not accepted to Russian army, the only place its not required..

there is one reason is not to let those people know about army technology.
another reason is our people are sooo into fighting sport. Whole our region. if you have a son, first thing you do is put him in wrestling or kickboxing so he will be able to protect itself. mostly in our culture its one on one fights, you cannot beat somebody as a group, thats like unwritten law. thats why our people got crazy when Armenians beat one guy like 5-6 people. they got ass kicked so bad that since that time Armenians never ever tried to fight with our people. the thing is they did it in California, no way they could do it in Russia.. So, if there is 3 guys from Caucasia and 70 guys from Russia, those 3 guys will be together and control the whole army base. Russian people afraid of Caucasian people so bad. They call us black people because of the black hair)) you can find thousands of videos where bunch of Caucasian soldiers make hundreds of Russians dance, or kick each other, they basically make a kingdom in army base, and no Russian will be able to talk about it as he will be beaten bad. it also worked for Russian army officers as they didnt care about discipline, our people will do the rest.. it went to the level that Russian moms, 100s of thousands officially asked to stop it and they found a solution by not accepting soldiers from our region ))
these are some videos, they write the name of the cities they are from on those soldiers.

i dont support it but this is the reality..


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I assume the Azerbaijani army is not going to buy Russian arms from now on only when absolutely necessary?

Turkey needs another 20 years of domestic military developments before Azerbaijan can completely rely on Turkey. Azerbaijan should do what they have always been doing, balancing their relations in a region where they border to big nations in Russia and Iran.

However i do agree where Turkey is an option it should be the first option. But i wouldn't just look to sell to Azerbaijan, they should be invited to partner programs and eventually even have manufacturing centres in Azerbaijan.

In essence Azerbaijan should become shareholders within Turkish military defence industry, Turkey gets more financing and the fact Turkey will be selling to a bigger domestic market will bring per unit cost down. It will make things cheaper and speed up future developments.


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From 20:31 the video starts lagging and going between and fourth o_O
some videos were originally like that, especially those have been taken by Harop, seems like Harop either is not protected much against Ew atacks or because of its size, or flying low attitude among high mountains, couldnt transmit the video well.. also some without sound at the end which were originally shared like that..


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No, apart from fighter aircraft, the Turkish defense industry can deliver everything the Azerbaijani's want from this year on.

For land based platforms we need another 10 years to develop a range of engines to be used on things like the Altay tank.

For fighter aircraft we will need 20 years to develop our own engines.

As it stands now we can't produce these critical parts. Each year we progress, just like we rolled out short range air defence in hisar at the end of last year we need another 10 years to make long range.

But to suggest we can supply Azerbaijan with everything they need when we can't yet supply ourselves with everything we need is premature. My feeling is within 10 years only fighter aircraft engines will remain an issue to be completed by Turkey.


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I'm surprised how Azerbaijan gets weaponry early from turkey without making it public
its normal, because if we say it, then Armenia go to EU, US and beg for arm technology for free so they can be at the same level.. we bought used mig-29 but they received immediately new SU-30 for free, we bought some ballistic missiles, Russia immediately sent them Iskender and Scud missiles... all for freee


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Armenian prisoners during Karabakh war. It took only 2 hour fight 240 armenian soldiers to raise white flag...
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Winner of 2020 is Azerbaijan.

They took back Karabag and the liberation of Susa is now in the history books.

The 90s war has been avenged and Armenia got humiliated that they begged for Russians to come into the region.

I hope Azerbaijan will take back Hankendi when the time comes. Russians cant stay there forever.


3 1,801
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Winner of 2020 is Azerbaijan.

They took back Karabag and the liberation of Susa is now in the history books.

The 90s war has been avenged and Armenia got humiliated that they begged for Russians to come into the region.

