Azerbaijan Armenia Tensions


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If it were to be true, I would say that it's to protect Israel, not Azerbaijan. In which case, the US could approve. Azerbaijan is the best place to deploy such a system, as Iraq, Syria and Kuwait are out of the question.
Arrow-3 itself in Azerbaijan is useless for Israel. Early warning radars could be useful.

Cost (available quantity)
It should be used vs. high value targets.

Up- and down-link necessary (risk of jamming)
Even Russians could not jam anything in Syria.

Slow speed (easier to kill)
That indeed can be a problem in heavy air defence areas. I think it would be good to buy Delilah for Azerbaijan.


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"Indestructable Brotherhood 2021) joint exercise is continuing in Nakhchivan. Looks like also SOF of the State Security Service of Azerbaijan participated in the exercise.



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M48 Iran Siniri.jpg

a Turkish M 48 on the Iranian border


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Iran will never be stupid enough to try and attack Azerbaijan directly. They'd get wrecked and probably lose a good portion of their land as well. They are good at proxy warfare but they have attempted in the past to use proxies to wield influence in Azerbaijan and it has failed miserably.

I wonder what we're giving Armenia in return for this. I find it to be a risky endeavor to start opening up so soon after the war (only been a year) and with so many unresolved issues (the mines and the Zengezur road) but I think it's probably less us and Armenia doing this willingly and more that we're being "pushed" here. Most obvious is Russia, maybe Turkey benefits too, but I feel the invisible hand of other powers here as well.

Still it would be nice to have slightly less hostile relations with Armenia. Though I don't think we should relent and let all bygones be bygones until they completely relinquish all claims on Karabakh. Maybe we get something like Turkey and Greece, where we're not friends but we're not actively trying to kill each other.
I am not sure if new tension in the region at that stage would benefit Armenia as the Armed Forces of Armenia are totally crippled and the country's economy is also not doing great. The best that could happen to Armenia is normalization of ties with Turkey and Azerbaijan and they know it. Armenia will not see prosperity until normalization and cooperation prevails.

While Iran is not happy with the outcome and is threatening with military operation if Azerbaijan acts militarily on the Zangezur corridor problem Armenia seems to soften its tone. Pashinyan seeks a meeting with Erdogan, Armenian minister is talking about the small amounts of investment in infrastructure needed for the opening of the Zangezur corridor but strangely rejects any other country's forces to control over the corridor pointing at the initial deal where Russian FSB controls the traffic trough Zangezur and also opens airspace for Azerbaijani civilian air traffic.

The best for Caucasus and Turkey/Azerbaijan interests is regional cooperation that would pave the way for additional prosperity of the region and also creates in a way a Turkic corridor which will increase the ease for cooperation between the Turkic countries. I personally don't have anything against normalization of relations with Armenia but we must not make any compromises over our interests. The regional powers should understand that Turkey is no longer sleeping on these issues and that nothing can happen without the participation of Turkey.


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Sharing again so people understand the position of Iran.

The first Secretary-General of Hezbullah a prominent Lebanese Shia cleric Subhi Al-Tufayli explains his experience with Iran on the Azerbaijan-Armenia conflict.

Subhi Al-Tufayli:

"At that time I was in Tahran. I saw how the Iranian public and media supported Armenia. State and media supported the Armenians... I was shocked because I was expecting that they would look at the Armenians as enemies. You are telling that you are Islamic country. You are telling that you are together with the oppressed but I can't understand why you are together with the opressors, the enemy. For centuries you are telling that Azerbaijan is a part of Iran, Azeris are part of Iran and for real Azeris are living in Iran. So your place had to be next to the oppressed Azeris which are part of you. They are also oppressed, Shia, Muslims. I am really struggling to understand that. Allah S.W.T is saying in the Holy Quran 'and help one another in goodness and piety' (Surah Maidah, Ayat 2). Is this how you are helping one another? I said to the Iranian Minister of Foreign Affairs 'Explain that Baku situation to me'. Without entering to much details I will tell you shortly what he said to me: 'Armenia is on the border with Turkey and we want to prevent the connection between Turkic countries. Countries like Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Azerbaijan. We are together with the Armenians on a corridor against Turkey.' I said to myself 'I wish I hadn't asked anything'. Those countries want to prevail over their difficulties! You are cooperating with non-Muslim countries instead of unite your power with another Muslim country in the name of Turkey and cooperate with them."