I hope Azerbaijan will take back Hankendi when the time comes. Russians cant stay there forever.
Thanks bro, as i follow Armenian news(they think im also Armenian), i clearly see that all Russia wants is to increase the tension, and later say that if you dont join to be part of Russia, Turks will kill you all, thats your only way out... They openly say it in all their telegram and other channels with more that 100.000 participants.. our side with Turkey also understand it, thats why they act very nice with them so far.. but they saw that people started not to trust them, they made some soldiers to attack our base, which ended up one of our soldier die from the first shooting(thats why i wish our side buy the new Turkish radar to track in forest even though its only 250 meters, its huge for there.) and our soldiers immediately neutralized 6 and according to first report from soldiers to 6 as pow but later that pow part was denied. You cannot imagine how much they lie in those channels. almost in every videos our soldier take, they show the wolf sign, they go and show those videos saying that Turks(they also call us Turks which we are)) coming to kill all Armenians, these videos show that they will kill everybody and so on.. funny part, when our soldiers attacked, they let all innocent people leave, didnt kill those who couldnt leave. so people also dont know to believe or not.. funny part, those people didnt leave the areas, because during the war, armenian news were saying lets say our soldiers fight in the city, Armenia wininng in that area, but in reality, that area was 30-40km behind and our forces in the forward, so when local people saw our soldiers they were shocked) because of their lies, they also lost so many soldiers to our SOF, as those soldiers putting music and dancing, didnt think that our SOF could be near them... even there was a SOF video, talking about SHusha war. They went there through top of the mountions that full of rocks, Armenians didnt even expect. when they arrived, they saw that 7 truck with full of soldiers sent for "help" to front, they went our to make post and so on, but our SOF were on top of them and preparing to finish it.. you know the rest.. Armenians lies simply hit themselves the most..
to make it short, Russia knows that they cannot survive there if they go against our forces. during the Karabagh war, Armenians had all the high possitions, but now, Khankendi(stepanaket) way lower than SHusha, actually when you look from Shusha, you can clearly see Khankendi, kinda few km way downhill. For example, even head of "Armenians in Karabagh" said that if they wouldnt sign the deal, Khankendi would fall within a day". or, Lachin corridor is only 3km wide, if we close it, its encircled. There is no way Russia can keep it when its circled by our forces. They just want to take the advantage of being there to get ARmenia. Our forces could go deep in there every single day, kill some Russian and local forces and come back. Russia wouldnt even stay there a month if that starts. our forces is very professional about it. just imagine that every single our SOF have done it at least more that 10 times before Karabagh, thats what the used to do. Thats why so many Armenians move away from Armenia, sending your son to there to be a soldier is like was like very risky. thats why our side doesnt care much. but we also dont want them to join Russia yet too, as we want to get Zengezur first, as it was given to Armenia during the USSR to cut Azerbaijan from Turkey. imagine that 300.000 Azerbaijani were forcefully moved from those areas(in 1988) and many died and i am also from those areas. to be honest, the whole reason i started to learn army technology from childhood is to return those areas one day, and there are hundreds of thousands people were like me. Russia also knows that thats our next target so want to stop it..
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Thanks bro, as i follow Armenian news(they think im also Armenian), i clearly see that all Russia wants is to increase the tension, and later say that if you dont join to be part of Russia, Turks will kill you all, thats your only way out... They openly say it in all their telegram and other channels with more that 100.000 participants.. our side with Turkey also understand it, thats why they act very nice with them so far.. but they saw that people started not to trust them, they made some soldiers to attack our base, which ended up one of our soldier die from the first shooting(thats why i wish our side buy the new Turkish radar to track in forest even though its only 250 meters, its huge for there.) and our soldiers immediately neutralized 6 and according to first report from soldiers to 6 as pow but later that pow part was denied. You cannot imagine how much they lie in those channels. almost in every videos our soldier take, they show the wolf sign, they go and show those videos saying that Turks(they also call us Turks which we are)) coming to kill all Armenians, these videos show that they will kill everybody and so on.. funny part, when our soldiers attacked, they let all innocent people leave, didnt kill those who couldnt leave. so people also dont know to believe or not.. funny part, those people didnt leave the areas, because during the war, armenian news were saying lets say our soldiers fight in the city, Armenia wininng in that area, but in reality, that area was 30-40km behind and our forces in the forward, so when local people saw our soldiers they were shocked) because of their lies, they also lost so many soldiers to our SOF, as those soldiers putting music and dancing, didnt think that our SOF could be near them... even there was a SOF video, talking about SHusha war. They went there through top of the mountions that full of rocks, Armenians didnt even expect. when they arrived, they saw that 7 truck with full of soldiers sent for "help" to front, they went our to make post and so on, but our SOF were on top of them and preparing to finish it.. you know the rest.. Armenians lies simply hit themselves the most..

After the Armenians especially Pashiyan mentioned the Treaty of Sevres even wanted that treaty back it was now time for Turkiye to give full support to Azerbaijan for just about everything. It was time for Turkiye and Azerbaijan to destroy greater armenia dreams forever. Lets not forget how Pashiyan and the armenians werw dancing and celebrating in Susa basically trying to rub salt to our wounds.

Thankfully it was realised that you cant have peace with armenians. Even the Georgians realised it due to Armenian land claims against their own country.

With an Iron Fist our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters broke their backs and their dreams forever.


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After the Armenians especially Pashiyan mentioned the Treaty of Sevres even wanted that treaty back it was now time for Turkiye to give full support to Azerbaijan for just about everything. It was time for Turkiye and Azerbaijan to destroy greater armenia dreams forever. Lets not forget how Pashiyan and the armenians werw dancing and celebrating in Susa basically trying to rub salt to our wounds.

Thankfully it was realised that you cant have peace with armenians. Even the Georgians realised it due to Armenian land claims against their own country.

With an Iron Fist our Azerbaijani brothers and sisters broke their backs and their dreams forever.
bro, we were always ready to break them.. in every fighting sport, even today the chess championship we won, in business in Russia, in mafia and so on,but the problem was Russia. Thats why our people are so thankful to Turkey, Erdogans full support, made Russians only join with supplying army technology, which Armenians left behind and ran.. just imagine that last 30 years, Armenians never climbed on top of those mountain thinking that there is always our SOF there.. interesting part, those SOF who had relatives died in those land, used to go to there and leave fresh flower on their anniversary or so on. even Armenian TVs used to cast it and talk with locals. sometimes they were leaving our flag that the whole city can see it. Thats why they couldnt leave there, no Armenians wanted to live there as they saw that even their soldiers dont want to go to those top of the mountains and stay there. Armenians saw that nobody wants to live there, so they destroyed all our cities, every single house, it look like nuclear bomb was used. they lived in Kahnkendi as and nearby, which is a city type and you can go out at night. They tried to move kurds and others Christians from Syria, they gave them free houses and so on. but they were the first ones who ran when the war started.. even in 2016, Pashinyan said in their Parlament that he thinks they need to return the land as nobody wants to live there.. our government used a very good tactic, non stop pressure on them. of course our side also lost soldiers during that that, we are not terminators, but the mind is different. everybody wanted war, nobody could accept that Armenians live in their land.

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