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Maybe we get something like Turkey and Greece, where we're not friends but we're not actively trying to kill each other.

Here's to hoping for that. It would be big step in right direction and sets up better steps later when enough time has passed.


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There shouldnt be any peace.

I hope in the future Azerbaijan takes back Yerevan.

Armenia should be partitioned between Turkey and Azerbaijan. If we seriously believe in peace the solution is annexing Yerevan and connecting Turkey to Azerbaijan.

Let this video be a lesson on what they think of us. And Azerbaijan and Turkey should prepare for the future war against Armenia. Armenia is gearing up for round 3 under the support of Russia.



There shouldnt be any peace.

I hope in the future Azerbaijan takes back Yerevan.

Armenia should be partitioned between Turkey and Azerbaijan. If we seriously believe in peace the solution is annexing Yerevan and connecting Turkey to Azerbaijan.

Let this video be a lesson on what they think of us. And Azerbaijan and Turkey should prepare for the future war against Armenia. Armenia is gearing up for round 3 under the support of Russia.
Chad Mongolian vs Virgin armenian


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Armenians played a central role in the Russian expansion of the Caucasus.

I highly suggest people look it up. How the Armenians supported the Ottoman Empire once the Ottomans started to weaken and lose wars against Russia is when they switched sides.


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Armenians have given up on taking any territory one on one so they expect Russia to fight for their entitled asses.

If Russia took Kars and Agri Dag they will annex it into Russia no way they would give it back to Armenia LOL

If the Russians want to take one inch of Turkish soil they can feel free to "try".


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Iran should be proud with another Shia-state as a neighbour. No instead being happy about this, they see it as a danger.

Please someone explain me what Iran did to defend or help the Muslim world?

- Supporting USA in the war against Iraq (opening airspace)
- Supporting Armenia in the First Karabach War against Azerbaijan
- Supporting the Christian Falangists and Shia militias against the Palestinians and Lebanese Sunni's in the Lebanese Civil War
- Supporting the Sovjets against the Mujahedeen during the invasion of Afghanistan
- Aiding the Republic of Artsakh with the occupation in the Second Karabach War
- Supporting the USA in their war against the Taliban in Afghanistan
- Supporting Bashar Al Assad and Hezbollah against Arab civillians in the Syrian Civil War

Hm....... it seems to me that you still dont understand Iran grand strategy, dear friend!
Dont let the Iranian media fool you, dont believe their bullshit of protecting the rights of shia muslims etc.... this is a farce
My teacher once said that both the US and Iran are two sides of the same coin. They want the same thing at the end of the day
Iran, as a country and population, believes that they have been wronged for 100s of years and that their imperial heritage (the Fattimiyah As far as I know) are the true masters of the land.
The Question here is..... how to restore such imperial legacy?
They are using their heritage as the strongest shia empire to rile up shia minorities worldwide under the guise of brotherhood etc...However, that is a lie! Iran doesnt even give a single f**k to all the shias outside Iran. What Iran wants are disposable arms and legs; i-e, countries that do the bidding of Iran but they must not have the SAME rights as the Iranians! What the iranians wanna do is in a sense of old european style monarchies of nobles and peasants! The iranian shias will be the nobles while the rest of the shias worldwide will be peasants while Iran will suck up all the rights and resources of the shia peasants. That is why Iran doesnt like Azerbaijan! A shia country that doesnt follow ORDERS is unwanted by the iranian regime. Iran doesnt want, friendships they want damn TOOLS.
The USA is the same tbh.... they never want turkey to be strong..... just some canoon fodder or disposables to throw against US enemies in case of a war. Not only Turkey though, Greece as well as some EU countries are in the same bag as well. Not only that, the US goes to one country after another, claiming that they promote democracies; yet support dictators to control such countries from the shadows and steal their resources

With this, you can understand that both the US and Iran are literally the same. It is just that the US had an early headstart, that is all
I mean how does the US policy differ from Iran's policy for god's sake. Both are the same rotten opportunistic pricks


You remind me a bit of the resident wumao in this forum.

Say all kind of things on PDF (about turkey and turks) that you don't have guts to here....and then got called out here bout it and laugh it off.

OK pal. You can continue just like he does, it is your right here.....just dont expect people not to call it out.
No because the rules here aren’t allowing they deleted many of my posts.

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